Monday, January 22, 2024

Betty Yu Mystery MIA at KPIX Medical Issue; Brian Hackney Still Out


  1. "Medical issue" my ass. What's in the water at KPIX? VDLC...Maria "Sid" Medina...Andrea Borba....Brian Hackney....and now Instagram influencer wannabe Betty Yu. Do they naturally attract drama queens and kings? Is their work environment so intolerable that staff look for any which reason to miss work, as ridiculous and obvious as it may be?

    1. Borba, Hackney and Yu are hardly drama queens. Veronica De La Cruz...yes.

      I hear it's beyond crazy there. The people running the show are so stupid they couldn't be counted on to arrange a one-car funeral. They don't realize it's a handful of smart people who are propping them up. Some of those smart people are just breaking under the strain. The same thing is happening at KTVU, I understand, but Rich probably knows more about that shit-show than I do.

    2. The pattern at PIX is they take a prolonged, often unexplained and nonsensical leave (usually series of leaves) and then return briefly only to jump ship. Let’s see if Hackney and Yu keep the trend alive.

    3. The proof is on Betty’s IG, but I don’t know what it is.

    4. I used to work there. It's a real shit show. I would never go back for any amount of money. It's dysfunction junction there. Avoid at all costs.

  2. Agree on everything about Betty. She's been a star since her early days at TV30 in the Tri-Valley. She comes across as authentic and non-pretentious....definitely an asset at any level. Whatever she does on Instagram should be separate from her outstanding work at KPIX. Get well soon, Betty.

    1. She comes across as pretentious on IG. Big time.

  3. Off topic but still related to Bay Area media…

    Rich you always talk about how local reporters don’t even know the basic geography they cover nor do they know the first thing about the stories they cover. Perfect example, on tonight’s news ktvu’s self-proclaimed San Francisco reporter Christien Kafton referring to San Francisco State University as Cal State San Francisco. 62 years living in the Bay Area and it’s the first time I’ve ever heard someone refer to SF State as that.

    1. Well rich you can’t say Ktvu isn’t creative, they did after all just invent a new university.

  4. One more person we’re missing is also Wilson Walker. He’s a reporter, albeit also a solid one, but its been a while. Its just that I haven’t noticed or known to see him for a while

    1. Wilson Walker was drafted into reporting. He was a news producer for years before he started appearing in front of the camera. He's good, but lacks that "it factor".

  5. I expect at some point this year Betty will possibly be back. Hackney, I don’t think so.

  6. Hackney, the Pride of Hollister, is likely loving life in Carmel, eating artichokes and Brussel Sprouts.
    Can’t a guy retire without making a big deal out of it? I am so tired of Lifetime Participation trophies for folks having done a job.

    1. 8:39am - Where did you hear this? Why the assumption?

  7. 7:51, they are all part of the same State of CA system; different from the UCs and junior colleges. No logic in the way some cities get their name in front. But, I see your point as probably the transcripts show.

  8. PIX can kiss my ass. I did a brief stint there and quickly realized why it’s known as the shitshow that it is. I’ve worked in and around newsrooms most of my career. Every newsroom has its own issues and challenges, but the level of dysfunction, cutthroat behavior, pettiness, drama, and insecurity at PIX is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Long of saying I’m not surprised key people there take an excessive number of mysterious leaves only to eventually jump ship and never look back.

    1. Exhibit A: The 11PM News with Sara Donchey

    2. Exhibit B: Tieless Paul Heggen and wearing jeans. Bad color fashion sense. If you want to wear a Spring blazer, khakis should go well.

      I’ll take tieless and professional attire over bad fashion

    3. So true. I call their former news director "Dan RosenSLIME" because of the underhanded way he dealt with the firing/dismissing of personel. Awful man.

  9. That's what Veronica De La Cruz was saying

  10. The worst diva who worked at PIX was Michele Griego. Looked like a nice person but was the biggest backstabbing bitch. Thank god that worthless c-word went back to Colorado

    1. Unfortunately a female newscaster needs sharp elbows or be eaten alive.

  11. Is Hackney delayed by complications from being fitted for a new hairpiece?

  12. The only mystery is why you think you'd ever have a chance with her.
