Saturday, September 9, 2023

Exclusive: Frank Somerville's Friends are Worried about Him; Ex-KTVU Anchor Solemn Life

THE FEW FRIENDS he has these days are WORRIED about Frank Somerville.

Worried enough to stake out his luxury Downtown Oakland condo and check on his whereabouts and make sure Frank is OK.

A close friend of the ex-KTVU anchor was blunt and told me, "we're worried about him."

Somerville's legal problems --stemming from his latest arrests in Berkeley and are just at the forefront--are the least of his problems.

His family has basically left him, the few family members still around. And all that has taken its toll.

Somerville's professional career is essentially over and that's a reality hard to accept, say his friends and allies.

Somerville has avoiided public life. rarely going out and pretty much staying home and dealing with everything; that's a tough chore on anyone's plate and especially for Somerville.


  1. Frank needs to look in the mirror to see who caused all his problems.
    When he realizes he is not a bad person, he can move forward with his life.
    Actions have consequences. Even though he can claim he was out of his mind, he still needs to take responsibility for his errors

    1. 12:25 - Spot on!

    2. how do you know he's "not a bad person"?

    3. When In Depth comes on, that’s my cue to run to the bathroom. Here it comes!!

    4. These comments are callous for even this blog. Give the guy a break. You all got what you wanted. His career distroyed. His family distroyed. His reputation destroyed. Now it's time to wish him well in his recovery and hope he finds his way back to a pleasent and fruitful life. If something bad happens it is you who will be needing to look in the mirror. Bryan Carmody

  2. I thought it was disgusting what KRON did when they aired his dirty laundry in their "special". They were trying to take advanatge of a man who clearly needs help. Their ND and GM both need to be fired

    1. Um, he asked for that special. He approached them!

    2. That was meant to be a special to make Frank look good and boost his chances of employment. I heard in a rumor he dropped off his CV during the visit. He wanted the interview, as anyone with a brain could tell, as he took the camera crew to his gym and his favorite places and talked openly about his life. How was that a "dirty laundry" special?

    3. Learn the truth! Frank wanted to air his dirty Laundry! It was his idea to go on TV!! Nobody made him.

  3. Frank if you read this, please get help

    1. Many TV types who appear so gregarious on camera are actually quite introverted otherwise. That's their right. Help isn't needed.

    2. "Many TV types who appear so gregarious on camera are actually quite introverted otherwise. That's their right. Help isn't needed."

      So you're saying introverts never need therapy? Makes no sense.

  4. that's ridiculous... 1:57... No one made Mr. Somerville to go on tv and air his woes...Are you suggesting that he lacks free will and that some one should be fired for forcing him to air his mea culpas?

  5. ignorant kaepernick haters.those are the real danger if anyone is.get ready for tim ya ya ryan.unbelieveable.listen after ever single play he says 'yah'' and...''

    1. WTF? I want some of whatever you’re taking!

    2. Kap is just a woke piece of garbage.

    3. Kaepernick is a clown who is exactly where he deserves to be. Also you should take a remedial english class before posting anything anywhere.

    4. @8:08 Couldn't agree with you more, might it be kapperdink posting?

    5. 8:08 His electric performance in those Niner playoff wins will live on forever among Niners fans/Niner history. If you Trumptards are willing to overlook Trump's grabbing p*ssies...then us Niner fans are willing to overlook Kap taking a knee.

    6. @5:38 & Ok, kapperdink @7 ;47 forgive his idioctic throw that cost us the SB? Heck NO!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. So that may explain the NO updates to his social media...Facebook, youtube, twitter

    1. He clearly read this blog because he is posting today. Shirtless and least this time he admits to struggling with addiction. Claim to be 100 days sober and attending FIVE AA classes a day?!?!

  7. Now he's posting beefcake pics on his IG page. Sad downfall

  8. There are no victims, only volunteers

  9. He needs to be in rehab and see a therapist.

  10. For a long time, Frank felt he was untouchable and able to avoid suspension/termination/reprimand (intern relationship, impairments during broadcasts, etc) as long as he maintained KTVU ratings. It was only when his personal life/gossip and professional life became blurred that he was let go. Now left with no family and no job, hopefully Frank will finally accept accountability/responsibility, join AA and grow up!

  11. They tried to make him go to rehab, but Frank said No, No, No.

  12. The only person to blame is himself and he should on bended knees apologize to his supporters, friends, family and viewers for what started it with his affair, his broken marriage, slurring on tv, suspect on tv adding on and on. Whatever he say on tv now is all BS, he is still the same. Nothing to worry, he still has a lot of bacon from years of anchoring

  13. Go get some Taco Bell ... Frank.
    Then give Pam Moore a call for interview 2.0 Updates.

  14. From his FB page. "This is a very personal post.
    I’ve been struggling with mental health and addiction.
    But this is what 100 days clean…
    Five AA meetings a day….
    Working out 4 days a week…
    Asking for help…
    And eating better…
    Looks like.
    I’m on my way and feeling great.
    There will still be ups and downs but I’m learning to deal with as a normal person would.
    “No more reaching for mommy’s little helper…. “
    Now it’s time to start making amends to all the people I hurt and let down.
    I also hope this post will give inspiration to others who are hurting.
    Remember it’s OKAY to ask for help." Frank Somerville

    1. He posted as 100 days 'clean' on Sept. 10 following his June 6 arrest for DUI. That's 96 days. Can't tell how bad he is at math or just never bothers to tell complete truths while pleading for public affirmation and support. And he didn't even wait a day for his obligatory "look at my black daughter" post.

  15. The man is in his 60's, If he hasn't got his shit together by now he never will.

  16. 8:08am Agree. He basically grew up white, had a chance at a great carrier, through it away and is now somehow oppressed! A Clown for sure.

    1. Why do you racists always bring race into everything? This has nothing to do with his color. Do you bring up color and privilege when discussing successful Dennis Richmond?

    2. Yes, all we media types just want a great "carrier", even when we are "basically" white.

  17. I managed to pull my own head out of my ass and get sober. Go figure? No fanfare. No AA meetings. I just quit. I was done. The exception and not the rule? Maybe. Life goes on.Choices. We all have them.

  18. The reality of this world. When you are popular as an anchor, people respect you. When you done something wrong, people let you go. Frank done this to himself and it bests people stay away from this unstable mental person making himself on the news like a criminal. Too many chances, he is on his own.

  19. Two of my friends almost trashed their careers out of negligence. To help get back to where they had been, they did volunteer work, including pro bono work. It takes your mind off yourself. For Frank, I'm thinking St Anthonys Dipning Room

  20. Frank: When I was working @ Safeway by the ballpark in 2004 I befriended an female homeless, we became friends and her story: Had a good job with Charles Swab, was married, tried cocaine and alcohol , liked it, lo and behold, lost family, job, dignity, you use, you have to draw limits and if you cross lines, oh, you're screwed, I felt so sorry for her...
