Monday, March 4, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: KTVU Sets Alex Savidge/Heather Holmes in Place


  1. I wish they’d bring Frank back. Then I would watch ktvu again. What a great move that would be. Everyone would watch. And ktvu would look great giving him another chance. That’s the right move to make. But ktvu won’t do it because they never seem to do the right thing. For the record Alex is going to be great. I really like him. Anything is better than Mike.

    1. " Everyone would watch."

      For one week.

      "And ktvu would look great giving him another chance."

      No, they would look stupid and gullible because EVERY addict makes the kinds of noises Frank makes but very few ever recover. Was true of George Watson decades ago. (If you don't know who he is, google it.) So far Frank has said three times he's "better" and two have been shown by Frank himself to have been lies. Now he's saying he can't understand why his brother and the rest of his family aren't giving him a chance. That's classic denier behavior— "Nothing wrong with me; it's on THEM." And you just take Frank's word for it, not knowing anything about what the rest of his family—and the rest of the employees at KTVU—know.

    2. @1:32 I totally agree; they gave him a million chances but he continues to burn his own bridges, one chance too many IMOHO

    3. He is finished at KTVU and I wouldn’t watch. Move forward.

  2. This should have been done immediately at the onset of the F.S. debacle. Great! Congratulations! You know reign over a pile of ashes.

  3. Sounds like a great duo for 2024...

  4. Congrats to Alex and Heather on their well-deserved promotions! Any word on when the switchover will occur? Will this go into effect effective immediately?

    1. Yes, we want to know.

    2. @1:23, I share the same questions. Demoting both prime-time anchors at once would be a monumental, and almost unheard of move. Many on this blog argue that Haener’s absences and AWOL status stem from her rightful use of earned PTO. If true, there’s no legitimate basis for her demotion and handing the reins to Heather. You can’t demote someone for taking vacation time, especially when Haener still performs her job well. It seems unlikely for KTVU to take such action against Haener after 25+ years of service.

      As for Mibach, he never should have been given the job; Alex was the clear choice from the start. But it’s the same situation. I doubt they’ll demote Mibach, especially after his recent promotion and with no apparent performance issues.

      This raises the question: is the Heather & Alex scenario KTVU’s long-term goal? Or do they have a concrete plan to make it happen? Without significant action, Haener and Mibach have no reason to ever leave their roles.

  5. Is the perpetual pile of laundry ever going to be put away? I feel like it needs a name at this point.

    1. It certainly is not good fen shuei the energy in that room is not flowing properly thus Rich’s erratic behavior

  6. Savidge was always my first choice with Senior a close second. Last night Heather Holmes was great carrying the dead weight that is constipation man. I think she and Savidge make a good combo. Let’s see if it pans out.

  7. coldhandswarmheart@gmail.comMarch 4, 2024 at 2:29 PM

    leaves Julie Haener more time to watch Jake's football games, spend time with boytoy Mark Ibanez and her endless trips.

    1. Her son is a third stringer who was suspended for doping in his first year. Can we please stop bringing him up like he’s taking the NFL by storm!?

    2. 4:52, Amen. I don’t understand all the references to him in these comments. One person here recently referred to him as a ‘top nfl quarterback.’ For those unfamiliar…

      After returning from his suspension for using drugs (what a way to start an nfl career), he never got a single snap all season. Three Saints QB’s got playing time but not Haener. So technically he’s a 4th stringer wearing khakis and an upside down visor on the sidelines with job responsibilities that include washing Derek Carr’s truck, spraying Gatorade into players mouths during timeouts, and wiping players asses if they require assistance or are too lazy to wipe it themselves.

  8. Finally, I can start watching ktvu at 10 again. I'm not a fan of Mibach or Haener and think this new direction will be a great move.

    1. I don't think you listened to Rich's video correctly. Nothing is changing.

  9. Frank, KBAK in Bakersfield is looking for an anchor.

  10. Will Heather still do the 7:30PM broadcast? She's my favorite.

    1. I love Heather at 730 PM. That is the best show on 2. She does a great, great job there.

    2. @8:07 - Alex doing that West Coast show at 7pm isn't bad either, but if I had to watch one full 30 minute newscast, it would be the 7:30PM show with Heather. She's calm, smooth, professional, and beautiful.

    3. I remember Heather reading tweets from people mourning the death of John Madden and saying "rip John" over and over instead of RIP John. It's on YouTube.

  11. Although I agree with the change, I feel sorry for Mibach if he is getting this from you before his boss delivers the news. Haener can take a hike and the sooner the better. I thought Senior was a possible 10pm anchor but after watching him so much in the morning he seems to talk so fast he makes mistakes here and there. Savage is a great choice. Maybe Mibach can just trade time slot assignments with Savage.

  12. "Sports may be on the way out"

    This is true not only for sports, but also weather and news. Our phones bring us all the latest at an instance. TV news programs are good background noise while getting ready for work, or while eating a meal.

    1. Agree, definitely not "sit down and pay attention" television.

  13. 1:32 PM is spot on. Glad I am not the only one not on the Frank-comeback band wagon as well. I bet he posts a lot of this we read and has no interest in working in Fresno or starting out at the bottom over again to “prove himself” as someone suggested. He has too big of an ego for that. If he has to work for fulfillment maybe he should sell luxury cars; like high end Porsches. I read when he lived in the Oakland Hills house his neighbor complained he ran the Porsche engine while just sitting in the yard because he likes the sound. Guess he is not an environmentalist.

    1. "I bet he posts a lot of this we read and has no interest in working in Fresno or starting out at the bottom over again to “prove himself” as someone suggested. He has too big of an ego for that."

      Well, come on, he's almost 70; a little late to "start over." And someplace like Fresno isn't going to hire a 67 or whatever year-old. That's where 22 year olds start.

      Come a time you can't "prove yourself" or "start again." You're done. As done as a Thanksgiving Day turkey that's still in the oven at Easter. That's Frank. An Easter turkey.

  14. Wishing Haener and Mibach the best on their next ventures now that ktvu has decided to turn the page and move on from them. They both need to go for different reasons. Mibach isn’t the right fit and Haener isn’t committed to the job anymore. Will their employment be terminated or will ktvu reassign them to other duties? I don’t see a role for Haener but perhaps Mibach can be Mark Ibanez replacement or demote him back to 4am

    1. Mibach could be the comeback kid and get back to the big leagues if he can take care of buying properly fitting trousers and getting a professional haircut. Good grief can you at least do the bare minimum with your appearance?

    2. Didn't you idiots hear him say it's not official and Julie Haener "is not leaving anytime soon." Rich has been saying for years now Savidge and Holmes will replace Mibach and Haener *someday.* What part of *someday* don't you understand???

  15. This is such horse shit. Literally nothing is changing. Nor will it. Blah blah blah as usual here with zero foundation in reality.

  16. This was the right decision and one that should have happened long ago, IMHO. Mike Mibach always felt like a stopgap measure, never like he would be the next long-term guy after Dennis Richmond and Frank S. And as a bonus with Alex, we no longer have an anchor with a strange hairstyle who wears pants 4" too short, like we had with Mr. Constipation Man.

  17. 6:27pm - I am not 2:40pm but what are you talking about? Read the title of the YouTube and what Rich says in it again yourself. What part of either says Mibach and Haener are not about to be replaced by Savage and Holmes for the iconic (or formerly rather) KTVU 10 O’Clock News? Are you saying he is wrong? Would not be the first time I suppose.

  18. Everyone can now take a deep sigh of relief and chillax: Julie Haener is back tonight and looking fabulous!

    1. Yeah, she took a week of vacation and everyone is going crazy. Get a life, people.

  19. Can KTVU get rid of Dave Clark while they're at it? He's terrible, making no fewer than 17 dozen gaffes per newscast. This morning, while referring to the Filipino language of Tagalog, he pronounced it as 'Tag-a-log' (Like, tag, you're it). How does he live in the Bay Area and not know it's pronounced 'Tuh-gah-lug'?

    1. Oh for fuck sake, now we're upset that an elderly black male doesn't use what you believe to be the ethnically-correct pronunciation of a language he doesn't speak? I'm no Dave Clark apologist but some of these gripes are ridiculous.

    2. “How does he live in the Bay Area and not know it's pronounced 'Tuh-gah-lug'?”

      The same way I do.

  20. I saw it was Haener & Mibach at 10pm on Monday. As a viewer, I'll merely tune-in if I remember to do so and not watching something else. I can even watch various clips hours/a-day later on AppleTV, rather than live. It could be Mibach & Haener are merely moving to a Mon-Fri schedule or even some other weekly variation.

    For current news as I type, oh no!!, Facebook and Instagram are down. X (aka Twitter) is up, however. That is all.

  21. Does KTVU have an actual plan and timeline to make Alex and Heather the lead anchors? Or is this just their dream future state?

  22. ktvu employee here...this post has prompted a ton of discussion internally and also uncertainty if this means bye-bye for mike and julie and when. one person here was about to congratulate alex when they saw him but thought twice and decided to wait until the official announcement is made.

  23. 7:38 PM re. Mibach “no apparent performance issues”. Given Rich and many commenters, sounds like there are if ratings are tanking. Does he get a pass for that? You can pin the same ratings loss on Haener too. What makes you think KTVU is obligated to keep either? Maybe ethically, they should offer Haener a nice severance to finally leave and Mibach a lateral to a different time slot.

    1. This is 7:38…you’re absolutely right about tanking ratings being grounds to shake things up and try new anchor combinations. There’s little doubt the Haener/Mibach pairing is a bust. They need to cut their losses and try the new pairing. Some would argue that Mibach is the problem, not Haener. I suspect if Haener was paired with a more equal partner, eg Alex Savidge, she’d feel more inspired to show up to work.

  24. Serious question: Do people believe the comments on this site reflect the typical KTVU viewer? When I read these remarks, I always wonder if this is an example of a small minority verbalizing what the broader majority are feeling, or if this is really a case of a fringe few with fringe opinions.

    1. The station’s viewership ratings compared to other news stations are in line with most of the comments I read here. What more correlation do you need?
