Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Mediocrity EN FUEGO; The Gloves are Off -Pathetic Bay Area Media


  1. Rich,you are correct. I can remember all those names of the news anchors along with Ray Tallifaro my favorite host on KGO. These news reporters and anchors wouldn't cut it as letter carriers because they would put the mail in the wrong boxes since they are not familar with the homes on the street.

    1. Ray was bad. He wouldn't cut it in any other area in any other time.

  2. Holy crap Rich, you hit every bay area nail on the head! I couldn't agree more.

  3. Businessmen/women are smart, they live to make money. So if they pay high wages for top talents anchors or 24/7 local new talk radio host and still turn a profit why don't they. Would love to know others thoughts.

    1. No one will respond because it’s a fact, the old kgo business model would never work today. That being said, I sure do miss it!

  4. Nice rant, Howard Beale.

  5. Unfortunately in our now frail little world where no matter what you talk about is going to offend some frail group of people I'm not surprised with the Mediocrity. If you notice it's the same soft stories over and over again.

  6. 90% of your posts/videos do nothing but make the same complaints about the same media properties over and over, but you rip KQED for "repeating Check, Please to death"? That's some otherworldly hypocrisy there, Uncle Fester

  7. Imagine wasting your days watching and listening to local media just so you can waste more time complaining about it. Don't like it? Don't watch/listen. It's a pretty simple concept to grasp.

  8. OMG... the last 3:30 of that video! LOLOLOL. I haven't laughed that hard in weeks, thank you. All the things in the world to be wound up about and you chose this. Epic meltdown! Almost as good as Damon's women in sports rant.

  9. Oh for Chrissakes, Rich. Can you please stop beating this dead horse.This is all you ever talk about. We get it. You’re angry. Enough.

  10. What about the newspapers, Angry Bald Headed Man? The Chronicle employs kids fresh out of college. No seasoning in a smaller market. They just get their news from their X feeds or news releases. The old Mercury News and Contra Costa Times are owned by the same company. If you think the electronic media is fucked up royal, look at those newspapers. You get any more dirt on the Chronicle layoffs?

  11. @3:42 @5:18 Hellooooo? What's the name of this blog??????????? Media 415 You thunk it's not about the Bay Area Media positives or negatives? Duhhhhh, why are you even here? Go to Youtube and find some cnn chatroom

  12. Rich I couldn’t agree with you more. Here’s my quick assessment of Bay Area media:
    Print: Not worth the paper it’s printed on. I might use it to wipe up my dog’s diarrhea but no use for it beyond that.
    Tv: Nothing more than a collection of brainless wannabe social media influencers using their TV gig as a stepping stone to achieve some kind of fleeting internet fame. If I want to see that I’ll go to TikTok, at least they’re cuter there. Oh, and I forgot to mention all the washed-up, has-been windbags who dot the tv landscape.
    Radio: No news talk to speak of and as far as sports, I stopped listening to KNBR a while back. I had enough of Copes’ nonstop giggling and Murph’s head so far up Buster Posey’s ass he could see out his mouth.

  13. Thanks for the rant, Rich! 🤑

  14. I feel you Rich. And I would not invalidate your rant. But careful with the degree of unhappiness you choose to visit upon your listeners. In todays world many have real life and death issues to worry about, and although the media certainly is much of what you say it is, it is a minor irritant compared to the realities we must deal with in our daily lives.
    Find your happiness, my friend.

  15. Good morning, Mr. Lieberman,

    I hope you're doing well. I'm a friend of Lt. Jessica Burch, and I'm writing to you with a special request. Would you consider writing a feature story about Jessica? Although she is unaware of my outreach, I'm sure she'd be thrilled about it. Jessica is a devoted reader of your blog and has configured phone notifications to receive an alert whenever her name appears in a post or comment.

    I genuinely believe that your readers would enjoy getting to know Jessica better. She's a remarkable and multifaceted woman who's both incredibly smart and patriotic. Not only can she deliver weather forecasts like no one else, but she can also fly an army helicopter in combat zones. Her story would be a real treat for your audience and a wonderful surprise for Jessica.

    Although Jessica is confident in her abilities and value, she readily admits that discussions about prominent Bay Area meteorologists frequently overlook her name. With its substantial readership and influence, I believe that your blog has the potential to play a pivotal role in elevating Jessica to the recognition she truly deserves.

    Thank you for considering my request.

    1. This is either the lamest or funniest comment ever.

    2. I'm old enough to remember when being mentioned on Rich's blog was something no TV anchor would ever desire, let alone an entire article about them.

  16. The Bay Area news has never been worse. I watch the LA news on Tubi. What a difference.

  17. Amen Rich! Tell it like it is. We ALL should be ANGRY!!!

  18. How do you really feel? I have never see you so angry but I agree with you on everything concerning the media, but it ain’t gonna change. Cumulus and Audacy have wrecked local radio. I never listen to ANY of it anymore. The standards are so low, the talent so minor league, it’s disgusting. I share your frustration. I lost 3 on-air jobs in this market over the last 15 years because the aforementioned bloodless companies wanted to save $$$ so I have every reason to be POed.

  19. The problem with the media is it’s way too liberal. You only get the left-wing viewpoint anymore. These companies think that if they put on reporters who are “objective“ that people will get the real story. But l at least, some of the younger, more hungry reporters that are appearing on the air today? I like these reporters because they are more open minded, have a fresh approach and actually don’t adhere to the liberal/left-wing philosophy. The media has always been run by libtards, but now it’s astounding how biased it is. The only really objective news you can get is from either Fox, or Newsmax or one of the few other outlets that speak for the REAL Anerican Patriots. Others continue to bow and a rake to that doddering old man in the White House.. You lefties watch because Donald Trump is gonna whip tired old Joe Biden’s ass and THIS time, there will not be any stealing pf the election by the lefties and the do-gooders who continue to let terrorists into our great country, murder babies and take away our guns!
