Monday, January 22, 2024

Greg Papa/Tim Ryan Misery Index; Lund Too on KNBR


  1. “Paralysis by Analysis”.
    Sheesh, Tim, resorting to goofy catch phrases seems kind of silly. Maybe you can think of 22 new ones to expand your vocabulary?

  2. You forgot to mention Papa's signature "AIYUK, AIYUK, AIYUK IS ON FIRE!' (sung in the tune of The Roof is On Fire) which KNBR proudly includes in promos for his radio show.

  3. I've never listened to a niners game on the radio so I only know papa from knbr and tv on NBC Sports Bay Area. He seems totally fine. Very knowledgeable and always prepared. He can talk big picture or minute details. My only beef is he tends to refer to players he interviews as 'Man' like he's trying to be mr. cool guy with them. But that's minor. Beyond that i'm fine with him.

  4. Can't listen to on r at all they should re name the papa network from early morning you'll hear Pappas obscene touch down call his screaming is on every show and often he takes over someone's show ant listen to that station anymore I'm out

  5. Be kind to Papa. Remember, he single-handedly kept all Tri-Valley bars in business (and profitable to boot) during the pandemic, drinking like a fish and making a total ass of himself everywhere he went. Bartenders tolerated him for that reason but talked shit behind his back.

  6. Listening to Westwood One's broadcast of an NFL playoff game, and KNBR's, is literally day and night. Westwood One: professional, highly listenable, basicalloy pleasurable. KNBR: not so much, mainly because of Tim Ryan's constant interruptions of, and talking over of, Papa.

  7. Don't mind Papa and Ryan's enthusiastic announcing most of the time, but I admit Saturday's Packers game was a little over the top. Announcing the game with passion is fine. Not sure who started using the phrase first "Touchdown....enter the city", but I've heard it used in other football games, especially the Chiefs radio announcer Mitch Holthus,,vid:G6pgs6_KwnU,st:0

  8. Seems your diatribes on lack of sports talk radio may have finally gotten KNBR Program Director (really?) Copes to open up the phone lines to callers. Only thing is now I recall why they stopped taking calls. Only a few have anything interesting to say. Weird hearing the ones talking about “we” in referring to the 49ers. Do those with their stellar takes and insight think they are part of the team on Ted York’s payroll like fan boys and loud mouth hyena announcers Greg Papa snd Tim Ryan?

  9. Papa will go to the Rams to announce when the Niners fire him because he has no loyalty. His phony act was old with the Raiders and he still calls Al Davis his second father. I never heard Al call Greggy his second son. Al left him a t shirt and a cap.

  10. Could not agree with you more!! I was in the car and actually turned off the radio rather than continue listening to those two - they are horrible!!

  11. Here’s a video of Greg PooPoo in the booth during last week’s game, making one of his annoying calls. Seeing his antics as we makes the calls is even more annoying:
