Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Benign Greg Papa Becomes More Vanilla


  1. Many moons ago, Gregory was a decent announcer. When his head got big, those times passed like gas after a bad burrito. He's so full of himself. You can take him and that other windbag, Rudy Fitzgerald and put them in a room. However, you'd have to bring one person in at a time as their big ass heads wouldn't fit through a door if they walked in together.

  2. You are quite right Mr Lieberman, Papa kisses a lot of keester. Why? So he gets inside info, good seats on the plane, interviews with stars, and great seats for every concert at Chase (Madonna! There went your street cred Papa, Madonna is a legend in her own mind, and with the gay community for her gaudy outfits)
    Anyway, yes, Papa sold out, and he could not care less because he gets all the perks of being one of the boys. True, he can no longer be objective - so he can no longer be considered a member of the press corps. But he sucked up to Al Davis, and Larry Baer, Jed York, Mr Lacob - and laughs all the way to the bank in his electric go kart.

    1. Madonna IS a legend. One of the greatest musical artists ever. You should brush up on your music and put away your David Allan Coe records.

    2. Madonna was most definitely a legend in the 80s/90s. She's 65 years old now, so the fact that she's still touring is amazing. In 30 years, people will be saying the same thing about Taylor Swift.

    3. Madonna is collecting social security and getting botox injections in her ass. She is a legend only to you 80’s fan boys who would not know pop from r&b. Listen up, she stunk then, she stinks now - but go ahead and rave about her great MTV videos and debate who’s better, her or Celine. She sure as hell ain’t no Janet Jackson !!

    4. @5:28 I'm probably one of the biggest fan's of Janet Jackson and still remember her as an actress in Poetic Justice, but I still have to give props to Madonna. You may not like her and that's fine. To each his/her own, but there's no doubt she's a living legend. She's sold the most albums of any female artist, and the total gross from her concert tours have exceeded $1.5 billion, also number 1 among female artists. Lastly, she's received over 700 music awards - only Beyonce has more.

    5. 5:28 - Janet Jackson and Madonna are both Legends.

  3. I’ll take Papa seriously when he stops parking in red zones and blue zones in front of tri-valley bars and restaurants.

    1. So whats the big deal guess the parking tickets dont mean anything to him. Maybe if towed.

  4. Going back a few decades, Papa did work for the Raiders, A's, and Warriors all at the same time. His knowledge of football was always very strong, but he made many mistakes when broadcasting for the A's. Yes, he has a huge ego and that "Ask Papa Anything" segment is just feeding his ego even more.
    His work ethic was unmatched when he did all 3 sports, but now he seems to be all in with the 9ers only. He makes these not so subtle references about Kyle Shanahan, like they're best buds. Yes, he's become a bit annoying, but I guess I give him the benefit of the doubt just because of his longevity in the industry.

    1. Papa was a Raiders legend.

    2. The Raiders were an Oakland Legend. Marky Bowl Cut saw Vegas Showgirls and fast cash and screwed Oakland. The OAKLAND Raiders are long gone, they will never re-appear. Now they are a shadow of what was once a Great Team. Vegas’ll do that to ya.

    3. TOUCHDOWN Raiderrrrsssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Rich, please consider doing a piece on the individuals you like, in Bay Area media. But wait, that probably would take around 90 seconds.

  6. I've written this a lot here - Papa is a terrible play by play guy. An example was the Niners' biggest play back in December against the Ravens. He described four different things pre-snap (alignments, motions, shifts, etc.). Then he suddenly interrupts himself with a "CAUGHT! Kittle running with the ball." In a medium where his job is to paint a picture of what is happening, that is all he had for a 54 yard pass - it could have been a 1 yard screen for all the listener knew. He needs to drop the rapid fire pre-snap analysis and really focus on desccribing for the listener what is happening once the ball is snapped. You're just left guessing with him. If Tim Ryan sees something relevant pre-snap, let him point it out.

  7. I'd like to see a Papa v. "Little Bobby" Fitz match in the octagon. Two legends in their own mind even though the Bay Area despises them both.

    1. I’d like to see Papa and Fitz on a one-way flight out of town. Papa to Buffalo NY, Fitz to South Bend IN. They belong there. But they won’t leave, they are making Bank in CALIF, and they’d just be another mug in Buffalo and South Bend.
      Someday their jobs will end and we will bellyache about how poor the work is of the new chumps.
      Papa isn’t Lon Simmons, and Fitz isn’t Barnett - but then again, Simmons and Barnett are Class acts through and through.

  8. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating. if you’re going to refer to this guy and his radio show at least have the common decency to refer to it by its proper name, which is the PooPoo and Dung show.

    1. “The PooPoo and Dung Show”

      LOL!!! Truer words have never been spoken.
