Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Bay Area Media TV/KPIX Special: The Dynamic Duo of Doug Murphy and Kate Kelly


  1. Rename your Youtube Channel to: BayAreaTVNewsRetro.com...I loved the old days, but embrace the new ones please Rich

    1. I agree. Surely there's an audience and niche for everything but if you keep obsessing on anchors from generations ago you're going to begin bleeding followers. Most people who visit your site want to hear about the here and now. The people and topics they're seeing on their TV's today. That's what top of mind. Reflecting on people who haven't been on the airwaves for 30-40 years causes people to tune out.

    2. @2:41 I disagree; Rich's blog is informative, entertaining and sometimes it's good to bring up past news personalities so we can remember how great they were, thanks, Rich, keep up the good work

  2. Tragic how Murph died.

    1. @1:59 As a reminder to all make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are in working order, smoke kills you real fast

  3. Since you're profiling "dynamic duos'' of the past, I hope you give a special homage to the on-air talents of one Charley Horse and Humphrey Hambone. Their delivery,talent and rapier like wit were the gold standard of captive viewership.

    1. You are spot on: Charlie and Humphrey were the counterpoint to Capt Kangaroo and Mr Greenjeans, though C&H were better actors. 👍

  4. Very good memories from the old days, what a lineup at pix then, mcellhatton, takuda, Murphy, Kelly, Wayne walker; everyone an Allstars! This was just kpix, kron, kgo & ktvu had great personnel also at that time.

  5. I always say you must know your history. If we want to go forward we must know who and what preceded us. But it's another thing to wallow too long in the past and get stuck there at the expense of the NOW. It's a delicate dance I don't believe you know how to do very well. You're too reactionary. You don't check your sources and just take what your moles give you at face value. Moles are notoriously biased unhappy actors as we all know. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. Good luck.

  6. Very sad about what happened to Doug. Similar to the time my neighbor let our cat run away when we went on vacation. So when they went on vacation, I shut off the power to their house. They moved shortly thereafter.

  7. You are spot-on about Doug and Kate. I was there in the KPIX newsroom working with them for years. We knew how talented they were as an anchor duo. In fact, we knew that in virtually any other major market, they’d be co-anchoring weeknights. But Mac and Wendy (and Walker and Bartlett) were incredibly strong on our weeknights. There was so much talent in TV news in SF back then. And we were fortunate at KPIX to have more than our fare share. A great time, indeed

  8. Hi Rich. Keep up the good work. On another topic, I know you often criticize Andrew Baggarly for not breaking enough news but he was all over the Bob Melvin story this weekend. He broke the news today that Melvin will be named SF's manager, beating Susan Slusser of the Chronicle, who did not attribute the news to the Athletic in her online story today. I know you are a critic of her, and rightfully so.

    1. Dream came true! Love Bob Melvin! Thousand times better than the last one

    2. Thankfully AssWipe Kapler got the heave-ho. He babbled like a drunken mynabird. When he used position players as pitchers, he clearly had little concept of respect for the game. He is human trash.

    3. @6:15 When he knelt, I knew he's more of a social warriors than a good manager, nuff said, thanks to kapperdink for starting this idiotic movement and helping less participation in sports as a whole, thank you kapperdink, you ungrateful unpatriotic POS

  9. Nice stories, Rich. I've known a few people who have met Kate, and they have all spoken very highly of her.

  10. I thought I had tuned into John Fetterman's youtube channel by mistake.

    1. @12:09 Nah, Rich is far more mentally cohesive than "Lurch"

    2. @12:09 Rich is more handsome than "vote for fetterman because he's a dem" dumbass peennislynia
