Friday, October 20, 2023

Rich Lieberman UNHINGED --Friday Rant Bay Area Media Woeful; Rundown


  1. These are brutal. Worse than watch Reggie Aqui and Grant Lodes combined.

  2. I love that anyone that dares point out that your room is a mess, you call them a troll. If someone on a local news station, during covid, was broadcasting from their room and it was a mess, you'd be on your blog writing 18 paragraphs calling them out for it.

    And if that isn't hypocritical enough of you, you turned off the comments on your youtube videos. So it's okay for you to comment on everyone else, but no one can critique your content.

    1. @7:37 Why is it any of your business how a person lives? Busybody much? You should be appreciative Rich invited all of us into his realm, thank you, Rich

  3. Just hating everything isn’t interesting opinion. It’s angry ranting and that’s all Lieberman ever does.

  4. Congrats Rich on launching the video component of 415 Media!

    Wishing you ALL the additional great success that I believe is headed your way!

    1. Rich should check out Twitch. There are some blog users who use that platform and after they get so many followers and hours in he can become an "Twitch Affiliate." That will allow direct donations (called Bits) and subs.

      I can see Rich getting some decent income off of that. Twitch takes half the moola, but the rest goes to the streamer.

  5. @1:05 You completely missed the point of my post. Try again.

  6. Mc Donalds coffee is the best.

    1. @10:44 And if you spill McD's coffee or nuggets on your lap you can get a ton of moolah!
