Friday, February 23, 2024

KTVU's Pathetic "Like It or Not" Worst Feature Ever; Lame Brain Central on Fox2


  1. Yep, completely agree. The show is pathetic. Time for the axe.

  2. The problem is that they don’t know how to be real. When I was on the air I was real. I never faked a smile. I was never “on” like gasia. Or Dave. I was just me. It could actually be really interesting if they’d get out of reporter or anchor mode and just be real… I don’t know why that’s so difficult for people on air.

  3. I've seen this show a couple of times, and that was it. It's even worse than you describe it. It's absolutely atrocious...a nightly assortment of four nincompoops pontificating from atop their soapboxes for 30 minutes, shamelessly willing to debase themselves and sink to new lows, looking even more moronic and buffoonish than they already are. It feels like self-aggrandizement, perhaps because one of the episodes I watched featured an entire segment dedicated to them discussing whether they like it or not when viewers approach them in public and ask for photos or autographs, as if they're Hollywood A-list celebrities.

    So yeah, the show is yet another low in a never-ending series of new lows at ktvu. It's just sad that they'd rather invest time, resources, and energy in this bullshit than have these people engage in real journalism and telling impactful stories.

    1. Yeah but how often do they air this show? I’m assuming it’s weekly or maybe even less frequently than that since I can’t imagine they’re dedicating resources and salary and manpower to doing this daily.

    2. “It's just sad that they'd rather invest time, resources, and energy in this bullshit than have these people engage in real journalism and telling impactful stories.”

      Right, but any desire for real journalism is a pipe dream because ktvu doesn’t have any real journalists. We aren’t dealing with Christiane Amanpour, Nic Robertson, Bob Woodward and Dan Rather. On the contrary, we’re talking about the likes of Claudine Wong, Frank Mallicoot, James Torrez, and Rosemary Orozco. You’re living in a fantasy land if you think you can anything more out of these people than what you see on Like it or Not. That’s the extent of their talents

    3. 9:16PM Bingo. You hit the nail on the head.

  4. I've got the solution: don't watch. It all sucks. Your ranting, though spot on, serves no purpose. They won't change. And here's the kicker -- it's only going to get worse.

  5. As much as I dislike this show on KTVU, I feel like they would execute this Like it or Note show well on ABC7. They have something similar on their 4pm newscast called the Four @ 4 and on their 7am streaming show. “77 Seconds of Fun and Tea Time.”

    At least you can see they all have different opinions, they keep it real and it’s not as fake and forced when you see Gasia and Heather talking.

  6. I sometimes turn on the tv remote during the day to see what is on now that I am retired. At night too. Saw in a fee minutes each time the low class trash stupidity of shows, sitcoms, etc. What is the average IQ of people in this country to be even slightly entertained by such? No wonder KTVU gets away with their dumb ass mind numbing Like It or Not show. I can see why many college educated people don’t subscribe to tv cable and instead just stream hopefully better content these days.

    1. I agree 100%. Why do they even bother filming this lame show only to air it at 11:30pm when the overwhelming vast majority of ktvu viewers are asleep? If we’re to believe what we’ve been told, local news viewers are mostly baby boomers and older at this point.
      Does station management think this crap is gonna somehow miraculously attract a whole new audience, like gen Y and millennials and others who already don’t give two shits about ktvu? The same people who don’t even have access to local stations since they only subscribe to select streaming services. People who aren’t from the Bay Area and have no connection to any local station. People who don’t even know what ktvu is or if they do wouldn’t be able to name or recognize a single ktvu person if their life depended on it?
      Yet they parade out a quartet of fools each night who happily embarrass themselves for the 8 people watching. So dumb.

    2. "Why do they even bother filming this lame show only to air it at 11:30pm when the overwhelming vast majority of ktvu viewers are asleep?"

      You answered your own question. The vast majority are asleep. But they have to fill time slots regardless. They're doing it with syndicated shows (Modern Family, Seinfeld) but those are getting more and more expensive. They're doing it with infomercials ("I was injured in an accident, but the law firm of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe got me ten million dollars!") but there's only so many of those. And they're doing it with locally-produced content. Now I'm sure you realize they don't exactly have unlimited budgets for this locally-produced content. So it's stuff like this, or people watching YouTube videos of things like snowboarders wiping out and saying, "Wow, that's gotta hurt!") They're not going to put prime stuff on when, as you say, most everyone's in bed, but television is a 24-hour business so you have to fill the schedule with something.

      I wonder how long it will take before TV stations just sign off at midnight, like they used to do in the early days of TV (and indeed like PBS used to do even in the 1970s).

    3. I love that point, they should just sign off. KQED used to do that especially KQED Kids back in my day (I think early to mid 2000's I guess).

  7. More like a dumb giggly lifestyle show.
    You said it ....shitty.
    News anchors....NOT reporting news.
    Talking diarrhea.

  8. Randy Shandobyl ?
    Last investigative reporter ??

  9. I saw Amber Lee’s report about her favorite restaurants in Chinatown, but it wasn’t on like it or not, it actually aired on the 10pm news. You can’t make this shit up. Basically a 4-5 minute commercial for various restaurants presented disguised as a news report during a newscast. Absolutely pathetic.

  10. My parents watch and leave KTVU after 10 or 11pm at times and especially when that comes I’m like WTF is this?!? Like what kind of show is this? A show about your opinions of things. What was fox/ktvu thinking?

  11. Anchoring 101: The Dookie Dance

    Every anchor knows about the ‘dookie dance.’ It’s when we experience fart attacks and/or have moistness and wet skid marks on our underwear while we’re sitting at the desk on air. We squirm around in our chair, trying to make the problem remotely tolerable just to get through the newscast. All anchors experience this, some more so than others.

    1. Raj Mathai is famous for this. Once you notice you can't unnotice it. My wife once made a comment like why is he repositioning himself so much in his chair? The dookie dance make sense.

    2. Reminds me of the morning Ray Taliaferro made some dookie in his drawers and kept on going during his shift. The morning news crew came in at 5am, and shortly thereafter, one of the news anchors said “Why does this chair smell?”

    3. I’ve been in the biz for years now and haven’t heard of anyone actually making doodoo whilst in the anchor chair, but as 1:18 alluded to, there are countless stories of anchors stinking up their chair and studio, leaving their coanchor, the next shift, and/or production crew to suffer.

    4. Speak for yourself. Some of us actually know how to wipe our ass properly thus we never have problems with moistness or skid mark when we’re live on air.

  12. The silly show is on at 10:30 at night for a reason - to fill time. While these folks opining on useless baloney is not as offensive as the crap heard on KNBR - at least the KTVU folks know it is pure fluff.

    1. As fewer and fewer shows are produced, those that exist in syndication get more expensive. Hence the reason for so many pointless shows like this and "lifestyle" stuff (some cute Filipina news personality goes to her homeland to eat from food trucks) and those half-hour long infomericals. ("Hi, I'm Gina and this is Tom, and we're going to pretend we're in a call center taking injury claims and not doing a commercial.") This is the future of television, folks. That's why I have antenna TV and refuse to pay for cable, though I do get a certain amount of streaming free (and it's pitifully bad too).

  13. I haven't seen it yet. What do they talk about? Current events in the news?

    1. Call me crazy but I enjoy watching Like it or Not

    2. The opposite. They talk about complete rubbish like whether they like when people stand still on on an escalator and how they feel about restaurants that require a code to use their restroom.

  14. Like it or not is embarrassing. Grown adults screaming over each other at midnight to make their opinions known as though anyone gives a shit.

  15. A waste of broadcast airing. Almost as annoying as the bumper "music" on The Late News with Sara Donchey.
    Have you heard that crap???? Have ya????

  16. Thank goodness for Tori Gaines. She’s incapable of doing a basic live shot. In fact, the fox corp executives were so embarrassed by her performance they called the general manager. But hey, let’s put her on like it or not, to fox, I mean fix, the problem. Frump, frimp, shit, shot, ceasefart; ceasefire solved. Let’s alienate everyone that works at KTVU for one incompetent arrogant employee. Good call.

  17. Mike Mibach covering the Chinese New Years parade was pathetic.

    1. Mike Mibach covering anything is pathetic. He needs to serve an on-air apprenticeship in Bakersfield. 4-5 years might do the trick.

    2. I didn't watch it but when it was mentioned he would be covering it my first and only thought was "Why? Could you make a worse choice?" I mean, a dunking bird could do better.

    3. does anyone know why mibach was assigned to anchor it? why not amber lee or someone with some connection to chinatown and chinese new year?

    4. It’s safe to assume mibach had that eternal constipated expression during the parade and no doubt passersby pointed him to the nearest portable potty

    5. @3:24, well said. Your comments always make me laugh. But back to the topic at hand, it’s also safe to assume he was wearing his usual pants 4” too short. At this point, he might as well wear board shorts with his suit jacket when he does the news. Between that and his reverse 'duckass' hairstyle (which fell out of favor in the 1950s), any more ridiculous and he’d be in a clown suit.

    6. "does anyone know why mibach was assigned to anchor it?"

      He pissed someone off?

    7. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Mibach is attempting to channel his inner Sean Hannity/Abbott Costello with that goofy hair style. The ill fitting trousers resemble his awkward on air persona. It’s like he doesn’t know who he is thus the pained and “strained” look. Keep pushing Mike!

    8. Mibach is a Fox News wet dream.

  18. Mibach should just stay on the cable car and never ever be part of the telecast. He must have Small Man's Syndrome the way be talks over Claudine Wong.
