Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Election Day Coverage Down and Out in Bay Area/SF


  1. Got the ballot a month ago. It is a short ballot. Easy to read the voter guide. Put pen to paper, marked the ballot, and sent it in.
    This isn’t Rocket surgery. Voting isn’t hard. I think the folks who must go to the polls either cannot read, or are simply lonely, or want to heckle their neighbor for not raking their leaves.
    America, where laziness reigns

    1. Some of us actually like going to the polls jackass.....in some countries people walk for days to vote....so before you express your superior opinion, better to just STFU

  2. CNN is skewed toward ultra left. Bring that up each time you bring up FOX being skewed, SHREK

  3. I wonder if some of it is Election fatigue. Some may be coming to the fact that Trump may sadly win again, and it's almost like the things we vote for, sadly may not come to fruition. We'll see how things go, but I think some people are just tired of the same old BS politically.

  4. Election Day was once a day of pride - a day people would walk around with their "I Voted" stickers. Lately, it just seems like every politician is not to be trusted.

  5. Thank God, no more fucking campaign commercials! (for a little while anyways).

  6. I vote to get rid of the liberal, brain-dead, no talent, baby hyena pen called SFGate. Turn City Hall it into a homeless shelter, where the wretches can slam dope and nobody will fear stepping on needles or excrement.

  7. I can't believe the surge of fascism going on in this country. That so many would overlook the criminality and the abject incompetence (and lack of integrity and intelligence) of the Tangerine Toddler and actually NOMINATE and VOTE for him leaves me mournful. Our democracy--our democracy--is circling the drain.

    1. 8:44. Crying lib. We are a Constitutional Republic. Now, carry on with your meltdown.

  8. KPIX. Please stop broadcasting UEFA "Champions League Soccer" in lieu of the midday news. Useless.

    1. Yes, agree wholeheartedly. Soccer is horribly dull. A bunch of guys running back and forth down a GIGANTIC field and never scoring. Just kicking the ball back and forth. Stupid sport, if you want to call it a sport.

  9. Why soccer is a better watch on tv, you can watch “news” on the other stations.

    1. LOL Soccer is the most boring sport in the history of sports. No wonder most of the lovers of this "sport" live in third world countries. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  10. Catherine Heenan should retire her voice is worse than Bill Martin mumbling no emotion and dead pan delivery.

  11. Rich--I will no longer partake of your blog. It's filled with fascist rightwinger Dumpster lovers and sports baby men. Boring nonsense all around. Bye

  12. One guy from Portola Valley spent about $300 per vote in his run for Congress. He finished 5th. Liccardo, the Beesh of Bellarmine won top honors. I doubt he will make any law while he walks the halls of the House. His act is all talk, no action. Those Bellarmine boys are good at preening for the Camera when good things happen, but hide when the tough stuff comes up. But Liccardo has name recognition - all hat, no cattle.
