Friday, February 23, 2024

KTVU's Life Saver: Bring Somerville Back..Keep 10 Strong; The Friday Pulse


  1. I personally would love to see Frank make a comeback at KTVU. However, there may be labor, employment, and union rules, as well as agreements and hurdles that make it logistically challenging, especially if he's been convicted of DUI and has open legal cases pending.

    But setting that aside, I propose reuniting Frank with Julie Haener, keeping Bill Martin on as long as he wants to keep working, and moving Mike Mibach to the lead sports anchor position, which seems like it would be a good fit as he appears to have genuine interest and passion for sports.

    1. Mumbling and thinking and rethinking about what he just said on the fly, Bill Martin to stay as he chooses? I know he loves giving us meteorological lessons to help us understand things but goes overboard. I assume let the high and low pitch, fast and slow talking intonation master, who gets more annoying by the day, Roberta stay as long as she wants too. Bill delivers the weather like no one else at any station including KTVU that’s for sure but is that a good thing? As far as Mike Mibach moving to sports, I doubt he will want to be demeaned with a demotion like that. That would be about as bad looking as going back to Mornings on 2 with Gasia. I doubt he knows or cares as much as Applebaum and Fonzi about sports but I agree probably more than everyone else who fills in including Bailey.

    2. Thank you for your support. I appreciate it. And yes this is Frank.

    3. Oh my GAWD lose Bill Martin and steal.the weather GODDESS Kyla Grogan back from KRON. Somerville-Haener-Grogan. No one would ever touch that team in the ratings. I'd watch every damn day and night. And so would anyone with eyes.

  2. Any update on the self proclaimed “Indian Walter Cronkite?”

  3. Dear Mr. Pulser-man, As a woman deep in the demo for which KTVU apparently plotzes, I would like to say that I found Mr. Somerville extremely pompous and oh, so very full of himself. Dare I say mansplaining the curse of addiction so we "all" can understand it as well as he? I don't consider you an expert on much, but I do consider you an expert on the art of being pompous and full of oneself. Assuming you look in the mirror each morning and shave that thing one calls a face. There it is. I mean, you could write a book, a pulsing tome of pomposity and self fullness. It might solve your money woes. Then again, it might not.

  4. It was great to see Frank looking and sounding a lot better in the interview. But do you really believe that someone with his recent employment history should just waltz in and resume anchoring duties? That makes a joke of the entire industry.

    If Frank wants to work in the industry I think that is great. Get a job as a reporter at a TV station (probably wouldn't be local). Spend a couple of years proving you still have the chops and can stay sober. EARN the professional respect you desire, don't just wait for it to be magically handed out.

    Rich you are blinded by your personal feelings for Frank. Experience with a family member going through those types of issues, like you said you had in your own family, should teach you to watch people's actions, not just their words and intentions.

  5. Thank you for the very pleasant and professional segment. My blood pressure can't take another scourged-earth segment, like yesterday. Have a good weekend, Rich :)

  6. Frank deserves another chance, but highly unlikely at KTVU, especially after outing the dirty laundry about their HR dept.

    1. People conveniently forget Frank had his another chance with KTVU already and ended up crashing his car with a DUI. He's burned his bridges with KTVU forever.

  7. This is not Frank. I While I am sympathetic to Frank’s plight, perhaps a whole new scenario would be beneficial. I cannot imagine any local stations hiring him - tongues wag, aspersions are cast. Everyone remembers seeing the Porsche video
    He will do well in another TV Market. He will be paid well and thrive. Maybe his success elsewhere will get him another shot here.

    1. Not sure you needed to preface that with you are not Frank given the content. I suppose there are Alaskans served by some remote news station in northern Alaska who have probably not seen and would not bother to Google him to find the videos or news reports. Seriously, I hope he does well assuming what he told Rich in the interview is actually true. I have my doubts as how was he drunk on 2 occasions on the same night, one with even his daughter there apparently on the initial family visit, and who mutually flirts with someone with no intent of a relationship of some kind? The Bill Clinton reference he made as to reportedly not sound like him in denying they were involved in anything was telling to me. Politicians and Anchor people are great at looking in the camera.

  8. My take. Nothing is more important than franks sobriety. It literally is a life or death decision to remain sober. God willing he can. It is also my experience people want to forgive someone who is in recovery as long as they are making progress, no matter how little, and trying to become and remain a better version of themselves each day. A day at a time I hope he makes it.

  9. Only one in the market I would see a chance of him working would be KRON and probably at not a great salary or what he is used to.

  10. Game over for Frank in the News industry! Who wants to hire a reporter with anger management, drinking, family, inappropriate relationship with woman issues issues issues. Stop getting attention and happy retirement!!!

    1. Nice of you to stop by Mike Mibach!

  11. NO on Summerville, nightmare HR/legal risks for FOX. Let the "stud" sign on at another station.

  12. Julie Hawner missing work again today. What’s her excuse now?

  13. You've got your finger on the pus of the industry.
