Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday Schmooze; Chronicle Print Edition Iffy Beyond '24; Jon Miller Skips A's; Dave Flemming Slickness; KCBS Dreck Pollutes "In Depth"; KQED Boss Money Play

If the Chronicle print edition makes it past 24, I'll be surprised.

*Jon Miller has the Johnny Carson vacation schedule. Of course Miller took another weekend off, miswing that grueling bus trip over the bridge to broadcast the Giants-A's series.

*Dave Flemming VERY SMART, 'LL GIVE HIM THAT, HE KNOWS HOW TO PLAY THE GAME. flemming would have been a great politician. And Larry Baer loves that part of Flemm.

*The #4 radio market has NO newstalk station and that's a CRIME, a disgrace. Philly, NY, LA, Chicago, Boston ALL have newstalk stations. The Bay Area? Crickets.

*Steve Moskowitz: Hide everybody.

New NAME FOR KCBS' Sunday show, "In Depth", should be ca lled, "In Dreck" more aptly..

And who the hell is Sarah Hughes? My God.

More drama at KQED a senior boss that took home a clean MILLION --an uber bonus. The rank and file are not happy.


  1. 2023 Newstalk Radio is called X. (Twitter).

  2. That's why I don't donate to KQED, funds always misappropriated, plus KQED Radio used to be fair, unbiased, no longer

    1. How do you know what the compensation deals are for execs or talent at KQED? Perhaps if they maintain great ratings, they do better.

    2. @4:41 Hey fuk nut, I used to regularity donate but no longer since they gotten "WOKE", can you handle that?

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  3. KQED bosses are thugs hiding behind the claim they’re doing good for the community.

  4. Totally agree to not give anything to KQED. They now spend more time begging for donations, and like BART continues to waste spending. It would be fine if the station went under.

    1. so the less radio and tv using words larger than two syllables is better?

    2. KQED hardly "uses words larger than two syllables." They appeal to pseudo-intellectuals. You can spot these people easily. They generalize, assuming you are for dumbing down when you are actually in favor of truly high quality content that doesn't masquerade as sophisticated, all the while asking for your dollars. And secondly, they know that the size ("larger") of a word does not depend on the number of syllables. So "words larger than two syllables" is nonsensical because words can be large with many syllables or with few. Pseudo-intellectuals don't use expressions for how they sound but for what they mean. And you might too if you listened to yourself instead of spouting cliches.

  5. KCBS Krap Crap & BS. Use to be such a great news station.

    1. F**K kcbs; fuknuts didn't tell me about EB 580 Wed AM being backed up due to 2 accidents, FY kcbs

  6. Bay area stations are scared to death about airing real "newstalk"...they are afraid they will learn the BA is actually a bit MORE conservative.
    "I was woke...then I woke-up."

    1. That’s why conservative right wing politicians do so well in the Bay Area. Oh wait. Nevermind.

    2. Exactly. I noticed some Bay Area papers really throttled / shut off comments when their radical Progressive 'articles' got slammed and outed for multiple glaring omissions.

    3. @4:43 Oh fukface, ur not funny

    4. 1:14 What are you smoking??? The Bay Area sure as hell ain't conservative. I know conservative--I grew up in a God-fearing conservative household in West Texas...worked there, in Alabama, northern Florida, and South Carolina before inadvertently moving to the Bay Area (due to my wife's job). I always thought that SF was a "liberal hell-hole" because that's what was preached to my by my parents...and southern media. My God--it is BEAUTIFUL out here! I've never seen such diverse people and cultures/ways of life. Yeah, there may be certain communities that are conservative. But the entire 6.5 million Bay Area??? No way. It's definitely Blue.

  7. KQED... Member supported - to make millionaires. STOP DONATING TO THEM! Obviously not a non-profit. Worst drivers in the Bay Area? Prius or Tesla drivers with a KQED sticker on their car.

  8. Hey Rich, just where is "Phiully" located? I can't find it on a map, or in Wikipedia.

    1. @1:19 Look down, it's the low hanging fruits

    2. @5:56 Hahhaahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! Good one!!!!!!! Made my day!!!!!!!!! Did you hear why the US Womens Soccer Team lost to Sweden? Because one of Sweden's player kicked a US's player's "Low Hangings Fruit" Hahhahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. @5:56 Damn, that's good, anybody went to Irving St Fair on 8/5/23? LGBTQ band and a asian trombone player in a dress, sigh, SHFH

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    5. @8:51 Karma, rapino is anti USA, only think about herself, self serving bit*h!

    6. @8:36 Glad she's retiring, now if only the other unpatriotic half of the team would follow her we would have a better chance nest World Cup

  9. Dave Flemming is professional, knows his stuff, and has a good voice. But no one equals Jon Miller. The way Miller does play by play is so compelling. When he’s there, I HAVE TO listen. When he’s not, I can take it or leave it.

    I stopped giving anything to KQED years ago. The insufferable, predictable wokeness makes me gag, both radio and television. My radios used to be almost permanently tuned to their radio station, but that ended a long time ago. I watch very little of the TV station.

    The Bay Area not only no longer has a newstalk station, for all intents and purposes it doesn’t have a news station anymore either. The decline and fall of KCBS is almost tragic.

    SF used to have such great radio. No more. Sad.

    1. @2:21 Couldn't agree more

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  10. In Depth today was all about what else? Climate change, global warming and fire season. No matter what is happening just add climate change and global warming to it. Too much rain. Climate change. Not enough rain. Climate change. Too much rain, then the plants grow making it a dangerous fire season. Not enough rain, then the plants don't grow making it a dangerous fire season. The expert went on and on with no push back because he was speaking the company mantra. Acid rain anyone? Where did that go?

    1. So you, 2:55 haven't yet figured out that global climate change produces extremes in weather? Florida beaches now host 100 degree ocean temperatures. Coral colonies are collapsing. All of these things have negative repercussions for human habitation and food supply..We are having the hottest temperatures worldwide ever recorded in human history. None of this could affect you, right?

    2. @2:55 In Scotland,they whacked 16 million trees for wind farms. Those damn trees taking in all of that CO2 and producing fresh clean air O2. Don't mention the fact that the planet is actually 'cooling'. Silly science! Me. I'm still waing for those killer African bees! God forbid they comprehend our atmosphere is made up of 87% Nitrogen. Blow a gasket! Greenhouse gases. Yeah. It's water vapor.

    3. 4:38. The planet worldwide is not warming permanently, it is cooler in places and warmer in places, that is what climate change does. InDepth never talks about that because they are stupid media people that only rehash what the woke scientists tell them to say. See masks and fauci. Feb 2020 - we don't need masks. Mar 2020 - everyone needs masks. The biggest problems are overfishing and plastic in the oceans. Trash worldwide and everywhere, not global warming.

    4. Meanwhile in Alaska an ice dam melts and a glacial lake gush wipes out beach front property.

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  11. I am the biggest Jon Miller fan ever, he is the best baseball announcer in MLB but for him not to be at the A's/Giants game today is just wrong. Totally wrong unless he is sick. Dave is awesome too and can carry the broadcast better than anybody but the other guys with him are average at best.

  12. If you are going to attack long form radio reporting as not living up to your standards and ask "who the hell is Sarah Hughes?", shouldn't you get the name of the "In Depth" reporter right? It's Mary Hughes. Did you research her background or just insult her?

  13. KCBS news time, 415 media...

  14. I don’t give public radio a dine. Especially after they put Ayesha Roscoe on the Sunday morning show. Her grating ghetto voice is an insult to listeners. Not one dime to NPR.

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  15. KQED is why I donate to Montana Public Radio.

  16. Anyone who donates to KQED is a fool. You're funding vacations to Hawaii. That's all.

  17. The only people still saying "woke" are idiots. Everyone is has moved on

    1. @11:15 Why so much hate? Take Relaxium Sleep and stay asleep

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  22. Dave Dettling is solid.

  23. The reason I do not contribute to 415 Media is due to the fact of so many ignorant right-wing nuts that inhabit this site.

    1. @2:13 You could've be farther from the truth, I'm conservative and knows sometimes I written conservatives views and it doesn't get published, what does that tells you? By the way being conservative doesn't make that "right wing" let alone ignorant, educate yourself

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