Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Kokkari Gets KRON Misery Staff; GM Rose Jittery; ABC7 Yenta Alert; CNN/MsNBC Key in on Dion Lim; Wednesday Happy Hour


THE KRON misery took center stage the other night at Kokkari. The bar was packed and the old regulars were on full display: Vicki Liviakas, Ken Wayne, Cathy Heenan to name a few.

KRON is back to being its old KRON.

On the HOTSEAT now: M, Jim Rose.

*On land full, literally and figuratively: KGO/900 Frontl senior staff,, ALL of em.

The building a better Bay Area mousies know how to RUIN peoples mental capital.

*Larry Beil, the guy almost all interns DESPISE: with authority!

' *MOST POWERFUL GM in town: PIX's Scott Warren, CBS flavor with Black Rock fog, SF style.,p> *The yentas at ABC7 who had a cigarette in the parking garage should know there's security cameras everywhere. It's not KTVU but its damn close. They were not exchanging cookie recipes.

*Speaking of yentas: lurking near KQED Radio: Jan Wahl. Sje never gives up.,p>

*Male yenta: Lee Housekeeper.

' *TWO PROMINENT media groups; CNN and MsNBC, that might go after, (again) KGO/ABC7 stalwart: Dion Lim. Dion might, uh, say, SHOW ME THE MONEY!


  1. Kokari, Liviakis - that’s some good eatin’, and so is Kokari.

    Maybe someone was leaving the station? Perhaps a birthday? An anniversary?

    If someone got canned it’d be Taco Bell or Wendy’s.

    1. San Francisco does not have a Wendy's restaurant and the nearest Taco Bell to the station is in the Tenderloin.

    2. There's always In-And-Out. Best describes the Bay Area TV news climate anyway.

  2. I watch KRON. I like Vicki, Ken, and Catherine. Reyna Harvey, however,
    drives me crazy. I have never seen a professional (?) on a news show
    move their hands and arms as much as Reyna. Someone should to take HER to a bar for a few drinks to settle her down and get that flailing under control!

    1. Exactly right. She uses her hands more than the most “talkative” Italians. It is distracting. I noticed it the other day and it started driving me nuts. Now I will agree, it is a petty gripe, but can someone encourage her to put her hands down while she’s talking? It’s almost like she’s putting on a puppet show without a puppet. Aside from that one weird kink, she’s fine.

    2. And that do, so distracting, we all know it's a wig

    3. Agreed. It’s the flailing and the pointing at the camera. Stop pointing at me girl! Is it a nervous tick or is it a way to “engage” with the audience? It’s sort of entertaining but also distracting. Her voice also doesn’t sound real.

    4. @9:41 Is she copying OJ Simpson in the "Naked Gun?"

    5. @6:07PM through 10:08PM
      Depending on the news story, Vicki Liviakis' facial expressions and bobblehead gestures are equally distracting--if not worse--than Reyna's flailing hands.

  3. Jim Rose GM KRON is an empty suit who has totally alienated the entire station personal with his arrogance and incompetence. At the station for over 2 years Rose has made no real connections to the SF Bay community.
    He is an outsider that Nexstar plucked from Seattle and Salt Lake with little success
    KRON is a Trainwreck that no one will be able to fix

    1. Speaking of KRON how many reruns of Live in the Bay! Run per day? Due to air quality concerns I attempted to find local coverage at 10:30am I turned to KRON and none other than the luscious Olivia Horton was on and the show was a repeat from Monday. What the hell? I think that show must rerun 6-10 times per day.

    2. Yeah I can tell you Jim Rose is not very well liked in the office. Most of the staff here is not a fan . And the talk of him making disparaging comments about peoples ethnic backgrounds is problematic to say the least. He's lost a lot of good talent, he clearly doesn't care about any of the employees either. He doesn't understand the TV business either. And the fact that he's a trumper and log cabin republican trying to make KRON more conservative doesn't work in this market. If Nexstar were smart they would find a replacement for him before its too late.

    3. How stupid is Nexstar that they appoint a carpetbagger Maga Log Cabin Republican to GM position at KRON and think that is the right fit.
      In less than two years revenue and ratings are in the toilet and the Exodus from the station continues.....

  4. Dion Lim really isn’t missed from KGO while on maternity leave. Easily forgettable.

    1. She's pregnant? Someone had sex with her? Gross!

  5. 7:53, No way, She has a nice rack ;-)

  6. "If they can afford to drink and snack at Kokkari, they're seriously overpaid." (As heard in the Nexstar Boardroom)

  7. Jane Wahl is an old fashion dam. I once saw her at the Little Whale in Millbrae. She ate a boat load of shrimp cocktail, cursed like a sailor, and over flowed the toilet in the men’s room. All while wearing a giant hat shaped like a peacock. What a dam!

    1. Why are we still hearing from Jan Wahl? Didn’t her schtick evaporate like the wicked witch about 30 years ago? She must have cats to feed.

    2. I saw her at the motel 6 in fresno with a six pack with s certain man balding with an bad fitted suit think used car salesman in alameda😀

  8. When Larry Beil left KTVU to go back east I was happy happy, couldn't stand him, why is he back? Boo hoo hoo

  9. Take her! I can't stand Dion.

  10. Dion and her poopy diapers need to go. (and no, i'm not talking about her baby's diapers)

    1. Those mocking Dion for wearing diapers have obviously never been pregnant. For those who do don’t know, a pregnancy can affect a woman’s body in very strange and unexpected ways, including affecting bowel movements. Dion had to wear adult diapers for a very brief period of time as she got closer to her due date. Relax people.

  11. KRON should fire Erin Wilson that whiney voice of hers is worst on tv.

    1. The first thing KRON needs to do is find new station management. The general manager, Jim Rose, has proven himself to be completely in over his head. He badmouths the staff, has no respect for the market or the employees. He is a closeted conservative who is trying to bring a conservative angle to Bay Area news which will not work here. He has managed to lose the best talent in the market and he hires inexperienced talent for cheap. He is paid on profitability and will drive the station into the ground so only he can make money. I really wish he had not made those comments about African-Americans and Hispanic Americans not working hard. Nexstar needs to do an internal investigation into him if they want to avoid lawsuits coming

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