Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday Rundown; Great KRON Anchors of Yesterday


  1. Am very impressed, Rich. Quite enjoyable, accessible, embraceable, and professional.

  2. sylvia Chase with a superb producer was a very good investigative network reporter..As a local anchor, nothing special.

  3. Sylvia Chase was an abhorrent anchor. ND Herb Dudnick (also from 20/20) brought her in and was dismayed by the plummeting ratings that resulted. Audiences (and staff, of which I was one) loathed her on-air presence. A bitch, and it permeated the screen. She was absolutely one of the finest broadcast investigative journalists ever. But anchor? Not even close.

    Bob Jimenez, on the other hand, a rock-star anchor, especially on Live At Five. Best in class.

  4. You left Lloyd Patterson off your top KRON anchors list

    1. Re: Anonymous 9:07PM
      Lloyd Patterson was solid but not a top anchor. Always thought he would have worked well in the Midwest. Quick question. If you had to choose between Lloyd and Paul Ryan who would be your anchor?

  5. Anyone who watches CNN is a complete moron! For fuck sake Rich!

    1. @6:07 No he's not, just wanting to stay informed; just a suggestion for Rich: Why not run CNN & FNC at the same time so you can see who's reporting the truth IE: Did CNN fact checked hamas health ministries claim that Israel "bombed" the gaza hospital? Nope

  6. Fast forwarding to the here and now: Lt. Jessica Burch is incredibly intelligent and naturally beautiful, courageously risking her life to protect our country. In a nutshell, she's truly remarkable. Those with a different opinion can kick rocks.

  7. Sylvia Chase didn't move the needle. She was a square peg in a round hole as an anchor. She would laugh at Wayne Shannon's commentaries...even the serious ones. The one thing she got right at KRON was tell management to hire Suzanne Saunders when she got fired by KGO because the News Director wanted to put his teacher's pet Anna Chavez in her place.

  8. Enjoyed this YouTube upload. Have you done a story how KRON screwed over and continues to screw over Stanley Roberts?

  9. Anybody remember Kirstie Wilde at KRON?
