Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday First Front: Bay Area Media Coverage on Israel/Hamas War Putrid; CNN Shines with Nic Robertson

IF YOU WANT news on the Israel/Hamas war, stay away from Bay Area media--the coverage is putrid, at best...

HIGH MARKS: CNN and Nic Roberetson in particular. His detailed, breathless reports on the ground near the southern border in Israel are just plain riveting.


  1. It’s been less than two days, the conflict is on the other side of the world and it’s mass confusion. And all you can do is complain about the local news coverage. Get real and complain about something meaningful.

    1. He feeds off negativity some of you might notice that by now.

    2. Meaningless? So the deaths of hundreds of civilians, many in the most unimaginably brutal ways, is not significant?

      Rich has been transparent about his Jewish faith and openly shares stories about his mother and his celebrations of Jewish holidays. Show some tact and respect before dismissing mass murder on such an unthinkable scale as meaningless.

    3. @2:35pm, Hey jackass, there's a difference between meaningless and not meaningful. Next time educate yourself on the nuances of the English language before making a total ass of yourself on this blog.

  2. But no one should be going to Bay Areas news sources for news on the Israeli situation. That's what CNN, MSNBC, FOX, the WSJ, etc. are for.

  3. You get better information on Twitter and the Israeli news media like the Jerusalem Times and The Times of Israel. I also streamed a broadcast on Israeli TV that was in English.

  4. Nationally it's no better. I watched Face the Nation today and the anchor was a twit and seemed in way over her head. I felt like I was watching Sara Donchey do an interview.

  5. I don’t need non-stop, on the ground coverage. Just give me a high-level overview with the most pertinent information. Just the facts, Jack.
    I don’t need Nic Robertson. Mike Mibach is good enough for me.

    1. "I don’t need Nic Robertson. Mike Mibach is good enough for me."

      God help you.

    2. In what kind of twisted bizarro world are we living, where Mike Mibach is considered more trustworthy than a non-partisan, world-renowned international affairs correspondent who has reported from the front lines of some of the most consequential conflicts of our time?

  6. Well there's just way too much "social injustice" to cover. They don't have the time to cover Israel.

  7. I am still trying to figure out how Aman (military intelligence), Mossad (overseas intelligence) and Shabak (Internal Security) didn't know Hamas had been digging those tunnels, how they did not know Hamas had been armed to the teeth and that they were getting ready to engage in an all out attack on Israel. Sorry, but something doesn't smell right about this.

  8. Local news is terrible covering its own backyard. What can we expect from them when it comes to perhaps the most complicated geopolitical issue in history and at war? I’m no conspiracy theorist but I’m beginning to get sick and tired of all the deflections by those in power when asked: HOW WAS THERE SUCH A FAILURE BY SHIN BET AND THE MOSSAD? Where was the IDF!?

  9. Rich, can you write up what this conflict means to you so some of these knuckleheads will understand?

    1. What do you mean, understand? This is a complex geopolitical situation that has persisted for decades, and at its worst, it spans centuries. It has led to the loss of thousands of innocent lives and unimaginable suffering on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides of the border. This is a well-known fact.

      What is it that you believe "knuckleheads" on this blog don't understand?

    2. "What is it that you believe "knuckleheads" on this blog don't understand?"

      He's the knucklehead that doesn't understand how complicated and multifaceted this is. Americans generally don't, however, because our media is so heavily censored. When you go to Europe you learn what a free press really is like.

  10. Such a good take on the situation
