Monday, September 11, 2023

49ers Great Day in Steel Town Marred By Obscene Radio Broadcast: The Greg Papa/Tim Ryan Screaming EgoFest on KNBR

THE 49ERS had a great day in Pittsburgh.

Too bad the radio broadcast wasn't as special.

I'll be diplomatic: the KNBR account was cringeworthy.

Both Greg Papa and Tim Ryan were utterly over the top and disgraceful. Again, I'm being diplomatic. At least trying to.

While Papa stuck to his usual nutty, out-of-moment routine, Ryan was downright disgraceful. Screaming and yelling and acting like a drunken fool, RYAN WAS SIMPLY OUT OF CONTROL. IT WAS EARLY AND OFTEN.

Ryan, the alleged color analyst, didn't provide anything other than crazed cheering and vocal mayhem. You wanted analysis and insight? Ryan was more like a maniac fan from the bleacher zone. It's quite OK to show enthusiasm and cheer. Ryan took all that to the extreme.

Papa knows football. So does Ryan. I just wsh they would demonstrate their knowledge and bring us the account of the game.


After a half of this abomination I couldn't take it anynore and went solely with the Fox broadcast.

Which is what I should have done in the first place.


  1. I listened for maybe 5 minutes in the car. When Aiyuk caught a touchdown, both these fools started chanting "Aiyuk, Aiyuk, Aiyuk is on fire. We don't need no water....". Really?

    1. Spot on. This little phrase and the rest of the cheerleading is terrible. I was glad to get out of the car and home so I could watch.

  2. Ah, for the days of Lon Simmons for the Niners, and Bill King for the Raiders.

    1. Couldn't agree more.

    2. And one of the best color commentators the Bay Area have ever had along with Monty Stickles, Wayne Walker.

  3. Nowadays, the players behave like Circus Clowns and the radio announcers are not far behind.
    It is Show Business, first and foremost. The Athletes - and they are real athletes , unlike fat sloppy always pulled groin, baseball players - ARE the show, and reap the benefits of billion dollar TV contracts. They may act sophomoric and behave like teenagers all the while laughing their way to the bank.
    The NFL has become a subsidiary of Ringling Brothers. Nearly unwatchable

  4. The new KNBR Program Director will fix that right away. Right?

    1. Shock collars set to go off everytime they laugh.

  5. In the Websters dictionary, next to the word "homer' is the picture of Tim Ryan.

  6. It's always kind of a let down listening to older men who don't act their age. Instead of respecting their knowledge and experience, you're just sort of embarrassed for them and a little creeped out.

  7. It is just stupid men playing a stupid game. Then jock-sniffers like these two idiots act like people are curing cancer. One day all these players will live with arthritis, brain damage and constant pain and for what? Who won the Super Bowl two years ago? No one remembers.

  8. G Pop and T Rock?
    Tim is on barber strike,he claims no haircut for him until "Sannn Fran Cisco!!!!!" finally wins the super bowl
    I was way more dissapointed the very overexposed football "expert" the Man with 3 Names continues to get away with his blackmail scheme with whomever is running nbc comcast and is still part of the 49er programming

  9. It could be worse. We could have Rudy Notre Dame (the narcissist Bob Fitzgerald) behind the microphone. He does preseason, but really, who listens to preseason?

  10. miss Ted Robinson, who Papa never should have replaced

  11. Greg is just not a fit with the Niners. He is trying to hard.

  12. Oh, this blog hates the 49er broadcasters just like the SF Giant broadcasters. Big surprise.

    1. Take off your Panda hat and put down your Deebo coffee mug. If you think the local loudmouths are the best around, you have a severe hearing deficiency.

    2. I still think Rich is a closet Dodger's fan.

  13. What can you say? Their both narcisstic douches. Idiots! Park your egos. It's not about you. To quote Joe Friday; "Just the facts ma'am". Be deliberate in your commentary and spare us the juvenile displays of feigned exuberance.

  14. Why bother being diplomatic? Greg Papa is a clown and Tim Ryan is terrible. Aiyuk is on fire? Just terrible

  15. There's no way the radio broadcast is playing in the owners suite/booth - right? The class and professionalism that one could enjoy is long gone.

  16. Kevin Harlan they are not. We get the cheap imitation, out of Syracuse, who more rightly belongs in ‘Vegas.
    Papa was fine on Warriors broadcasts, but way too wordy for football play by play. I say we trade him for a case of Sriracha and some Louisiana baloney.

  17. I think they're a decent combo and know their business, but I get tired of Ryan's obvious delight in violent hits.
