Friday, November 3, 2023

KCBS Marconi Winner? LOL En Fuego; Covers Hamas Rally/Ignores Israel SF Demonstration; ABC7 Lack of Morale; Frank Somerville Bolo Alert; Radnich Sighting in West Portal; Gasia Hates KTVU's Rosey Orozco; Wants Haener's Gig; Ibanez and Darya Doing The Hum de Hump?

ON THE STREETS OF SF... KCBS a Marconi winner? Yep. The real QUESTION--What kind of drugs were the judges on?

If KCBS gets a Marconi, I get a Pulitzer.

*Last Sunday, KCBS covered a pro-Palestinean rally. They IGNORED a pro-Israel rally in the nearby neighborhood. It's an ongoing policy.

I'm sure it's no coincidence Audacy has an business interest in Al Jezerra, the Arab-run version of CNN.

*Dumb-ass "Paulie Mac" of KNBR/Murph and Mac house of Ill Repute, said "Giants baseball is biffer than all of life." The schmuck has never lived outside the sports bubble.

Plus, he's a FAKE Jersey guy and LIES about his Grateful Dead chops, fire on his mountain.

*Sorry, but KSFO is about as "live and local" as a week-old Melba toast.

*When Clint Reilly is no longer with us, the Examiner will cease to exist, which is just as well since no one reads it anyway.

*Say this about the Examiner, it's a hell of a lot more readable than SFGate, which tells you a lot about the ChronPlus online.

*Gary Radnich was shopping the other day in West Portal, looking trim and fit minus the bloated red face. I bet KRON would give him a $100 or so to do a real-life Wayne Shannon.

*ABC7 --KGO, should know already, if it doesn't know already, its dwindling off-camera staff, is suffering from mass/extreme severe lack of morale, combo Disney/ABC malaise. The troops at 900 Front hate the c ompany and Trixie too.

*Dan Ashley hairdoo, 2023? More plugs, Danderoo.

*Ken Wayne: all but gone from KRON. It's about the money. It always is.

*Frank Somerville UPDATE, murkier by the day and night. Friends a BOLO alert.

*Radnich in his trunks asleep would be better than 99% of what KNBR does these days, sports? Hell no.

* *KQED the PBS SF flunkie whose managers STEAL MILLIONS every day.

*Mark Ibanez and Darya Folsom having a glass of merlot at Kokkari, I'm sure it was just friends being friends.

*Hey, PIX, better pay Reed Cowan soon or else, Chicago is beckoning.

*Simmering FEUD these days at KTVU: Gasia Mikaelian and Rosy Orozco. Theyboth DESPISE easg other.

*Then again, The GAAS! now wants Julie Haener's gig if she ever leaves.


  1. Ibanez is very small

    1. You got that right. In soooo many ways.

    2. Like dating Tom Cruise minus his money

  2. Sincere questions: Obviously it can't be more clear you do not care for "Paulie Mac", but, how is he a "fake Jersey guy"? He was born in the Bay Area, lived in Jersey for a while, and moved back. What does he do or say that makes him a "fake Jersey guy"? And how does he lie about his "Greatful Dead chops" (and I'm not even sure what that means)? He clearly is a fan of the Dead - what is he lying about?

    On another note, while your video blogs can be interesting, honestly, I'm WAY more likely to read your written stuff simply because it doesn't require a 15+ minute time investment. It's much easier to come here and quickly read your blog on a work break than watch a video. Just my $0.02.

    1. I second that. Some of us still know how to read and prefer that medium.

    2. I totally agree. Rich, maybe do a weekly blog cause I love the written stuff. Look at the comments after your videos and after your notes. Many more comments after your notes. Please do it for me.

    3. I agree with the comments above about the videos. I started watching them at 2X speed (10min video in 5mins!), but Rich seemed even more enraged! Plus, they started to increase in length again (25min video in 12mins) so I vowed never to watch another and just check in to see if there was a new written blog yet.

    4. He's going for the monetary income from views via youtube. Look at Larry Krueger with over 1,000 viewers after a 49ers game. Funny thing is KNBR with Lund after the game has 46 viewers on average.

  3. No way the Gaas at 10. Heather / Cristina much better

  4. Speaking of KTVU, where has Amber Lee gone?

    1. She, Kim Wonderly and Mabrisa Rodriquez are hanging out.

  5. The way KCBS has been performing lately I would say they should just have the world news at the top and bottom of the hour, traffic and weather on the eights and commercials the rest of the time, oh crap that's what they are doing now. Stop the musical chair, wack a mole anchors. KCBS Marconi winner my ass! I vote Pulitzer for Rich 415 Media.

  6. I was thinking of Radnich the other day, when I heard that his buddy Bobby Knight died.

  7. IMO, Paulie Mac brings less to Bay Area sports radio, than anyone! His sophomoric “additions” to the programming are old, tired and inconsequential.

  8. Gasia is not shy about hating Rosemary, and Rosemary has not changed since her previous incident with HR.

    1. It has nothing to do with Rosemary. Gasia hates almost everyone.

    2. Gasia has huge cans tho.

  9. KPIX has really cut down on the meteorologists’ schedules:

    Now Jessica (or if Darren is filling in) is no longer doing 5am to 12:30 on weekdays. The 9am & Noon newscasts are pre-recorded. On Thursdays & Friday it’s also the same at 3PM (and it’s not just the actual forecast but it’s also the commercial break). Mondays, Tuesdays and likely Wednesdays Darren is there at 3. Paul Heggen is there only from 5PM onwards (or if Darren is filling in).

    KRON runs on similar schedules but at least they have a meteorologist at Noon & 3PM (Kyla Grogan). Interesting to believe KPIX is cost cutting on their weather staff. They should hire at least 2 more meteorologists. Maybe bring back Paul Deanno for afternoon time

    I also now can tell you Paul Heggen does the pre-recording around 6:30pm Fridays and the reason its evident is because of not just the sky after sunset but also last week’s earthquake when he shot that segment.

    1. What happened to Mary Lee?

    2. Sara Donchey looked hot tonight with her short dress. She has marvelous legs. I wish she wore more short skirts and tight tops.

    3. Mary Lee is a once in a while fill-in on certain occasions. Like if Darren has to fill in every evening to find suddenly Jessica Burch is taking the day off then they’d snag her.

      My guess is she may be also getting trained in the new 3D weather as well as Brian Hackney. Weekdays is virtual 3D weather and weekends is regular old fashioned weather.

    4. @11:33 little mary hasa taka cara of her arabic adopted kiddies

    5. @9:03 Don't know who's worst, Mary Lee or Janelle Wang with mathai, both: Yuck

  10. J Seelig at KCBS has been lobbying Marconi people for years to get that award. Marconi people obviously haven't listened to the station for the last five years. Update: KCBS has moved to new studios at Kearny and Market. If it's not in your contract you get no.paid parking. Female staffers livid, especially those who work after dark

  11. KRON should pay Ken Wayne whatever he wants to stay. He's one of 2 decent anchors they have left at KRON.

  12. Al Jazeera is actually in Gaza..No american reporters are there.

  13. I don’t get the quote about Frank, is he drinking again or going to do something stupid?

  14. Haener won't be retiring anytime soon. eventually she'll become the Dianne Feinstein of tv news.

    1. Since Feinstein retired she's now the Nancy Pelosi/Maxine Waters of tv news. Old, outdated, and there for 5 plus decades.

    2. Haener appears poised to work well into her geriatric years, a la Feinstein. There may come a point where they have to wheel Haener onto the set in a wheelchair or allow her to broadcast from whichever convalescent home she ends up at.

  15. Hi Rich, just watched CBS Morning News on Channel 44 11/4/23 and I'm wondering why MSM keeps hawking videos on Gaza's victims but when Hamas committed atrocities against Jewish and other Nationalities the video coverage of victims was practically non existences on the field reporting, I can see how MSM is turning public opinions against Israel instead of who's started this conflict, MSM Media biased, sad

    1. That's how screwed this world has become, no more right and wrong, MSM has become a tool of whatever their higher-ups beliefs, agendas is; see how they keep showing the bombing damages by the IDF instead of telling the initial atrocities by the hamas? It don't take a PHD to know MSM dislike the Jewish people, God Bless Israel and the Jewish people, no I'm not Jewish but I understand brain washing, bias and right from wrong

  16. Hang in there Rich though do shorten your YouTube daily appearances to under 10 minutes….

  17. Why so much hatred for Rosemary? She seems like a very nice person. Sometimes when people hate another person (ie: Pam Cook & Gasia despising Rosemary usually means there is jealousy on their part). But what do I know? I can confirm though that just like the comment above, Gasia has very large cans. Wow!

    1. Orozco is fine as is most everyone else there. She does weekend weather and rarely even works with Gasia unlesss she’s in for Steve which seems to be infrequent with Roberta Gonzalez in the mix. Gasia clashes with anyone whose personality and style doesn’t align with hers. Doesn’t matter if you’re male or female.

  18. Rich I know you’re just trying to be funny and clever. But here’s a real update on frank. (I know him). He’s over 150 days clean. Aa meeting five days a week. Sponsor. And he’s lost 25 pounds and replaced all his fat with muscle. You’d be impressed. He’s a totally different person and has/is doing a lot of really hard work on himself. It’s great to see.

    1. I'm glad to read something positive about Frank S. Before anything new is learned, one often has something that must be unlearned and released.

    2. What are the odds that this post was written by Frank... 99%?

  19. In the past you've reported that Julie Haener makes somewhere in the 500-600k range. Not only is that absolutely criminal but I'm surprised ktvu continues to pay her such an astronomical salary. Could they cut her salary and give her a take it or leave it ultimatum?
