Tuesday, February 20, 2024

One on One with Frank Somerville


  1. Rich,
    Kudos for the interview. I think the first half was stellar. The second half reminded me of Karel where the guest would start to answer a question and then you’d interrupt and jump in with another question. Complete disaster. One clear example: Frank was about to expand on his relationship with Mark Ibanez and also Julie Haener but you interrupted him. Absolutely annoying. You're too thin skinned to post this but it is true and I’m sure others would agree.

  2. Thanks to you and Frank for this interview. Frank, who looks great now, struck me as very forthright and frank, no pun intended.
    Rich, I would encourage you to rewatch the interview. You interrupted him way too much. It was ridiculous and very unprofessional. Each time you did it he was in the middle of a thought and you completely disrupted it.

  3. You might actually get some views now.

    1. I’m sorry, I was busy taking a Van Amburg and couldn’t leave the restroom. What did he say?

  4. Nice job Rich. I applaud Frank for his candor. Your best show

  5. Rock. Bottom. Pot. Kettle. Black. Has been and a never-was. This is not Frank. Dare you to post this, Lieber-loser.

    1. Rich, why do you even publish comments like this one from 11:47AM? If the commenters goal is for you to see it, well that happens once they hit the submit button on their comment. But I'm not sure why you feel the need to share on your page. The comments you post should be constructive, related to the subject at hand, and not mean-spirited and hateful. Remember, you're the dictator of this kingdom and should cultivate a relevant, appropriate, and respectful conversation.

  6. Well done, Rich. I think Frank looked and sounded great, give the man another chance!

  7. I think after this interview it's only a matter of time before Frank gets a job on tv again. He's clean, seems committed to his sobriety, can clearly anchor (I like his line that any station he goes to immediately would become #1), AND he could probably be gotten for a deal.

    1. Sounds like Trump. Frank would make the most beautiful by a long shot, terrific, amazing anchor, make Bay Area news Great Again with him taking a station to the top and do it for cheap.
      I read one of Frank’s Instagram posts about how he believes in a lot of things that Trump did and would do like finishing the border “wall” but would never vote for him now. Frank stated in his post we already have thousands of miles of border wall and we should finish the job or something like that. He stated facts matter. I suggest he find out the true facts about how many miles of barrier, which are mostly not wall and with ways to pass through or get around. Per a recent GAO report there are 741 miles of barrier along a total estimated southern border of 1,950 miles. A large portion of it is difficult terrain and along the Rio Grande. Trump’s administration only built 87 miles of new barrier and replaced or improved 195 miles of barrier. The sections with walls he built were probably best for his photo ops. The Governor of Texas likewise does the same nonsense as the illegal trespassers could get in just a few miles away from the area Texas took over from the Feds. I want my tax money to go to new surveillance technologies, border protection new best practices, foreign policies, and better but compassionate enforcement with rapid turnaround on trespassers’ eligibility to enter. Show some compassion for Brown people too Frank. Many work hard. But, if you want to contribute personally to a big beautiful Donald Trump border wall fund that is fine. I am sure it will not be diverted for another purpose.



  8. In addition to the comments made by others about interruptions, here are some additional points for improvement:

    * If your goal is to grow your YouTube show and make it a forum for future interviews, you need to change your setup. Move it to a place in your house with a neutral background and good natural light. Interviewing someone in your room with visible dirty laundry and a cluttered bookcase doesn't present a professional image. Remember, perception is reality, and you won’t be taken seriously with a setup like that.

    * Conduct thorough research. You referred to Gabby Petito as ‘Gabby Patino’ and ‘Gabby Perino.’

    * You spent an excessive amount of time focused on his substance abuse issues. It’s clear he’s articulate and has many perspectives to share. You should have segmented the discussion to cover various topics, rather than continuously tying everything back to his substance abuse history. For example, you could have dedicated segments to his substance abuse issues, the circumstances that led to his dismissal, the current state of Bay Area media, and his professional goals moving forward.

  9. Frank (since I know you read these comments), I just wanted to extend my gratitude for your openness regarding your battle with alcoholism. As someone currently grappling with my own addiction to alcohol, I can't express how impactful it is to hear about your journey towards sobriety. It's a daily struggle for me, often unable to go more than a couple of days without a drink. Your account of achieving eight months of sobriety is truly inspiring. It gives me hope and encourages me to look into help, something I haven't done because I haven't known where to go and who to turn to. Your willingness to share your story is immensely appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Aww that’s so kind of you to say that. I really appreciate it. Stay strong. I KNOW you can do it.

    2. Frank, as a former alcoholic myself, I echo 12:45's gratitude for your openness and vulnerablity in sharign your story. Great job on being clean. I'm rooting for you.

      @12:45, I've faced a similar battle with alcohol throughout most of my adult life. I've been sober for around 4.5 years now. I've been exactly where you say you are now, when just getting through a single day without alcohol felt like an insurmountable challenge, consuming my every thought. When I made the decision to give up alcohol for good, I began keeping track of the consecutive days I stayed sober. I reached 97 days... and then I relapsed. It felt like all the effort and discipline I put into those 97 days had gone down the drain. But then, I realized something crucial: what truly mattered were the steps I had taken and was continuing to take to improve my life, the profound growth and self-betterment I was experiencing.

      I shifted my mindset from beating myself up over my brief relapse to acknowledging my progress. I reminded myself, 'You've been sober for 97 out of the last 98 days, compared to struggling to go even 24 hours before.' From there, it became easier.

      My advice to you is this: every deliberate step you take to improve your life is a success. Every night you resist the urge to drink is a victory. And even if you find yourself slipping up once a week or twice a week, that's still a remarkable change from where you are now. Remember the old saying: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Every journey to sobriety has its bumps in the road and can be incredibly challenging and stressful. But know that you're not alone, and every effort you make is a step forward towards a brighter, better future.

  10. Okay, this was a very good piece IMO, and Rich should do one of these, once a month. Get Kevin Pollak, get other interesting and diversified guests! It will definitely help Rich’s viewership and fundraising efforts. Interviewing guests is not easy. I know. It’s challenging not to interrupt too much, as a poster suggested Rich did, more than once. The more he does of these, the better he will become at it. With regard to Frank S. himself, I doubt he’ll ever get an “everyday” media job again. Should some outlet take a chance on him to do some piece assignments? I think someone should!

    1. Actually, even though she's no longer in the Bay Area, I'd like to see him engage with Amber Eikel, the sorriest mess for an ND except for maybe Aaron Pero. And hey, you could interview him too. That I would watch. ("So, Aaron, why did you have to bone Darya in your office? In fact, why are you boning Darya at all? Have you seen an eye doctor recently?")

  11. Love your show Rich but you seemed too anxious to go from one question to the next - best wishes to Frank!

  12. Great job Rich. I can guarantee that all eyes in the KTVU newsroom were glued to this live interview at 10, even though I'm sure they would all deny it. Securing this interview grants you credibility, despite desperate attempts by those in mainstream media to portray you as unreliable and untruthful.

    1. You mean the same people who go out of their way to lambast and ridicule Rich would secretly be reading his site and watching his videos (and even issuing anonymous comments)? Never!

    2. “You mean the same people who go out of their way to lambast and ridicule Rich would secretly be reading his site and watching his videos (and even issuing anonymous comments)?”

      And to quote one of those people… “Yikes!”

  13. Rich, great job on the interview. I have to agree you are like me and don't let a person finish what they are saying. One thing I would do, I know you said when you started this YouTube that you weren't going to have any fancy background but if you are interviewing someone nicely dressed in a tie maybe think about putting a black sheet or something in the background. Just a thought. Can't wait to see your next live interview...

  14. @11:47 You're so classy

  15. PS:
    even if you can put your "RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA" with the bridge and city for a background...

  16. oh, one other strange bit (strange on Rich's part): asking Frank to do an impromtu anchoring read using Gaza as the topic and then after he obliges, telling him he shouldn't have used Gaza as an example.

    1. Watch the video again, Rich asked Frank to do that. It wasn’t Frank’s idea.

    2. 2:39, yes, i know it was Rich's idea. Re-read my comment.

  17. All in all everyone has had their opinion on here including me. If someone thinks they can do a better job than Rich, let's see it!

    1. It's called constructive feedback and there's nothing wrong with it. :) That's how people, including Rich, develop and hone their craft.

  18. So you brought up an intern but made no mention of Mibach? Lame-o.

    1. @3:43PM, what does Mike Mibach have to do with Frank Somerville? I'm not aware of any issue or incident between them. Frank, a former anchor who left nearly three years ago, has never held a position as News Director, General Manager, or been part of Human Resources at KTVU. He has never supervised Mibach, nor does he have any involvement in Mibach's tenure at KTVU or his current role.

      Am I missing something?

    2. 4:21, Right. I’m talking about Mibach’s weird hair cut and pants 4” too short and his constant look of constipation like he’s about to drop a massive #2 while he’s reading the news. It would’ve been nice to get the perspective of someone with as much anchoring experience as Frank.

  19. Kudos brother. Frank, you look good. Good luck!

  20. To Frank Somerville, you deserve another chance. You've made mistakes and you acknowledged those mistakes and you've worked on improving yourself. If you don't get another chance, perhaps your speaking engagements will be your 2nd calling. I could even see you with a podcast discussing race relations. Admitting that you have white privilege shows your humility. Some people would simply deny while privilege and take full advantage of its benefits. Lastly, $600K sounds like a lot of money, but it also seems low for a main news anchor.

  21. I’ve never seen anything like this. What’s next. Will Julie Haener and Heather Holmes have a cat fight on your pile of dirty laundry? How about you and Darya making a Ginn Fizz in your kitchen? I know, how about Jane Wahl taking a dump in your toilet while she makes Oscar predictions?

    1. 😂…..this is officially rock bottom for ‘ol Frank . He wore a tie to spend the evening in Rich Liebermans apartment. I was waiting for Teralyn Joe to jump out of that old hamper w a knife .

  22. Frank talking down to us. Thinking he’s in full control with his new excuses. His father and brother made he an asshole.

  23. Hey 538. How am I talking down to you. And please give me specific examples.

  24. Rich, fantstic interview with Frank. This feels like a new age of 415 media and your a natural.
    Maybe with 49ers season over can you get Greg Papa on? I’d love to hear you guys talk about the good old days and maybe you can ask him about his incredible hair! Great work Rich

  25. I wish you had devoted more time to discussing the current state of the media. Just as he started addressing the trend toward younger and less experienced individuals, you interrupted and shifted the topic.

  26. Glad to see Frank healthy and sharp.

    1. I had the same thought. Include me in the camp who hope Frank can make a comeback. He seems to be in a good place mentally.

  27. I enjoyed the interview. Frank got to the point of admitting while also thinking about himself & also the public who has watched him anchor the KTVU news for decades.

    What I really loved was every bit you said showed you are not only taking responsibility & accountability for your actions but progress. Especially going to the gym, AA classes and so on.

    I would love it if any of the news stations would hire you again. It made me so happy to hear you say “I’m Frank Somerville” and reporting on Gaza as a little teaser. Keep working at improving yourself & don’t give up. You will reach your goal and get to the finish line before you know it. Rooting for you Frank!

  28. Big score for 415 Media! Waiting to see if other media picked up on Rich's interview. Rich nailed it.

  29. This was an hour well spent, for you on the air and those of us watching, Rich you skillfully navigated the interview I thought. You were not confrontational but did not really "schmooze" either. It was informative and while Frank certainly had the forum to tell the narrative his way, he looked and sounded very sharp, seems to be in a better place, and, as has been said, his is a singular talent in the Bay Area, and that's why people are still interested in him this long after being off the air.

  30. I hope Frank gets another chance. I used to live near his house on Buena Vista in the Oakland hills and would periodically see him hitting the punching bags in his garage. I would’ve loved if you had asked him about Bill Martin’s usually incorrect forecasts. He predicted a mostly pleasant day today only to have flood warnings all over the place. When is Martin going to be raked over the coals?

    1. Incorrect. Martin said the first half would be pleasant and then RAIN. Listen up.

    2. Leave Bill Martin out of it. He marches to the beat of his own drummer and is living his best life, including a lot of surfing. And say what you want but he is extremely knowledgable about weather and climate.

    3. I listened to Martin the night before and he said no such thing, nor did any other meteorologist. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were supposed to be the worst days--everyone's been saying that for a week now.

    4. Go back and look at the Monday night forecast. He literally said Tuesday would be nothing major. I was shocked because KRON and KPIX were adamant of rain at least through Wednesday. Where’s the video replay?

    5. 9:09 and 12:29 are correct - Martin said there would be some heavy downpours and thunderstorms especially along the San Mateo County coast and San Francisco. He said it wouldn’t be as windy but would be very wet beginning midday so don’t put away the sandbags.

    6. Fear not everyone, Bill Martin accurately forecasted Tuesday’s rain just as everyone else. They all use the same forecast models :)

  31. I don't know why people are so caught up and fascinated with a TV news name. I guess the same reason why people follow celebrities. To me, it is all ego. I don't really care. Either for Frank or for Rich.

    1. Yet here you are not only watching and reading but also commenting

    2. 4:33 PM, I had the same thought! I always laugh at people who can't resist the urge to post comments like 5:31 PM after they take the time out of their life to visit this site, read/watch Rich's content, read and absorb other comments, before claiming that none of it matters to them lol

  32. Nice to hear you again Frank! I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Keep pushing forward. Good luck !

  33. Ah...the frantic adjustment trying to get both of you framed in the shot...you saying "Your African American, black adopted daughter"...the dirty laundry atop the dresser... FS mansplaining addiction to us ignorant peons...the random white poster board in the background. So very painful, yet hard to look away. It was like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure 30 years later at Shady Pines. At least your bed was made. Thanks for the laughs. My eyes hurt from rolling Oy.

    1. For me it was like looking at a car wreck on the freeway to see how many vehicles were Priuses.

  34. Frank is right, the HR person was a nightmare. Her name is Chris Nohr. She sat in a back office until FOX took over, then she become a power hungry jerk. She learned that from the horrible FOX GMs she worked for. Looking at you Gregg Kelley and Melynda Hartel.

  35. Good Luck at your next destination Frank ! Whether it be Phoenix, Denver, Seattle, or Chicago - you will nail it.
    Too much dirty laundry in the Bay Area, start Fresh, Brother !!

  36. Rich! Great interview! I don't care about "the set." You helped provide an environment for Frank to share and unpack what he's been carrying for years. I love the energy, the questions, even the tough questions. Best interview of Frank I've seen. To Frank, I could see what you were going through and I was praying and hoping that you'd get deep into recovery. I believe the rest of your life will be your best life. I wish you the best. I've been helping those in recovery for years and I'm excited about what you will do in the future. Rich, great interview!

  37. I just watched this interview early this morning. I maybe watched KTVu news when Frank was on there, maybe once or twice, and even then, probably only for a few minutes. Nothing against Frank, or Dennis Richmond, but I just didn't care for KTVU news. In any case, no doubt Frank was and probably still is, a very good newsman. The part of the interview where you had Frank simulate a newscast right there on the spot, and he did so, absolutely perfectly, well, right there it showed how talented he is. Sure he totally blew his anchoring job at KTVU, I mean a costly mistake of over $600,000 annually! I mean, Ouch! But considering the sorry state of KTVU now, I think if they promoted something BIG next week say, on the Ten O'Clock news, and really promoted it for a week or so, and then, without any other notifications about waht the big event was, as the Ten O'Clock news comes on, right there, for a week at least, there is Frank and Julie, together again! And nothing said, just them doing the news like they always did, like nothing has happened. I mean, that would show right there, how good Frank was and/or, is. It would be monstrous TV and do a world of good not only for Frank, but really, KTVU too.

  38. Rich I applauded you for doing this podcast with Frank. I have personally known the Somerville Family for many decades. What I would like to say to Frank is this…. And I say this to you with love in my heart… Taking responsibility for your actions is commendable to say the least. You have lived the life and had the success that many people you grew up with can only dream about and having lost everything is humiliating and likewise embarrassing and if not quite humbling as I know it has brought you to your knees. Talking about what happened you is awesome as there is some therapy in telling every how you have taken responsibility! But my dear friend…. This is all we hear about now over and over again. It might be time to stop talking about this so publically and take some time in solitude and go within and heal yourself inside your soul! I say this with the utmost compassion for you my friend because for those of us who grew up with you, it almost feels your grand standing on your misery and that’s not what I believe you really want to do or be portrayed as. Maybe write a book on this experience as I know it will be a best seller and then don’t talk about this part of your life anymore! If you want people to know where you’re at then tell them how you’ve moved on from all of this where your life didn’t just stop and end at your recovery. And YOU WILL!! The other thing I want to say is that things happen to families and sibling from long ago growing up. Mark being the youngest has a different memory and or experiences growing up in the Somerville home in the Berkeley Hills. You are the oldest so of course you get the brunt of the harshness many of us have suffered and Mark being the youngest has had a much different experience. I guess what I’m trying to say is… the two of you need to find a way to put aside your differences, jealousy’s , etc and learn to work together. Sure you are going to clash because he thinks things should be done one way and you might not agree…. But how important is it to be right (and I say this for both of you) but instead learn to Forgive, Accept, and find Gratitude in eachother rather than so quickly jump to “ I don’t ever want to see or talk to him again after what he did!” Lawsuits will only keep family members divided and hating eachother. And yes “hate@ is a very strong word and I use it here deliberately ! It’s ok to love eachother from afar without animosity!
    I look back at our days of young and continue to pray you will find Peace someday my dear old friend! 🙏🏼

  39. This is Frank. That’s some great advice. Thank you.

  40. Devin Fehely filled in for Liz at 3pm both Thursday & Friday. He is very stellar in his anchoring and he knows how to interview very well. Love his authoritative & no nonsense approach while also asking tough questions and mentioning what he says is the truth. Liz is also good but there is something more I enjoy about Devin that many anchors these days lack

    Also he is professionally dressed no matter what day of the week. The only 2 who know how to dress professionally regularly are now Devin & Darren. Trust me KPIX did a great job of removing him off weekends and I like seeing him shine

  41. I enjoyed your interview w Somerville who was very forthright and emotional. My only complaint is that you constantly interrupted the man and often changed the subject just as he was talking about something interesting. It was as if you either had an attention deficit problem, found his answers boring or just wanted to get in as many questions in as possible. I finally stopped watching after a half hour because I was not getting enough and your constant interruptions got very annoying. We didn’t watch this interview to watch you. We wanted ro hear Frank tell his story. Good for you for scoring the interview but the next time you get someone on your show, take a breath and let them speak without constantly interupting and changing the subject when Somerville was about to say something really interesting. A good interviewer lets his subject become the focal point. For some reason, you took up more than half the interview.
