Friday, October 20, 2023

Word on Street: Mass Layoffs at SF Chronicle

I'M HEARING of MASS LAYOFFS at the S F Chronicle --nothing shocking given today's newspaper world, but troubling nonetheless.

When I get more specifics, I'll let you know.


  1. Troubling yes, but this "newspaper" has turned into the biggest joke. It may be for the best.

  2. stopped reading it 10+ years ago. also bought a car and sold my horse drawn carriage

  3. That paper is so worthless. I kid you not I signed up for the online edition for 2 months for 25 CENTS and felt remorse! I cancelled it asap so as to not incur any further charges

  4. I still love reading a newspaper, but at $4 a pop, the days of print journalism are numbered.
    For those of us who grew up with Herb Caen, Art Hoppe, Stan Delaplane, even Scott Ostler, Joe Bob Briggs, Hunter S Thompson; the Sporting Green; the Pink Section; the likes of which we will never see again. A cryin’ shame.
    What we now get online are lousy writers, opinions not facts, and very few who can grasp the importance of irony, satire, and comedy - Let alone anyone who understands the importance of gravitas, and stressing the scale of life changing shifts.

    What we get is: (40 character tweets)

    Chicken gud, catsup so-so. Sad

    1. All that is true, but keep in mind the Chronicle, and the TV stations doing news, are not getting advertising money anymore, and that's how they hired all that talent. You know how you get endless popups over popups over banner ads over videos over more videos? And you have to navigate around them all, or you just leave the page altogether? That's where the advertising dollars that used to fuel newspapers and magazines are going. And the joke is, no one even sees these online ads, whereas at least some print and broadcast ads got noticed.

    2. @2:49pm…thank you! Precisely how I feel.

  5. Liberal rag. Marina Times for what's really going on with the corruption in SF.

    1. Sorry about Gym Jordan :(

    2. Exhibit A: the dangers of a frontal lobotomy..

    3. Marina Times has done some fantastic work calling out SF corruption on KGO with John Rothmann. Even John was shocked at the levels of deceit in SF Dem politics. Don't let the HuffPo/Colbert watchers at 5:43 and 6:33 spin it.

    4. @6:33pm - Hey, listen to me, friend, It's not your fault. It's not your fault. :)

    5. 4:50 & 5:41 San Francisco makes no bones about being a very liberal city. If y'all don't like it here, you can leave. I moved here 12-years ago from that right-wing hell-hole known as Colorado Springs; before that, my wife and I lived in Phoenix and Dallas. Her career has dictated these moves (I work remotely). I've half-jokingly told her, "Honey--this is it. We ain't moving. If your career path dictates us moving away from here...SEE YA!"

    6. @8:00 You realize your type are the ones causing all the troubles in this country? Liberals policies is what screwed up the once mighty US, wonder if Rich will publish this, I bet not

    7. "If y'all don't like it here, you can leave."

      We are. In record numbers.

      "I moved here 12-years ago from that right-wing hell-hole known as Colorado Springs."

      What's the crime rate vs. here?

  6. How the mighty has fallen, I was a peper boy for the Chronicle in 1967; rack copies was 10 cents per paper, home deliveries were $2.00 per month weekdays only, every day a bit more and so much content; now I wouldn't use it for the bottom of the bird cage, birds won't be happy with so little content, sad...

  7. @2:49....Agree 💯... today's journalism and journalists can't begin to compete with that and those of the past.... another great tradition lost

  8. Don’t feel bad for the Chronicle. Newspapers should have owned the content on the internet from the very beginning, but they wanted to keep doing business like it was 1890. Now, the “journalist” for the surviving rags want to tell us how stupid we are because we don’t want to read their 10,000 word in-depth reports. Well, times have changed. We don’t have a lot of free time for long articles and two-hour podcasts. For us real world, overworked and exhausted people, you have 200 words to catch our attention and 450 words to tell us the entire story. Your podcast better be no longer than 29 minutes. It’s been a “give us 20 minutes and we’ll give you the world” marketplace for almost 60 years now. Newspapers and their journalists never learned that reality which is why they are going extinct. For reference, see the dinosaurs. You have to adapt!

    1. There is a place for the in-depth reporting. After all most TV and commercial radio stories are just rehashes of something investigative news outlets have discovered. You need the enterprise journalism that takes weeks to cover to actually tell you what's going on.

    2. Funny, these same “busy” people have all the time in the world to binge-watch Breaking Bad and Billions. Just sayin.’

      I’m also struggling to remember the last time I saw a 10,000 word story about anything in the Chronicle. That’s not the reason they’re an endangered species. Advertising migrating to online sites that serve up crap like “Eleven Things Diners Do in Restaurants That Servers Hate” (and then only offering up ten because the Gen-Zer idiot who wrote the article can’t count) is why traditional media is dying. Oh, that and the people who provide the “content,” as they like to call it, for these sites make $25 per story, while journalists expect to make a living wage.

      If you wanted 400-word snappy stories there was always The SF Examiner and U.S.A. Today.

  9. The Chronicle is a sad joke. They keep asking for more money while making the paper smaller with more wire stories and less local coverage. Plus, if you want to delivery service any nighttime games that are being played locally or not covered in the newspaper anymore. They really put a picture of the game and say “for more information go to our website.“ What a bunch of BS! So After 40 years, I gave up and called them and said I no longer wanted to be a subscriber. I said the only way I would stay on as a subscriber was if they offered me what I used to pay in 1990. Amazingly, they said that would be ok, (They probably would rather have had me as a subscriber who was paying at least something rather than a former subscriber.) But within a few months, I got a bill that was the same as the old one, charging me way too much. I called customer relations and they gave me some song and dance about how they offer they had given me with only good for three months. So I told him “goodbye, it’s been fun!”

    1. “The Chronicle is a sad joke. They keep asking for more money while making the paper smaller with more wire stories and less local coverage.”

      As the saying goes, follow the money.

      Advertising has left the conventional media industry and gone online, where BS metrics created by the very people buying the stuff claim the ads are far more efficient and effective than on trad media.

      It’s not, it’s all made-up stats, but if it helps some millennial keep his or her job so they can jerk off all day to Instagram pics while pretending to work, so be it.

      So what can traditional media do? They have a fraction of the budget they had 10-15 years ago. Frankly, I’m amazed they exist at all anymore. That they Bay Area can support FIVE television stations for news blows my mind.

  10. Sadly, most Americans read very little print media anymore. How many news magazines are stull out there? How many papers that have real credibility? Most Americans are too busy mesmerized by tiny screens and looking at quick hits and nonsense on Instagram or Facebook rather than real news. Most Americans are misinformed and the real ‘fake news’ is the nonsense and constant opinion driven media that feels no responsibility to uphold journalistic standards. As someone who worked in the broadcast industry for years, it saddens me to think of what has happened to our profession as well. One of the big reasons a dangerous idiot such as Trump was elected is it people were so misinformed. They like to go to their “echo chambers“ so they can listen to the likes of blabbermouths such as Sean Hannity. Sad!

  11. Yep..when Craigslist arrived..the advertising left..then the quality..I took an early buyout 12 1/2 year's ago..former newspaper driver..S.F. Chronicle/ Examiner..
