Thursday, September 21, 2023

Gentleman Al Michaels Leaves Generous $1500 Tip at Original Joe's --In Town For 49ers-NYG Thursday Night Football

AL MICHAELS had his own entourage at the Fairmont Hotel this week; good for Al, the VERY BEST NFL announcer --he and Kirk Herbstreit will work tonight's 49ers'-NY Giants game from Levi's Stadium.

Don't listen on radio--keep it on Amazon or the local aff picking up the game.

*Michaels and several Amazon/NFL execs dined Tuesday night at Original Joe's; the assorted blonds at the back room were, uh, noted in Joe's house.

After a $5000 tab, Mr. Michaels left a $1500 TIP, more than 20%--Al knows his SF roots. In the 70's he did SF Giants play-by-play with Lon Simmons.

*And another classic Al Michaels'moment, via Candlestick Park, Oct. 17, 1989...


  1. Still have the 89 World Series A's vs. Giants Earthquake VHS tapes. Game #3. Al handled it like a Boss!

    1. OMG! I remembered the quake like yesterday! Always liked Al Michael, always ooze class

  2. That’s pretty nice of Al Michaels! Good move !
    While I am not a Fan of Mr Michaels, his delivery is to nasally for me, I think his time has passed. He should be in a rocking chair buying his great grandkids slippers from LL Bean for the holidays.
    The hype over football and sports in general needs to be toned down. These are games. The athletes may be fantastic specimens of physical strength and agility, but they are not university professors, hospital nurses/doctors, school teachers: people who are essential to our continued existence.
    Thanks again Al, but remember, you are not playing the game, you’re the guy hustling the commercials

    1. Sports are entertainment, and the majority of people (including people in the education and health care communities) love their preferred forms of entertainment. Hence, there will always be a degree of aggrandizement that is associated with those types of pastimes and their performers.

    2. You sound like the one who should be in a rocking chair yelling at the kids to get off your lawn. We can appreciate the “essential workers” and appreciate sports as well as broadcasting legends like Al Michaels at the same time. My god you probably would’ve retired Vin Scully 40 years ago. Unbelievable.

    3. 11:48, you should be in a rocking chair. What an imbecilic post.

    4. Just another stupid ,pompous, redundant, boring comparison. I would not consider myself a sports nut but I do watch the Niner's and Warriors, that is my entertainement. I watch TV shows rarely, go to about 6 or 8 movies a year. I have lots of friends and lots of social entertainment. Maybe it is time for you to move to South Fla, play shuffel board go to the Golden Corral for the early bird special and then off to Bingo.

  3. I wish there were photos of the blonds in the back room, I bet the cleavages were off the charts

    1. "Atmosphere Models" no doubt related to the "Yacht Girls" on the Riviera.

  4. I can't watch too much anymore .too much celebration for every little play

  5. Al Michaels one of the best baseball announcers ever. And he was also great doing NBA too...

    1. I want some of whatever you’re smokin’ ! Joe Garagiola he ain’t. Bob Costas he ain’t.
      Good tipper though.

    2. A classic Candlestick Giant memory -- Al & Lon Simmons working together. Jack Clark at the plate. He stepped out of the box. Lon said, "Jack off with the helmet." They both realized
      the malaprop at the same time and could not stop laughing
      the rest of the inning.

  6. Too many participation trophies!!!

  7. I love Al Michaels, great play by play, love his antidotes, lots of knowledge. I actually have the sound up when watching the Niner game. Can't listen to the Radio of the Niners and also the Warriors are unlistenable on TV with the dough boy.

    1. Rich; have you considered that Al is on an expense account , and that his Sponsor is paying for all travel related expenses including meals and tips . So maybe this example of his generosity is over done . I get it , you like him and want to say nice things about him.

  8. "Do you believe in Miracles?"

  9. His nose is so far up the Niners Front Office ass's, he will never get it out.

  10. Al Michaels needs to retire. Low energy, nothing constructive in the broadcast last night. Seemed like he was more concerned about the distance between SF and the stadium. I don't think there are very many new stadiums built in their respective cities anymore. Him and his partner started talking about 49ers coaching changes over the years without doing the correct research and were caught clueless with names on camera.
    Give it up Al!

  11. During the game, Al explained why scenic shots of San Francisco are used instead of Santa Clara. He said, "what would be shown, the salt flats and San Jose airport?"

    Foggy shots of Alcatraz, the bridges & downtown are much better.

  12. The Amazon announcers are well versed in what they do. They are more pleasant to the ears as well. Who wants to hear Gregory "Blow Hard" Papa yell, "TOUCHDOWN...SAN...FRAN...CISCO..." while his color analyst is stroking his man bun. These two fellows are way over the top. It's one thing to be a homer, but to be a swarmy kiss ass is another. Most intelligent people can see through this, but then again, we're talking about 49ers fans.

  13. my guess is the tip and the meal were paid for by Al's Sponsor for the game ; a little false praise maybe?

  14. Al screwed up last night and said the 49ers have only won 4 Super Bows. "Bill Walsh won two (he actaully won three AL! 1981, 1984 & 1988) and George Seifert won two."
