Tuesday, January 30, 2024

KPIX/CBS Bay Area Super Bowl Bonanza; Raindy Day Bore


  1. The NFL is a sports "entertainment" company. Fake as a three dollar bill. Follow the revenue stream.

  2. Media hotels in Vegas are the Luxor and the Exacaliber. Who says the NFL doesn't have a sense of humor?

    1. Read the 1 star reviews on them. Wow. Is that the joke? By the historical names you would think they are nice. Well, Papa will be upgraded to a better hotel by the 49ers probably. Lund may end up in one of them. Wonder where the players stay.

    2. I stayed at the Excalibur last year-very tired and due for a comprehensive refresh

    3. Today Papa joked that he'll probably staying in 'some seedy tweaker pad 5 miles away from Allegiant' simply because the cost of everything is so expensive for the Super Bowl.

  3. I am sure KPIX assigned a budget for this weeks ago. If you think its just an expense, think again. Its a huge revenue opportunity. The more you talk about the logistics the more silly you sound.

  4. Big stupid man-children wearing jerseys and betting their families' household money on who kicks the ball better, or runs faster, or scores more points. Ridiculous nonsense. The fate and future of our nation hangs in the balance, but all these fools care about is sports.

    1. @8:15. Not so light in the loafers. You left out banging beautiful women and making lots of money.

    2. They aren’t big stupid man-children. They’re moronic, buffoonish simpletons. Many if not all don’t vote, are completely oblivious to the fact our country is in a precarious state and even if they did know they wouldn’t give two shits about it. They might though issue some idiotic and immature tweet lambasting people of a differing political party, whichever it may be.

      On the bright side, they sure can rattle off how many feet Deebo Samuels ran last game or Brock Purdy’s jersey number. But be careful, if you root for another team they’ll get all violent and throw a punch at you, willing to risk criminal charges and jail time to defend the sports team they’re unnaturally obsessed with.

    3. @6:38 PM, I agree with your overarching sentiment even though much of your phraseology seems intentionally exaggerated and provocative.

      Bringing this back to Bay Area media, I don't have a problem with our local TV stations covering sports at the end of a broadcast, but only if time permits. Unfortunately, nowadays, they devote significantly more time and resources and manpower to covering sports teams, games, fan reactions, and other meaningless stories (e.g., 'Dollarita Steve') than they do to finding and covering stories and issues with real impact. There was a time when the job of broadcast media was to inform and empower their audience, with cultural stories e.g. sports as a light aside. Those days are long gone and the script has essentially been flipped.

    4. The bitter, butthurt Bernie Bros are back!! (aka 8:15 & 6:38)

  5. BIG MONEY has killed Pro-Football for me, and college ball isn’t far behind.
    I think the players are fantastic athletes, and the competition is high level, but $9,000 for a nosebleed seat in a dump like Vegas?
    A fool and his money are soon parted.
    I’d rather go on Safari and meet real folks who actually compete with real lions, keeping them at bay. Giving their local economy a boost - not to some billionaire gambling hall magnates like Sheldon Adelson.

    1. “A fool and his money are soon parted.”

      The other day ktvu did a story about a husband and wife, die-hard 49er fans who are flying to Las Vegas to be there for Super Bowl weekend. As of the time of report, the couple didn’t have tickets to the game but in the story they were shown sitting at a small dining table in their tiny run down apartment, crowded over an old laptop looking at purchasing SB tickets for $15,000… each.

    2. Clowns spending their kids' college money on tickets to watch big smelly men kick and run with a ball. LOL SMH

    3. I saw that as well. But keep in mind.... its a "story' on the 'news'. Its HIGHLY doubtful these people will actually make it to the game. They'll probably have a 'cheap' dinner, get 'cheap' drinks, and play a few slots. Where will they watch the game? Some crappy sports book so they can feel like they're 'part of the action'.

    4. 6:52, no doubt they didn’t buy tickets but the mere fact KTVU traveled to some minuscule apartment to film a random blue collar couple searching for astronomically priced Super Bowl tickets is ridiculous.
