Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday Coffee; MIA Mystery: KCBS Traffic Anchor Kim Wonderley; "In Depth" Doo Doo; KTVU Ace Cristina Rendon Stays Loyal; Slick Sara Donchey at PIX; "Armstrong and Getty": Forest Gump Bay Area Radio; KRON Meh Meeting (Again)


    Traffic anchor, Kim Wonderley, has been AWAY from the AM news desk for over a month. No explanation of course from the bosses on air. If Wonderley is still gone come Monday, then yes, SF, we have a problem.

        *More KCBS: the continued marginalization of a Sunday staple, "In Depth", which is now a thirty-minute ragtag of a taped programming disaster, hosted by a nobody named Sarah Hughes.

            *Cristina Rendon, for reasons unknown, has decided to stay at KTVU, even though she's has MULTIPLE OFFERS to go to other stations, a few in the Bay Area. Rendon isn't all great but she's clearly an above-average anchor, especially in today's blase environment\.

                *Bill Martin: still mumbling away. How he still has a gig, beats me.

                    *Sara Donchey: I guess slickness...
                        *The Forest Gump of AM radio, twice: "Armstrong and Getty/"--God, what useless simpletons.

                            *The KRON meeting on Friday: directive to staff from Nexstar: more belt-tightening on way. Look out, Ken Wayne, among a few others.


  1. What is the news with Chronicle layoffs? Aside from shutting down a podcast team, how are they major?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I admit it, I did not like Sara Donchey at first. I still say some of her wardrobe choices are bizarre. Now, having said that, she does a decent job of reading the news, and she has grown on me as an anchor of the 11pm news. But for me, I just love it when several nights of the week, she starts the show by walking from behind the wall, onto the set, wearing open-toes shoes, be them high heels or these strange flat shoes that are weird, but they DO show off her totally beautiful tiny feet. It reminded me of a story she reported on just a few weeks ago, about the guy who was arrested for breaking into women's homes, as they were in bed, and he "fondled" their feet! Everytime she walks out onto the set with open-toes lusciously staring at me, I am reminded of that news story!

    1. Sarah is far better than anyone at 11:00 pm. KPIX has improved their news broadcasts. KGO has lost its edge. KNTV is mediocre and KRON is invisible.

    2. Doctor Toejam, get thee to a Podiatrist.

    3. She broke down crying when reporting the Uvalde school shooting and had to be bailed out by Reed Cowan. She’s all ambition and mediocre intelligence.

    4. I love Sara and her seemingly never-ending array of outfits. I wonder where she stores them all-if she lives in the City, it's unlikely that one or two closets would hold them all. Any insights Rich?

  4. Replies
    1. Agreed! She is incredibly gorgeous. I love her outfits when she wears short skirts and tight tops.

    2. “A sick Honkey straight goin’ Donchey “

  5. Watch me some Donkey news every night

  6. Kim Wonderly being MIA is not a bad thing. We can do without her annoying voice and haughty attitude.

    1. Sorry but Wonderly is the best traffic reporter in the Bay... by far. She actually KNOWS the area and it comes across in her reports. I've actually missed her in the morning.

    2. Kim and Kevin aren’t getting along right now.

      A Neighbor

  7. Sara is fine. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and I bet if you see her out in the town you could say hi to
    her and she would be nice back.

  8. Is Devin Fehely (from Pix Plus) a weeble? Would he completely tip over if you pushed him to one side, or would he recover and stand up again? Also Devin Fehely: He has more crutches than a medical supply store.

    1. Devin Fehely is off this week. We had Juliette & Sara as fill ins & Liz also seems to be out too.

      Sara is okay for the most part but she wastes time chit chatting irrelevant crap with Darren.

      When Devin gets to the weather he’s like “taking a live look outside lets get a quick check of the forecast with meteorologist Darren Peck” without wasting unnecessary banter.

  9. So Rich....could you possibly reach out to KCBS, and ask WHY Kim Wonderley has been off the air?? True - they may not provide a satisfactory answer, but - listeners want to know, and it can't hurt to ask. Just sayin'

    1. What have Rich actually do some checking what he say that will be a first.

  10. Half the staff at KCBS out with Covid.

  11. I think I speak for the entire Bay Area, nobody is wondering about Wonderly.
