Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday Hits; Another "Important" KRON Meeting --Be There or Else; Sara Donchey/KPIX Late Night Symmetry; Warriors' Bob Fitzgerald Fetish is Out of Touch; So Too KNBR Morning Show; San Jose Saleswoman 'Get Jiggy With Me Finale"


A WRITTEN blog, are you happy now? God willing, I'm not going away.

*Another mandatory KRON meeting on Friday with a new twist: everyone has to show up, from the janitors to the anchor folks. How serious is Nexstar about this powwow? Miss it and get fined a hundred bucks.

*I watched KPIX 11 PM news with a little more urgency the other night--Sara Donchey looked as if she was headed to Momo's --her news savvy is positively ambushed by. the direct confluence of milking Stephen Colbert and CBS Late Show afterwards. I get the double promo angle but I'm not sure it works.

By the way, Colbert jumped the shark many moons ago but I guess it's CBS trying anything to attract the Gen X crowd, the 11 or 12 kids that still watch network TV late night.

*TRENDING DOWN: Clarissa Ward on CNN in the Middle East. Her star is dimming, not to mention her eye appeal.

*If KRON simply acted like the old KRON, they'd be fine. There's too many. things going on, figuratively speaking.

*Darya Folsom, see above.

*The fact Pat Olson i doing USF basketball and George Devine JR isn't is a major mystery in my book--Devine is c risp, clear, concide and has USF roots to boot. Plus, he's genuine; I'd reckon the sits on the hilltop should file that. They need someone to move the needle. Devine can, BOUYAH!

^KNBR without the 49ers: like an Italian cook without pasta.

*Bob Fitzgerald has TWO f ans, the morning midgets on KNBR doofus AM show. If Brian Murphy can only get out of his Buster Posey uniform and Paulie Mac quit the FAKE New Jersey accent, oh, that would merely make the show simply terrible to now, unlistenable.

*The Warriors coddling of pbp guy, Fitzgerald severely dims their light.

*The NBC Bay Area sales gal with the eternal short skirt and sailor language was a certifiable hit with the powerful Southbay guy who owns a lot of hotels. He and her finalized a HUGE esl at one of his places in Los Gatos the other night and it was, I'm told, quite a screamer.

*Free plug: watch my YouTube show and support my 7-11 coffee habit.


  1. "Colbert jumped the shark many moons ago"

    I guess no one told the ratings since he's still at the top.

    1. Colbert’s humor is more cerebral than most of mid-America can understand.

    2. Are you sure about that?

      Gutfeld maintained its spot in first place in prime-time television yet again despite late-night talk shows returning.

      Per Nielsen's ratings, Gutfeld! in particular nabbed the most viewers last week at 2,062,000, leaving CBS's The Late Show with Stephen Colbert trailing behind with 1,984,000 viewers. Next was ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! at 1,625,000 viewers and NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon at 1,329,000. The Fox News program hosted by the titular Greg Gutfeld was also the No. 1 show within cable news when it came to the 25-54 demographic, boasting 302,000 viewers within that age group.

    3. Subway is at the top for sandwich shops and McDonalds is at the top for burgers. So?

    4. @5:50 You sure about that? Obviously you never saw any of Woody Allen's films, that's cerebral, colbert isn't a comedian or commentator in any sense of the word, just a one sided political hack

    5. @6:37 - You're comparing apples and oranges. Gutfeld plays to a completely different audience and therefore, has no competition.

      Is just like the days before OAN and Newsmax. There was a lot of talk about how Fox's ratings were higher than CNN and MSNBC while never acknowledging that CNN and MSNBC largely has the same crowd while Fox had no competition. The numbers changed once OAN and Newsmax came along.

    6. @9:19 Yes, Gutfield is cable based, then why is he beating Colbert, Kimmel and others over the air which is a broader audience? Yes, FNC did lose audience but why are they still on top?

  2. Rich, u r waaaaaaaaaay out of bounds on the George Devine “mystery” not doing USF Basketball. This shows your complete ignorance your part on what Pat Olson brings to the broadcast, and has, for years. Olson is integral to USF Athletics and broadcasts way l more than just Men’s BB. He is excellent and immensely popular. You might do more homework before you spout off on something you know very little, or anything, about.

  3. 7-11? with the money I’ve donated you should be drinking lattes at Starbucks

  4. You forgot about Bob Fitzgerald's biggest fan...

    Bob Fitzgerald

  5. Give a man a 7-11 and he has coffee for a day Give a man a coffee pot and teach him how to use it and he has coffee for a lifetime.

    1. Re Anonymous Oct. 19 at 12:32PM
      Where does he get his coffee? Back at 7-11?

  6. Colbert is by far the most sophisticated and funnies of the bunch. Clarissa Ward has more guts in her toenail clippings than the majority of reporters.. Did she dare mention some fact that didn't idolize Israel? good for her

    1. Colbert is #1 in the ratings of night time talk shows. So much for “jumping the shark”. Don’t worry 415 Mefis bloggers you can always watch Gutfeld.

    2. Colbert is nothing without a team of writers. I remember when he did a live skit from down on the street at Hello Deli once and the security guards were everywhere.

      Many people despise that guy.

    3. “ Colbert is nothing without a team of writers.”

      They all have teams of writers. So what?

      What boggles my mind is it takes a team of writers to write that crap.

    4. Colbert is not #1. Gutfeld is.

  7. I literally stopped watching Warriors games because of Fitzgerald.

    1. I stopped watching Warrior games because they did not discipline Draymond Green for assaulting a teammate.

  8. !st, Why can't you do written blog and some Youtube? Truly enjoy both; 2nd, as for Stephen Colbert he sucks, nowhere as entertaining as Carson, Letterman or Leno, 3rd, as far as I'm concerned CNN was my go to for anything HUGE but no longer, they no longer fact check important developments but not only them, ABC, CBS, NBC Msnbc, Wapo, and others also in the same boat RE: Gaza Hospital "bombed", for crying out loud, far as I'm concerned Ms. Ampour is the best in reporting on the Middle East, God Bless Israel

    1. Why did you leave out Fox News?

    2. Ms. "Ampour"?? Christiane Amanpour is a British- Iranian reporter who once covered dangerous war zones. Now having survived cancer, she is no longer covering war zones, but rather doing interviews with important players on the world stage.

    3. @5:54 Hey nutjob, because FNC reported most msm got the "bombing" source from "Hammas" Health Services, and FNC is about the only one to report Israeli and US sources communications from Hammas knowing it was their rocket that went haywire and hit the hospital parking lot, CHECK your source, God Bless Israel

    4. @9:25 Yes, I agreed with !:10 Christiane Amanpour (so he misspelled her name)she was the best reporting from the Middle East, however when she started reporting on non Middle East subjects she showed her true colors by being bias and one sided reporting, truth? I don't think so

    5. dear 6:21... One can be "biased", but one can not be "bias". Maybe that's why you are confused.

    6. @2:05 Sorry, agreeing with 6:21; watched Amanpour this year PBS and was thinking: Whoa! You're not reporting but injecting your personal opinions, no more PBS and donations

    7. Yes, I think most of MSM don't like Israel thus disregarding the initial atrocities perpetrated at the Jewish and other nationalities near the gaza border and instead reporting the "bombings" on the gaza, they disregard the reasoning of why Israel has the right to defend itself, only FNC is accurate in it's reporting and may God Bless Israel and shame on most MSM

  9. So true about Colbert. The sad truth is he has gone from humorous parody to trying to pathetically the real thing. Stop with all the Democrat politicians and members of the political-media complex coming on the show and giving talking points. This isn't "Meet The Press." When they fired the EP in April of 2016 it was all downhill.

  10. Clarissa Ward? I'm on the Gulliver Cragg bandwagon!

  11. Rich you hit a TriFecta: Murph Mac Fitzgerald ! When I hear any of their voices I immediately change the channel. Every time
    Earlier today, Thursday, on Papa & Lund, they were chatting with radio color man Ryan. Papa started going off into one of his goofball soliloquies and Ryan bitch-slapped Papa back to the 1990’s. “Let’s keep it on Football,” and went back to the discussion at hand. OH how I wish I could shut Papa up the way Ryan did today, it was beautiful.
    Papa if you’re paying attention, your deep drills of repetitive thoughts are irritating at best, and simply deplorable at worst.

  12. I am very curious what percentage of the readers for this blog are R and what percentage are D because I do not see much in the way of open minded thought.

    1. Is it a political blog or a mass media of the bay area? You make the call !
      Personally I am so tired of folks turning everything into their politics.

    2. I blame Colbert and Kimmel brainwashing their viewers myself.

  13. I love Sara that is why I am watching KPIX 11PM, better than those clowns on NBC 11

    1. Sara’s not a clown? She wears the clown pants.

  14. As an employee at KRON, I can confirm that many of us are feeling extremely fatigued. Our confidence in Jim Rose has been completely shattered. In my entire career, I've never encountered such a terrible individual. He comes across as insincere, perpetually paranoid, and exhibits prejudice towards minorities. He undermines employees behind their backs while wearing a smile to their faces. It's common knowledge among most of us in the the department that he actively works against our employee interests in various ways. Especially when to comes to union negotiations. Word is our station's transition to The CW has also had an irreversible negative impact on our revenue and ratings are not returning. At this point, the majority of us are exploring new job opportunities or hoping for a change in leadership. Unfortunately, the KRON we once cherished seems to have disappeared since Rose assumed control.

    1. @7:19 Jump ship!!! We used to watch KRON 4 for news @ 8 but sinced The CW got rid of it and messed with the scheduling we are done, haven't watched for a few months and not coming back, imagined we're not the only ones

  15. If you watch the car chase in Bullitt, they pass the green VW Beetle (in the above clip) about four different times. I remember watching the director's commentary and he also pointed it out with a chuckle.

    1. @7:57, You're right, went and checked Youtube's short Bullitt chase clip, funny how I / we didn't noticed it when at the movies in 1968, probably we were so enamored at the chase we didn't noticed

  16. KR0N should show Erin Wilson the door her whiney voice is annoying and not very good.

    1. The prize for MOST ANNOYING VOICE goes to Gloria Rodriguez on Ch 7 KGO. It used to belong to Mary Lee on Ch 5 KPIX but she's now mercifully semi-retired & Ms Rodriguez is even worse. And she's become a substitute anchor on the early morning show, so we get to hear her for literally hours at a time. Just shoot me now!

  17. Bay Area news is so boring. I can watch any newscast and see the same news I watched 2 days before. I don't remember news being this bad before. Let KPIX to lose that stupid map they stand on to report the weather.

  18. Papa is awful. The way he constantly cuts Lund off is very disrespectful and annoying. Can't believe the PD doesn't put a muzzle on him.

  19. I like the new YouTube but no one can watch it for close to 40 minutes. A concise 15-20 minutes with your actual insights and your sources stories would be much better; perhaps write a Script Rick?

  20. "Colbert jumped the shark many moons ago but I guess it's CBS trying anything to attract the Gen X crowd, the 11 or 12 kids that still watch network TV late night." Gen X are consider kids? LOL
