Friday, October 6, 2023

KRON Mundane Meeting; KQED Ditto; Meh Ratings for Feinstein Memorial TV Coverage; Ashley Contract Status at KGO, (Again) Murky at Best; Friday PM Happy Hour

FRIDAY at KRON: as usual the so-called "import.ant" meeting was an advisory to staff : more belt-tightening on the way. Yeah, KRONvicts, what a shock.

*KRON was once looking to become the more cIvil station in the building at 900 Front; now? Oy, don

't ask.

The early ratings on the Feinstein memorial service was not very good. Maybe KPIX knew something.

*Dan Ashley's future at ABC7 is officially at at a stalemate. Nbody's talking, which ony clouds the contract situation further. Thias much is certain: Ashley, if he stays at Circle7, will not make close to the $600 grand he was making.

*Is it just me or does SF city streets look even worse when it gets hot?

*NOT to be outdone by the folks at A Amazon, NBC put its entire high-top sports execs at the Mark Hopkins, including Chris Collinsworth and Mike Tirico--in town for Sunday Night Football.

*The GOP version of Dianne Feinstein --say John McCain and/or Howard Baker, would have received the same media atrtention by the press--as well they should.

*Cumulus officially KILLED KGO Radio a year ago Thursday, if anyobe c ares.

*More meetings: at KQED Friday, a powwow ro tell everyone that were it not for the managrs they'd be crap; the rank and file were not amu/sed.

*Try getting a seat at the counter, now, at Tadich. With Blue Angels, hot weather, Friday, just like old times.

*Then again, the area around Civic Center? Oh hy god.

*Feinstein's inreeviews with Ronn Owens were prett damn good, the legacy KGO at its best. Ronn too.

*The NY Times will feature a heavy-duty featlure next Sunday on the state of SF--it will not be good . Duh!

**READER ADVISORY: please, we're close to our goal of raising a few bucks so Rich can keep on keepin' on.

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  1. *The NY Times will feature a heavy-duty featlure next Sunday on the state of SF--it will not be good . Duh!

    Did anyone see where Biden is going to finish the wall now? Years of snark from their army of late night hosts, years of shit talking from their politicians and now "Oh...oh...we're concerned about too much immigration!" (because the election is next year and they are not polling so well). Democrats are always good for a laugh.

    1. Gawd. Must everything be political? Us versus them....blah blah...blah. Get a life. That includes considering opinions of those outside the Faux News echo chamber. Furthermore, the 'wall' was funded by congress under Orange-Man, covers about 1% of the border, and symbolizes nothing...unless you consider wasting money an art form. And Mexico still ain't paid for shiz-net.

      NY Times doing a hit piece on San Francisco. That's rich!! As the saying goes, 'sweep around your own house before you sweep around mine'. NY Times has become a parody of itself and is certainly not as powerful as it once was. Tik-Tok'ers and YouTubers have more influence. All of it is quite an indictment on our society as a whole. Sigh.

    2. @8:34. With what? The genuises sold off 300M worth of steel at various sites for 2M! These corrupt morons would sell their own mother for a nickle.

    3. Actually, the facts (a novel concept for you types) are the Republicans won’t allow re-authorization of the money for this symbolic short section of wall for a more useful border security purpose nor vote on common sense immigration legislation which may address some needs like for agriculture and so forth. Should Biden just let the money sit there?

    4. @12:23. Someone should tell finger-pointing Gavin Newsom your words of wisdom. "As the saying goes, 'sweep around your own house before you sweep around mine'. "

  2. Media from all over the world will be in SF in November for the APEC meeting. It's going to be embarrassing.

    1. It might be embarrassing for SF unless Mayor Breed begins another temporary crackdown (or coverup) like she did for DreamForce. When the tourists and cameras leave, the whitewash will fade.

  3. I'm getting use to Bryan Goebel on KCBS.

  4. KRON's station management is in the gutter. The general manager there is paid his bonus off the profitability margin of the station. Jim Rose will screw every other employee to get his bonus. The KRON staff is not too pleased with how Rose has run the station into the ground and his fake pleasantries while passing employees in the office. Everyone sees right through him. And this news of him making derogatory comments about minorities is concerning.

  5. Jim Rose is bent...there is no way Nexstar will do anything about him.

  6. I’m certainly relieved the meeting at KRON was no big deal. DO NOT TOUCH my luscious queen Olivia Horton! Bring back Kyla Rogan in studio and let the fireworks reignite!

  7. As soon as you mentioned the “All hands on deck” meeting, I knew it would be a big nothing. When I worked at KRON I attended several of these. They were all nothingburger. When KRON decided to do something earth-shattering you get NO warning. When you get a warning, that’s a signal it’s no big deal.

  8. Donald Trump should be proud you copied his methods of fleecing his followers for money?

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