Thursday, September 14, 2023

My Two Cents: KNBR, House of Laughter; Dumb Lawyer Ads on Radio; Ashley-Daetz By-Product on Circle7; Heather Holmes looking Around; KTVU Dysfunctional Central; it's Urgent; KRON Internal Mess; KPIXPlus Meh but That's OK

EVERY HOST on KNBR prerequisite: you must GIGGLE every second or face immediate terminaion.

*Paging Adam Copeland, John Lund, Greg Papa and Brian Murphy.

*The lawyer who advertises "the best attorney we hope you'll never need." Yeah, and I'm George Clooney.

*If Dan Ashley does indeed leave KGO- or ABC/Disney tells him to take a hike---I would bet the house Ama Daetz follows him, just a good hunch.

*KTVU: the house of dysfunctional universe.

*Heather Holmes is openly shopping around her resume to Bay Area TV stations; HH has had it at The Firm.

*The KPIX Plus news is perfectly bland and Melba toast--I kinda expected that, which isn't such a bad deal these days although CBS might have a different take.

*Both Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang were seen holding hands in the NBC Bay Area newsroom the other night. Love is in the air and on the teleprompter too.

*The new Cal football pbp-broadcaster, Justin Allegri: stylistically, he's fine. Personality wise? He's a robot who needs to loosen up and show some emotion. That all said, I miss Joe Starkey. I know, yikes!

*Joe loves termites, ask his bank account.

*ONCE AGAIN, KRON is facing loads of internal issues, problems and general malaise; it wouldn't be such a big deal if a modeartely capable GM was at the helm but KRON has NO LEADERSHIP. Darya (Folsom) is once again being Darya in the morning; the midday is a colossal MESS; at 5PM and beyond there's TURMOIL with a capital T and Nexstar meddling. What a clusterfuck and then some. "We need help," said a KRON mole.

Boy do you ever.

*KCBS on Wednesday night ran over ten, TEN! minutes of commercials; I knew there was something going on because I could hear a lot of shit in the background. The only good news: more spots droned out the rock salt/human voice known as Shane Guiness, mister ":thank you very much." Guiness and assorted other nothings on KCBS is courtesy of incompetent ND/VP, Jenny Seelig. Seelig must have pictures.

*Crystal Bailey is another newbie on KTVU and she looks great and sounds great too which could only mean whe'll be in Sacramento in a couple mnths.

*INDUSTRY CHATTER: KTVU is barely functinal and hanging on a string. The whole place needs a complete makeover and blow-up. Like yesterday. Yes, it's URGENT!


  1. It's OK. If Dan leaves he can be the new Eddie Van Halen.

    1. As long as he don't wear a dress like the asian male trombone player on Irving St 8/5/23

    2. I saw Dan Ashley perform at Outside Lands last month. After the show he was signing autographs.

  2. “Heather Holmes is openly shopping around her resUme to Bay Area TV stations; HH has had it at The Firm.”

    You’ve been saying this for about five years now.

    1. Heather is the best thing on local TV. If she leaves KTVU I will never watch then again. Just look at her interviewing skills, no one else comes close.

    2. I love HH. She’s so HOT!

  3. What happened to KTVU’s previous wunderkinder, Bailey O’whatever? You know, the one that has left an indelible mark on journalism after filing two stories? And what about Emma Goss over at 11? She was a non-presence at 2 and not she’s equally gone in San Jose. Should we call this Veronica de la Cruz syndrome?

    1. Bailey is on vacation in Italy. She posted it on social media.
      Emma is recovering from surgery regarding her voice.

    2. Bailey O'Carroll is still at KTVU and doing just fine.
      Emma Goss on the other hand is on extended leave once again. This will likely be her last gig on Bay Area TV now that all stations in the area (and beyond) know her M.O. (get a job, and spend 95% of the time on extended leave).

    3. Here is Emma's story as she told it last month:

      Article says she's now a freelancer. I guess a heaping helping of wasabi before each standup wasn't enough...

    4. "Article says she's now a freelancer."

      Emma was a freelancer at KTVU (I was there). I doubt she was ever f/t at KNTV. Actually *most* reporters and even some anchors today are day-hires. Even some really established ones. If I dropped names it would give Rich a lot of new things to investigate, but I can't be that cruel to some really nice, hardworking people who are being given the shaft.

  4. Interesting enough circle 7 Dan better get a contract soon because rumor has it Nexstar is in line to buy all of the ABC O&O's and you know how Nexstar is on spending...

  5. Heather should go back to her state of Texas and report from there. Welcome Gasia to possible 10:00 News

    1. Why go back there? She is fine here. She should be at ten with her current 5 and 6 partner, good matching.

    2. @12:09 -

      Gasia to prime time? Are you insane? That would go over worse than bringing Frank back...

    3. Gasia??? I would never watch KTVU again. Although I wonder why I occasionally do now.

    4. I think 12:47 was talking about Heather. I agree if that was the point. Heather is the glue girl at KTVU, she works well with all her co-hosts.

    5. Gasia was a good anchor when had the 7:00 pm news and she subbed at 10:00 pm. She is also great looking MILF and easy on the eyes.

  6. All of the other rabble can take a flying "F" at a rolling donut for all I'm concerned. The one that I would like to see land elsewhere with generous compensation for her experience is Heather Holmes. The shit this woman has had to deal with. She's a good soldier and deserves better. Cheaters ,crybabies, man-children, no talents can take a hike!

  7. Sorry, not getting the paging KNBR people reference? Here’s a “page” for KNBR, put Paulie Mac’s sound board and microphone in a cardboard box and send him home. His persistent psychobabble is a big reason so many people have turned off the KNBR 6AM-10M. I did, years ago.

    1. Why start with smalley Paulie? Get rid of 6am-10pm crews. KNBR is unlistenable. I tuned out and haven’t missed them one bit. The morons sank the ship, until they drown, I will listen to their competition.

    2. I think KRON as the CW makes no sense and the CW is losing audience and money. Local TV is on it's last days sadly.

  8. Actually, since KRON switched to the new format in primetime, it's been the most consistent in years. But it's still early days yet and KRON can still screw this up. But so far I'm pleased that they have at least started to reverse the downward spiral trend that has basically plagued it since Pam Moore got injured and became a 4 day a week anchor and Aaron Pero got fired. They actually look like they're trying again.

    As for Holmes, I'll believe she's looking to go when I see her leave. She just got handed 7:30pm to solo on and it's back on KTVU instead of KICU. She has every reason to stick around given how Haener is these days.

    1. She is great at 730. Lots of positive energy in that woman.

  9. I enjoy your posts. I've always been curious about the economics of the local tv and radio outlets. They must be highly rated and very profitable for there to be such heightened scrutiny of the players from folks like you and others. How does that work?

    1. It's not profitable since the internet took control of news diets.

      Back pre-internet, there was a saying, "TV profits are good in bad times and obscene in good times."

      That's not true anymore. Budgets have been slashed beyond the bone and to the marrow.

  10. Is Darya putting the fake cans on display again?

    I haven't been able to watch KRON for months as an AT&T subscriber. They are still blacked out because of the Nextstar dispute.

    1. Interesting note in the news today. The Nexstar Media Group is talking to the Disney Company about a potential sale of ABC. If that happens, you had better catch Darya's cans while you can.

  11. Please keep Janelle Wang and get rid of Mean Audrey. Cannot stand watching a sour look thinking she is bad and famous on TV.

    1. Audrey Assistio is following the Amanda Starrantino model: walk around the set looking like you're all pissed off with a chip on your shoulder.

    2. She is pissed she dump her husband being use by this woman moving from Sac Town, Boston, Bay Area and the result is broken marriage

    3. @3:13 Don't worry, she is loving Mathai, ugh......

    4. Keep Audrey. She has nice sweater puppies.

    5. Audrey doesn't wipe her backside after going #2. Ask her colleagues.

    6. What 10:07 is referring to (I think) is two times Audrey wore light colors and had strange brownish orange stains consistent with where one would have shit stains.

  12. After seeing what Sara wears at 11PM (or even earlier), suddenly I just go to KRON 4 and it feels like a breath of fresh air at 11PM. The news and weather is far more decent there. No cringy stuff.

    Perhaps the only thing we are wondering still about is Mabrisa Rodriguez; I mean she wasn't too bad, she is quirky, has a sense of humor, but in many respects is almost a female version of Darren Peck (short, works weekend evenings). But another part of me could not stand Mabrisa - even my parents who watch KRON 4 did not like her much either. Gayle Ong is doing weekends and fill-ins instead. What happened to Mabrisa? Did she get fired or quietly quit?

    1. Sara is plain unwatchable. Believe me I’ve tried. The outfits are terrible (she wore jeans the other night with me side pinstripe and the other plain, they fit like mom jeans which was never cool even when teenagers tried to make them cool. But her delivery is annoying and the cringy graphics va and music. It’s overproduced, hyped garbage trying to be hip.

  13. More Crystal Bailey and Noelle Bello.

  14. The KRON issues seem to have spread even onto Live in the Bay! With the luscious Olivia Horton. I’ve noticed some changes I don’t like: 1) no more Kayla in studio with Olivia. Their banter was top notch. Now Kayla has been relegated to just doing weather from a separate studio (what happened!?)
    2) The interview segments seem to have turned into infomercials. Previously Olivia interviewed local folks doing great things. Now it’s roofers and other assortments of ads. What happened? Olivia still looks great and I still love those open toed shoes. Yum!

    1. Kyla was put on their new afternoon show so probably why no more Live in the Bay. No offense to Olivia but they really need Kyla on that show. Agree it's slipping fast. It's very dull now.

    2. The producer quit. He was the puppet master. The puppet being Horton.

    3. @6:15 might be onto something as Olivia seems more “wooden” nowadays. When the show was more interesting she seemed more “natural” and engaging. It just seems very sterile now and I agree not having Kyla on is a big mistake.

    4. Olivia is a beautiful bombshell, but without Kyla the show really does suck now. She was a total professional and and she added a lot to the show.

  15. Thats a good question: what happened to Mabrissa Rodriguez? Did she leave KRON? Cause her bio is no longer listed on their website...

  16. I kind of miss KRON's pre CW programing.

  17. I don't know which one is worse - annoying lawyer ads or ED ads on radio. Imagine driving around your young children listening to radio and the ED ad comes on. "80 yr old man came into my office....viagra doesnt work for him.
    I believe someone suggested before - the 80 yr old is the annoying lawyer.

  18. @6:37, that is ferociously bad English only to be dominated by your even worse sentence structure and lack thereof. You have a lot to be proud of there.

    1. @3:12. Try rereading what was written? Does the fractured sentence, lacking structure appear to come from someone that may not be native? Morality queen playing grammar nazi is most unbecoming. Let me guess? Self hating white liberal?

    2. @3:12 seems salty perhaps because he’s a ED user and/or a lawyer? Omg I hope my grammar is proper.

  19. You're right. KRON is a complete mess. It's a nightmare here and everything is in the tank and nobody seems to care. Most people are looking for other jobs. GM Jim Rose is a total disaster and word is he's a secret trumper and he has no place running a Bay Area station. Many have lost faith in his abilities to turn things around and most of us believe it's time for a new general manager at KRON.

  20. KTVU just launched “West Coast Wrap,” which is 30 minutes of all the completely and utterly irrelevant stories from random Fox affiliates they already load up their other newscasts with.

    Channel changing time.

    1. Yep. No need to watch ktvu’s “West Coast Crap.” Just go to the KCRA or KTTV (LA) website and live stream their respective 6pm news.
