Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Julie Haener's Personal/Professional Hell at KTVU --SonJake's NFL Suspension; Misses Somerville and Ibanez; Crisis at The Firm

JULIE HAENER is feeling it. And it's not good.

The KTVU star anchor is in full CRISIS MODE.

The sudden suspension of her son, Jake, from the NFL's NO Saints; her diminishing presence at KTVU; her full-blown DEPRESSION over her former deskmates, Frank Somerville and Mark Ibanez.

That's quite a load.

Haener, according to my KTVU spy, is trying her best to maintain her professIonal image, especially to KTVU staffers who are no longer in her corner and have become jaded over her ongoing malaise. They sympathise with her various personal issues but are angry she's been provided full rope from The Firm's Bay Area TV news execs.

Rumors abound at KTVU over Jules murky status. It's a CRISIS that involves EVERYONE! And everyone needs each other.

Haener, despite her frequent absences, is still considered a valuable anchor, the last of the BIG 3 and a holdover --the ONLY remaining member of the vaunted force that made KTVU the KING of the hill, top of the list.

Nowadays? KTVU is a scene of TURBULENCE and CHAOS and Haener is at the forefront.


  1. Julie misses two men who passed an intern back and forth? So much for #MeToo or the Gal Gadot "sisterhood."

  2. "Haener, despite her frequent absences, is still considered a valuable anchor, the last of the BIG 3 and a holdover --the ONLY remaining member of the vaunted force that made KTVU the KING of the hill, top of the list."

    Why? C3PO could read the news with more humanity.

  3. We all suffer through lousy news at one time or another or consecutively. Not fun and still hurts.
    Most adults know the drill - life can be brutal, and beautiful, and vexing, and tough. Life gets tougher as one ages. No more wedding invites, only reports of funerals.
    They say “the problem with aging is you get old.” We all need to be ready for lousy news, because whether we like it or not, it’s coming.

  4. A lot of people in this world who have it a whole hell of a lot worse than the Haeners.

    1. Agreed! Jake’s problem is not hers, but she does live vicariously through him. KTVU is not the station that dominated local news either. KPIX, KNTV and KGO are more watchable than KTVU.

    2. I’m a huge fan of Julie’s instagram page. Wow!

  5. I hesitate to blame Haener for her son's drug use. It's just an unfortunate situation and now she has to be in the public eye as she deal with it.
    Regarding her diminishing role and lack of relevance: unless management has deliberately taken her off the schedule, this seems to be of her own making since by all accounts she's using vacation time. If it's paid time off, then it's time she's earned it and end of story. If management is allowing her to take unpaid time off then they're both to equally to blame. From the station's perspective, they may be allowing it for financial reasons, since Rich has previously reported on their financial woes.

    1. "I hesitate to blame Haener for her son's drug use."

      I don't think anyone else is either. And one positive test hardly makes one a "drug user." I have no idea what happened, but it could have been something mixed with something else to cause X. But calling him a "drug user" makes it sound like part of a pattern.

    2. Julie, your son is a drug addict and will go down in flames. And it’s your fault. You are a horrible parent.

    3. "New Orleans Saints rookie quarterback Jake Haener has been suspended without pay for violating the NFL's performance-enhancing drug policy, the league announced Wednesday."
      He tested positive for PED's, this does not make him a drug user!

    4. I'm reminded of the Bulgarian weightlifter who said the steroids he was suspended for were sneaked into his toothpaste.

    5. No, her son is not a drug addict. He was caught using performance enhancing drugs. Blaming her for his mistakes is bizarre.

  6. She certainly didn’t mind broadcasting all his highlights and draft ad nauseam. Need to be fair and balanced….shouldn’t she?

  7. I expect J Haener already knows she has absolutely no control of the activities of her son or co-workers. They'll do what they want to do; Haener should do the same. If JH decides to pout, she's welcome to do that. If however she decides to put on a smiling face and proceed with the normal business of the day .... well, you get the idea.

  8. As the father of a teenager I sympathize with Haener for what she must be going through as a parent.
    As for the Julie Haener we see on tv, I don’t have particularly strong feelings about her one way or the other. I do think though that she comes off as out of touch and disconnected from reality when you look at her social medias and the lifestyle she projects especially compared to the stories she reads on the news. For some this may cause her to not be likeable.
    But then again she’s built up a lot of good will during her many years at ktvu so that’s certainly worth something.

    1. 3:47.. You say you don't have "strong feelings" about her one way or another, but you stalk her on her social media accounts? please?

  9. The Jake was busted for PED usage. He is in the big leagues now and every week prominent players in sports are busted. He still made 1/2M out of Fresno State Univ in the NFL.

  10. Haener is a good young man. His mom and dad are as well. Did he make a mistake? Probably. Who hasn’t? Rich, and the rest of you that are casting dispersions, are simply keyboard warriors with little to no knowledge.

    1. Actually Rich didn't "cast dispersions." He just reported on it.

  11. HOw is this newsworthy? the football player's suspension will end quickly and then hopefully he gets some playing time and does well.Life is difficult.Reading the news off a teleprompter isn't.

  12. WTF is wrong with you folks? Jake Haener is an ADULT not a child! Welcome to the world of forever coddling. OMG, he might actually learn a lesson from this. LOL

  13. Really? A personal and professional hell? She has one of the cushiest jobs on the planet and is well-paid to do it, and she’s in hell??? I’d like to see her work at a crisis shelter or a burn unit, in the armed services or as a grief counselor. Then talk to me about hell. She’s a spoiled brat who lives the life of luxury and don’t give a crap about anyone but herself and her golden-boy son. Boo-hoo!

  14. Normal times were the Leslie Griffith and Dennis Richmond Era. Julie Haener should get a promotion, and move onto Fox News, and get a position like her co worker Dana Perino. Break away from FOX KTVU

    1. "Normal times were the Leslie Griffith and Dennis Richmond Era."

      I worked there then. NO IT WASN'T.

  15. There is nothing normal when working in TV as a career. Constant chaos.

  16. "Haener [is] ... the ONLY remaining member of the vaunted force that made KTVU the KING of the hill, top of the list."

    You forgot Bill Martin, who predates Julie Haener by a LOT.
