Monday, October 23, 2023

Wayne Walker was Real Deal and Then Some


  1. I met Wayne a few times, including a bachelor party at a local bar. He must have knocked back at least five vodka shots in half an hour. Then he headed to the station to do his segment, clear eyed and cogent.

    1. I miss Wayne a lot. Remember when we would buy oranges at Safeway, write messages on them with a black marker, then go back in and put the oranges back on the shelf? Messages like “pay your bills”, “I’ll take you to court” and “clean your dirty house.” Man, those were the days.

    2. Walker was as smooth as they come in his delivery, but the reason he could drink in the Marina and show up at the last minute is that his staff did all the work.

  2. Wayne Newtons remains the same

  3. Thanks for the memories, Rich, good Heavens, compare the olden crew to today's, very few today can fill the shoes of olden news anchors, missed the class, trustworthiness and wholesomeness, local and MSM, especially ABC, CBS and NBC, now MSM are a shell of it's former self, wouldn't touch MSNBC today with most of the crappy commentators there

    1. @12:53 How come msnbc can't get rid of joy reid, morning joke and dim witted mika? SMFH

  4. Lets celebrate the past for about 2-3 minutes a day and then move forward on today's issues! BTW - Ronn Owens - HOF

  5. rick.calicura@gmail.comOctober 23, 2023 at 1:30 PM

    Rich, you are getting better at this video gig. Practice makes perfect. Stay back from the camera a little. The aperture is apparently wide angle and it gives you a bug-eyed look. So.... Waiting for the next episode.

  6. Really enjoyed this entry, Rich. Wayne, IMO, was the best local sports anchor that I've ever seen. In this market, or elsewhere. His work as a game analyst and interviewer was remarkable, as well. I saw him play, later in his career, and he was a standout linebacker during an era when there were many great linebackers (including several who played for the Raiders and Niners).

    When I worked on Sansome, decades ago, I ate at Hunan a few times. I agree: the food there really was good.

  7. Wayne Walker was undeniably a legend. Now, I'd like to talk about an up-and-coming legend at KPIX: Lieutenant Jessica Burch.

    Despite being early in her career, Lt. Burch is incredibly intelligent and naturally beautiful, courageously risking her life to protect our country. In a nutshell, she's truly remarkable and unlike anyone we've seen grace the Bay Area airwaves. If she chooses to remain in the news industry, I have no doubt it'll only be a matter of time before we include her name amongst the greats.

    1. Hey @209 -- You need to stop sniffing model glue and drinking Red Bulls at the same time. And I'm not referring to your comment about Wayne Walker, either.

    2. Thanks for chiming in, Jessica!

    3. Thank you for that shameless plug, Lieutenant Burch!

    4. Burch unquestionably possesses the "it" factor. I know I speak for the entire Bay Area when I say I can't wait to watch her meteoric ascent as her career skyrockets.

    5. Thanks for chiming in, Jess!

    6. Hands down she's the best weather person in the Bay Area.

    7. 10:35 AM, I want whatever kind of booze you're drinking.

    8. @1:42 Colt 45, large ones

    9. Are we talking about the same Jessica Burch? The one who has zero sense of spatial relation, nor a vocabulary big enough not to repeat herself in the same sentence? I think her contribution is better appreciated in Reno than in the bay area. She’s headed for big things, most of us call them the Sierra.

  8. As a die hard Lions fan I remember him well.

  9. Talking about greats... has anybody seen Cecilia Vega on 60 Minutes? She did an awesome segment on Pink (the performer)...

    1. Cecilia Vega is an excellent reporter and she is a great addition to 60 Minutes.

  10. Wayne with Dave McElhatton and Wendy Tokugawa were a formidable newscast. Solid! You can briefly see Wayne in the George Plimpton film Paper Lion with his team mate Alex Karras

  11. Boy, you are sorely mistaken if you think you are going to make money off these videos, as you stated, 'to monetize' things. Ain't gunna happen. For your sake, I hope I am wrong, but I highly doubt you will get enough views to earn a quarter. You ain't no Mr. Beast or Preston.

  12. As a young kid, my biggest memory of Wayne Walker was playing fusion jazz during his sports reports. I fondly remember Weather Report's Birdland during highlights. Been one of my favorites every since.

  13. Wayne Walker 10, Ibanez 1

  14. Hoodie is too Fedderman.

    How about dressing up with a nice tie and appropriate attire.
