Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thursday Reality --Important


  1. But do you watch the "War Room" every morning on Real America's Voice? CNN,MSNBC and the White House sure do.
    War Room is pretty hard core for the typical cable news viewer.
    Monday thru Saturday at 7am(pacific) for a whole 2 hours....and another fresh broadcast at 2pm (pacific).

    No matter what party or belief you's must viewing.

  2. Rich, your claim that Fox was first call the 2020 election is wrong…CNN called it first, then NBC, MSNBC, and Fox was last by 6 minutes. Even the Associated Press beat them.

  3. All news is biased in the direction of their corporate masters.
    KCBS national news is downright pee-yellow in their journalism.
    Listen to Amy Goodman, or the Ralph Nader radio hour. They have a completely different take on what’s being foisted on us.
    A lot of what we get in the main is biased, opinion. The billionaires know how to rile the dupes.

  4. CBS was actually one of the 10 most trusted, unbiased, and accurate news sources in the US last year. Fox was in the bottom 10. These surveys and independent findings are easily accessible on Google. Rather than just expressing opinions you should sprinkle in a few factoids.

    1. @6:26 Did you just wake up from the 60's after the long coma? MSM hasn't been trusted, unbiased and accurate since the 2015
