Saturday, October 7, 2023

Saturday Short


Even by its own goofy standards, the fact SFGate has NOT a one story/headlIne on the Israel/Hamas WAR that broke out overnight is a certified JOKE.

*Speaking of DISASTER zones: the overnight on KCBS Radio.

*KCSM on Saturday morn: Sonny Buxton from 10-2 PM, morning cup of jazz, an utter delight.

*The old, old radio ad WORSE than Kars4Kids: the mass-annoying "Video Only" ads, "you'll be sorry!", no kidding, Sherlock.

*Just figure: NBC Bay Area, just on its own local ads, figures to make $30M during the 2024 Paris Olympics.

*Every other day, a new reporter at KTVU. Just as well, nobody gives a damn anymore about that cesspool.


  1. Sorry Rich, but the KARS4Kids is 100 times worse than the Video Only schlock. K4K is a pretend charity, only about 4% goes to charity. So it is enrichening its company owners. Shame on them. It gets a terrible rating by Charity navigator, and it should, it’s as fake as a Queens con man.
    VO may be BO, but it’s a legitimate company, and as far as I can tell, advertising is what keeps radio, tv, football, baseball, RHOBH, on the air. Perhaps VO can spring for some new commercials, because if they don’t, they’ll be sorry!

    1. Kars4Kids and Oorah share a principal officer, Eliyohu Mintz, the son of their founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz.

  2. Ktvu has a new reporter named Alice Worst. She’s beyond awful. If you haven’t seen her reporting yet then consider yourself lucky.
    Does anyone know what happened to Dave Dettling? I liked him but he seems to be gone already.

    1. Likely referring to Alice Wertz. It's possible Worst was Freudian or maybe clever.

    2. Dave Detling is at the Fox station in Seattle now.

    3. According to his LinkedIn page, Detling works in Seattle now.

    4. Don’t mock Dave Detling. He’s a solid guy and a very good field reporter.

  3. Why would SF(click)Bait cover the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when there are purple houses, boba teas, and burritos to write about?

    1. Does S.F. gate still have a full-time burrito editor on their staff? I’m serious. I remember Rich and others mentioning it a while back.

  4. Okay? Given that the MSM is a lying, fact fabricating machine. Who are you going to believe? Local affiliates haven't received their script yet. Fingers pointed and unsubstantiated claims abound. But! Rest assured, they will have full coverage and continuous updates on Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce realtionship!

  5. no game no santangelo, not listening...

    1. Santangelo, no thanks - not listening

  6. I can't imagine why it's semite v. semite yet again? Could it be the heavy fist of one group of semites rushing another every day, taking away heritage lands and olive groves and homes from one group of semites to set up settlements for another group of semites. What could go wrong. Thousands of rockets fired, none with guidance systems...Now the bloodbath of innocent Gazan children begins.. No one will be shocked.

  7. Ktvu lost its way when its sole priority became adding more and more newscasts to its schedule rather than improving the quality and integrity of its existing, core newscasts. And now they’ve completely jumped the shark with their pathetic ‘Like it or Not’ show.

    1. Yep, they blew it. They were the top dog and rather than watch and laugh as every other local station sputtered and stalled, they chose to lead the race to the bottom.

    2. >>> ... rather than improving the quality and integrity of its existing, core newscasts. <<<

      They could start by mandating comprehensive training for all anchors and reporters on Bay Area geography, including the correct pronunciation of city names. For instance, James Torrez twice mispronounced 'Suisun City' as "Susan City" during this morning's broadcast.

      The endless mispronunciation of names isn't just a sign of sloppiness; it also indicates a lack of familiarity with the region they're reporting on and a complete failure to adequately prepare for their newscasts (journalism 101 dictates anchors should review their copy before going on air).

      The bottom line: It's hard to take someone seriously when they lack even the most basic knowledge of the very thing that they want YOU to know.

  8. The Israel/Hamas War event is a clear reminder that Christiane Amanpour reigns supreme over network coverage of European and Mideastern events. No one else comes close to understanding and professional presentation. A real feather in the cap of CNN, sadly about the only one. MSNBC, well, meh.

    1. For the first time, I watched Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation this morning. OMG she is awful and truly painful to watch. Her war related interviews were really bad.

  9. Yes SF Gate has far more important things to report on like the 49er game and SFO freeway closures next week

    1. BREAKING NEWS headline seen on SFGATE:

      'New! Check out our top 10 favorite ube spots in San Fran!'

  10. Massive failure in intelligence there and here they are saying. Inept politicians in charge here (Presidency, Senate) but what happened there? I have a feeling this is setting up for something far far bigger.

    1. 5:44 You might want to recalibrate your assertion that the politicians in charge of the Senate and the Presidency are inept. Seems to me, that the congressional body which appropriates money for things like aid to Israel is the House of Representative, run by Republican politicians in the majority right now. They can't even agree on a speaker. You think they'd all rush back to DC and get a speaker installed.....crickets. Yet you want to blame democrats.

    2. Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists will have a field day with this attack. Terrorists paraglided into Israel with rocket launchers. You’ve got to be kidding me…

    3. You are confusing the President and Senate for the GOP members in the house.

    4. Re: Anonymous 5:44PM
      Regarding "Inept politicians", you forgot to include The House and GOP party.

    5. The attack was funded by Iran.

      Didn't Biden (Presidency) just give Iran 8 billion a few months back? Even Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming a mile away.

      Inept presidency as he said.

  11. I was a little pissed off a few days ago when all of the reports came out about Coptic Jews spitting on Christians this week over there. But I never wanted anything like this to happen. This is going to be huge.

  12. The Video Only ads are fine by me. The one I can't stand is the ED clinic that FIXED THE PROBLEM of the 80 year old guy. "V**gra does not FIX THE PROBLEM".

  13. SF Chron is not really a newspaper. You need good reporters (missing), the ability to find and report the news (missing), and do so in an unbiased and objective method (definitely missing). The Chron is biased on most topics. They have reached their top ability with the idea that food is their main focus. High school papers would embarras them.

  14. Of course the backlash against the wanna be dictator NetanYAHOO will be huge. That fool should be to blame. Another right wing big mouth who touts himself the country’s savior only to bring in the worst attack into Israel in decades. It’s laughable to hear trumotards attempt to blame Biden. As Obama would say: “COME ON MAN!”

  15. SFGate is nothing more than a pitiful clickbait rag, devoid of any journalism or integrity. They instead resort to 1. blatantly plagiarizing stories from real journalists and other publications without proper attribution and 2. the incessant publication of embarrassing, amateurish, trivial content created by their staff, made up mostly of 20-somethings whose sole ambitions in life appear to be becoming social media 'influencers.'

    Their notable achievements at the ‘Gate’ include an astounding 83 articles about purple houses in San Francisco and a nauseating number of stories about the best burrito in the Bay Area. Oh, and let's not forget all the 'hidden' and 'secret' spots throughout the Bay Area that they’ve 'discovered' and so graciously shared with us.

    It won't be long before this blog ceases to mention SFGate altogether, as any semblance of journalistic integrity it may have once had is gone.

  16. SFGate is nothing more than a pitiful clickbait rag, devoid of any journalism or integrity. They instead resort to 1. blatantly plagiarizing stories from real journalists and other publications without proper attribution and 2. the incessant publication of embarrassing, amateurish, trivial content created by their staff, made up mostly of 20-somethings whose sole ambitions in life appear to be becoming social media 'influencers.'

    Their notable achievements at the ‘Gate’ include an astounding 83 articles about purple houses in San Francisco and a nauseating number of stories about the best burrito in the Bay Area. Oh, and let's not forget all the 'hidden' and 'secret' spots throughout the Bay Area that they’ve 'discovered' and so graciously shared with us.

    It won't be long before this blog ceases to mention SFGate altogether, as any semblance of journalistic integrity it may have once had is gone.

  17. Maybe, just maybe, the ads run because they work! Believe it or not, there are folks out there who need the services of a Steve Moskowitz, or need Armstrong to fix their roof, or a new Subaru, or whatever. IF you don't like the ad, hit the mute button.

  18. SF Gate is the pink section of the Hearst online presence. When I last looked the were links to five separate stories about the latest mideast conflict, including Bay Area connections, on the "front page" of the digital Chronicle. Probably should look for hard news in news section of the digital paper not SF Gate.

  19. SFGATE this morning, "Acclaimed Bay Area celebrity chef dies at 61"....and they don't have one pic of Michael Chiarello? (I still use a short rib recipe of his that Gene Burns recommended)

  20. 6Billion of our tax dollars paid to Iran funded Hamas. The Biden adminstration owns this horror and the Jews are king hell pissed off at the US. This will only escalate.

  21. Speaking of KCSM, Rich, are you aware of the big kerfuffle (check out their FB page) about the new Station Manager, Dr Franklin, daring to add actual Public Service programs to the early Sunday morning "dead zone"? Listeners are acting like it's the end of the world or something. Even Alisa Clancy has been chiming in to give Dr. F a hard time.

  22. @8:56am. Nice right wing talking point. The fact is the total amount is sitting in an account in Qatar controlled by the US Treasury Dept. Not a single penny has been released yet. But don't let that stop your ignorance from giving you a headache.

    1. @11:52 Boy, are you ignorant, what does 8:52 has to do with right wing? Iran is the world's top terrorists supporters especially hamas, it doesn't need the 6 billions release now, just "lending" to hamas in advance

    2. @11:52. Oh, Please. Yes, like the billions sent to Ukraine are sitting in escrow "untouched". I wonder what came of the 85 billion in cash and ordinace left behind in Afghanistan? Care to guess where it is and in whose hands? Your fetish pup-handler mask is obviously depriving your oxygen starved brain.

    3. 11:52. The funds were released.Iran was dealing with Hamas back in August. The funds were paid during this time. Do some research before spouting off like the ill-informed tool you apparently are.

  23. For those unfamiliar with the digital 1-ply toilet paper known as SFGate, allow me to explain by sharing a mere observation from yesterday:

    At one point yesterday, several hours after the outbreak of violence in the Middle East had gained widespread coverage and discussion, SFGate had more articles on its homepage about the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce thing than it did about the war in the Middle East.
