Saturday, October 21, 2023

Rich Lieberman Saturday Media Rundown; Legacy Stations in Bad Shape; KTVU and KRON; Chronicle Layoffs Update


  1. Leave it to Pat Wattenburg to pull last night’s steak out of the toilet and do an interview about Taylor Swift this morning.
    CC Radio advertisements, interviewing Rothmann, surprised she didn’t hand out her resume at Feinstein’s memorial service.

  2. Well, with this new relaxed and gracious attitude that you have demonstrated today you have a chance of success with a slow build. If you return to your negative, resentful, and bitter persona you will ultimately crash and burn. I was going to quit listening for those very reasons. We have enough negativity in our culture and lives these days. I have not enjoyed anything about your first few broadcasts. Even though I did not enjoy watching you, I tried to give you some simple suggestions to improve your presentation. Even though bitching about it, I can see that you've taken some of it to heart. It's good to listen sometimes. This could be a turn-around for you, and I believe it will bring out the best in you. You no longer need to be a curmudgeon. Do not be afraid of your own graciousness. It will endear you to people. And it will enable you to shine. I will continue to tune in. Happiness is a choice, Rich. And I know it is within you. I hope you will embrace it. The very best of luck to you in this endeavor. P.S. Feel free to read this to your audience if you feel it can help illuminate for them a new intention (for you) in the direction of your work. Be hinged.

  3. Sadly, I think we have to accept that KRON will never be what it was. We have turned into a big joke. Our Programming is not in demand, the management here is horrible, and everyone is exhausted from being overworked. These issues have been raised to some of the highest level of management with utter disregard for any of the employees' feelings. It's hard to give your all to a station that does not care about you. And with some of these recent allegations that the general manager of Kron has been heard making remarks about minorities not working, being lazy and not looking good at camera, nobody here trust him. Some of us remain here to try to positively affect change internally but we all are looking elsewhere.

    1. Hopefully the beauty that is Olivia Horton stays

  4. Hi Rich, I cam across this incredible footage of the first minutes of the '89 earthquake and KGO's ensuing coverage:

    You may've already seen this but definitely worth sharing with your readers as it has lots of oldies but goodies from yesteryear including Cheryl Jennings, Don Sanchez, Anna Chavez, and Pete Wilson.

  5. The Chronicle abandoned their entire podcasting unit and their SF Next project all in one fell swoop. They buried the podcasts and failed to promote them, despite creating some of the best NPR quality audio content being produced in San Francisco. Marconi was a very recent hire and so he really got screwed, leaving KCBS for what should have been a really exciting chance to help The Chronicle join the 21st century as a multimedia platform. While podcasts aren't replacing broadcast they are one of the news delivery methods that are taking off. Look at the successful podcasts in the New York Times and elsewhere. Finally, the Chronicle screwed its broadcast partner KALW, which was carrying "5th and Mission" and just pulled the plug, leaving a five show a week hole in the station's line-up.
