Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Rich Lieberman UNHINGED --Day 2; NY Times/WSJ/CNN Gross Neglect; Earthquake Rattles Bay Area


  1. You are misrepresenting what the NYT headline and story was..Here's the actual headline. Israel-Hamas War....Israeli Airstrike Hits Gaza Hospital, killing 500, Palestinian Health Ministry says... BTW there is no independent fact gathering investigative unit on the scene...none. Meanwhile, mercifully, not a single Hamas rocket of the thousands lobbed into Israel over the last ten days has killed any Israeli...not one, zilch, zero.. a good thing...right?

  2. When are you going to get your Kars for Kids band on the air along with wife jan wahl.

  3. Israel's Iron Dome system is amazingly successful at knocking Hamas's Qassam rockets out of the sky before they can do damage, thank goodness

    1. @12:36 Yes, thank God for the Iron Dome; I still can't fathom how misdirected and no sense for justice when I see college so called students (more like indoctrinated by so called professors) protesting against Israel and supporting hamas and Palestinians, do they not seen people get murdered, woman raped and killed, babies' heads chopped off and people being burned alive? Oh, yes, the MSM is complicit in underplaying it (except for FNC) but kept reporting Israel's "air strikes", SMH, God Bless Israel
