Monday, October 9, 2023

A Blur of Terror and Inhumanity on the TV Screen --Extra: CNN's Clarissa Ward and Crew In Line of Fire at Israel/Gaza Border: Chilling Video

SORRY, I COULDN'T watch football on Sunday...

I was glued to cable news, difficult sometimes as it was to watch certain videos.

The one chilling and gruesome: the young Israeli woman who was kidnapped from the music festival and was raped and whose hands were tied behind her back and was paraded around Gaza. Her mother OKed the video being aired on CNN and hoping against all hope she may still be alive.

^The father of a kidnapped Israeli woman who pleaded for h er release and seen crying and in clear anguish.

*The mother of a one of the young women murdered by Hamas militants who spoke to Anderson Cooper, he close to tears on several occasions.

*The information that emerged --confirmed by both the IDF and several news organizations, that young men, women, children and elderly were shot at close range.

*A FEW moments ago: a chilling video of CNN's Clarissa Ward and her crew near the Israel-Gaza border.


  1. Iran was behind and is backing Hamas. The current administration sent Iran 6 billion during a prisoner swap last month. Blood money funding terrorism.

    1. Inept administration. I'm sure Ilhan Omar is quite happy.

    2. Wall Steet Journal: Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks, gave the final go-ahead last Monday in Beirut.

      Biden's check cleared and they got to work. Sickening.

    3. Who gives Iran, a known terrorist state that has said "Our goal is to wipe Israel off the map", 6 billion dollars? We have idiots in charge.

    4. 3:37... It wasn't Biden's check as you assert. The money does and always has been iranian money, seized by this country and six others. It is not US taxpaer money. Iran is constantly threatened by Mr. Netanyahu who wants the US to put our soldiers' boots on the ground in Iran to take out nuke reseach facilities deep in mountainous terrain where even the most sophisticated daisy cutter bomb can't reach. Israel will never send its own people to attack Iran.

    5. Your assertion is false: "First, the money hasn’t been disbursed to Iran yet. When the freed Americans arrived in the U.S. in mid-September, the Iranian money was deposited into a restricted Qatari bank account. Qatar's central bank is overseeing the funds, and Iran has not accessed the money, according to U.S. officials.
      "Second, the deal required that Iran would be able to access this money only to pay for humanitarian items, such as medicine and food."
      Source: Politifact, a service of the Poynter Institute.

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  2. Very Sad Situation...

  3. This happened under Bibi NetanYAHOO I blame him! Where the hell was shin bet, mossad and the idf?

    1. You blame HIM and not the terrorists?? What's your malfunction? Shame on you!

    2. Israeli intelligence is supposed to be so wasn't.

  4. And Trump gave comfort and adulation to Putin. All politicians suck. Don't blame this on Dems or Repubs; they are both inept at foreign affairs.

  5. The mainstream media has created a narrative whereby if you express any degree of empathy for innocent Israelis AND Palestinians then somehow you are an antisemitic direct descendant of Hitler.
    What Hamas did over the weekend is evil and unconscionable. Israel has every right to defend itself and its people.
    But as is the case with all armed conflicts, most of the casualties are innocent men, women, children, and grandparents who have and want nothing to do with the conflict.

    1. Ummmmm, maybe you haven’t heard…the Palestinians started this tragedy by launching hundreds of rockets into Israel, and kidnapping and killing hundreds. Why should I or anyone else have even a modicum of empathy for them?

    2. "Ummmmm, maybe you haven’t heard…the Palestinians started this tragedy by launching hundreds of rockets into Israel, and kidnapping and killing hundreds. Why should I or anyone else have even a modicum of empathy for them?"

      Because Israel did the same thing to them first, and many more times. But you won't see that mentioned anywhere, and that includes this blog, so this post surely won't see the light of day. We report, Rich decides.

    3. I thought Hamas did what you described. Didn’t realize the entirety of the Palestinian people did it as your comment seems to suggest.

  6. Although it's captivating to watch what's happening at ground zero in Israel/Gaza, it's not a war where international war laws are being followed. It's absolute terrorism where anything goes and nobody is safe, including the foreign press. At this point, news outlets like CNN are putting their staff in unimaginable danger.

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