Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Never Mind a Baseball Game, Bay Area Giants' Fans Have to Endure Dave Flemming's Batboy Ordeal

GIMMICK gone bad

Dave Flemming, the Giants pbp broadcaster, lost a bet--his penalty? He had to be a bat boy for three innings. Poor baby.

Last night, (Monday) Bay Area baseball fans had to endure a game-long breakdown of Flemming's mission. It was a difficult listen.

Sure, the game was a dud but the constant Flemm/batboy ordeal was about as exciting as a Modesto Safeway.

Worse, just when things seemed back to normal, Jon Miller decided to massage Flemm's ego 10x more by drudging up the batboy experience.


I'm sure the Giants sponsors on KNBR were thrilled.


  1. Yeah, I could see Vin Scully do something like this. Not. The dummying down of everything continues. The bigger issue in baseball circles is how the Orioles tried to censor their announcer who amplified a negative stat that was in their media game notes. The world is now about social media silliness and stupid social media gimmicks like Phlemming being a bat boy for three innings.

  2. The game was so awful it actually wasn't a bad thing. And Flemming still called his requisite three innings broadcasting the 7th, 8th, and 9th

    1. Happy to see Flem out of the booth regardless of the reason.
      Sadly, he is tilting toward the homerism of Kruk & Kuip as
      opposed to the objectivity of Jon Miller. So tired of his complaining about the home plate ump who is shafting the Giants.

  3. This is what we get for entertainment when there's nothing worth watching on the field thanks to the non-existent offense. The Giants organization made no moves at the trade deadline and it shows. Another year, another whiff. And another palpable fall to the back of the pack.

    Ol' cheapie conservative billionaire Charles Johnson should be ashamed of the not ready for prime time triple AAA products out on the field in August. Over the years the Giants whiffed on Harper, Judge (but dodged a bullet with Correa). Still no one in that line up strikes fear in opposing teams minds. An impact bat makes all the difference in the world. So expect more distractions. Maybe bring out the 2001 team and have Dusty Baker symbolically hand the ball off to Russ Ortiz once again.

    Having said that, it would have been icing on the cake if they brought J.T. Snow out to scoop up Dave Flemming at the end of his three inning bat-boy stint Darren Baker style. At least I would have laughed at that instead of the pitiful hit and miss product they currently have on the field.

    'The guidelines -- unofficially dubbed "the Darren Baker rule" -- state that batboys must be at least 14 to serve in the role'. Jon Miller are you next? After all you've got a lot of days off to sub in a few innings this year. Let me entertain you....🎶 lol

    1. Hey baseball genius @ 12:25 go to MLB Trade Rumors and report back what trade the Giants could have made at the trade deadline that would have greatly improve the team. Typical fan like you that simply wants to make trades just for the sake of making trades. Regarding Judge, how do you know he didn't use the Giants as ammunition to bid up the price and resign with the Yankees? Sounds like you need to go support another team.

    2. @11:55 I'm looking at the product on the field and this team is inconsistent at best. Triple AAA call-ups abound. It's obvious this organization is in rebuild phase and not interested or capable of seriously contending for another ring this year. Cuz this motley crew ain't gonna get it done. Bailey, Conforto, Estrada and Duval are keepers. The rest....meh. Time to go shopping in the offseason.

      As for Judge...Of course he played the Giants to get a sweeter deal. Just like most of the other superstar talents who've balked when it comes to putting pen to paper and coming here have done. That's the nature of the business. Like every other business money rules supreme. And usually ruins everything.

      Now they're talking about wooing Shohei Otani in the offseason. HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Good luck with that. Giants fan for life but I know how this group operates. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. So I'll just look back with nostalgia and enjoy the three WS wins the Giants were able to be a part of. You should too.

      'Playoffs...Playoffs...Are u kidding me?!?' - Jim Mora

    3. Honorable mention to Wilmer Flores who appears to be the only one who can hit consistently. And Joc and Wade Jr. are cool too. Other than that. let's see what these farmhands can do! The Giants are currently lacking a difference maker. And it shows.

    4. @11:55 gabe kaplan, nuff said, he stinks

  4. All this analysis is not necessary. The Giants are a minor league team with some overrated underperforming veterans. No superstar in their right mind would consider playing for the Giants, but they can keep using them as leverage to get a bigger contract elsewhere. Too bad this team is not also leaving the Bay Area!

    1. The team is going stay. Farhan and Gabe, maybe not.

    2. Wished Bouchy didn't retired in 2019, present skipper is meh..

    3. Hey dumb shit, if the season ended today the Giants would be in the playoffs. Is this your first season watching baseball?

    4. 1:40 We agree. The Giants are a bunch of AAAA nobodies who don't belong in "the show." Giants fans should be ashamed. On behalf of MLB, we sincerely apologized for the product you must endure on the field. San Francisco is a fantastic city....that deserves a a superstar-laden product.

      The San Diego Padres

    5. Seeing as the Padres are 8 games behind San Francisco your joke is a little flat...

    6. @9:14 Fuknut, don't know which comments you are referring to , I've been watching SF giants from NY to SF, Dusty Baker came close but no cigar and because of his dumb ass decisions he blew a lot of big games until he got SUPER lucky with the astros despite they got caught with signal stealing, trust me, this present skipper is a LOSER

  5. I think you all need to get a life! It"s just a game. It's supposed to be fun. It's not politics or natural disasters.

    1. @1:50 Hey knucklehead, this is RL's blog, it is fun and informative, you don't need to be here and be a killjoy, YOU need a LIFE

  6. And nobody talked about Tampa Bay's superstar shortstop Wander Franco not with the team at Oracle and was just suspended for allegedly dating a fourteen year old!!! And of course where there's smoke there's fire because another accuser has come forward as well.

    Imagine the stupidity of a young player to potentially void his 182 million dollar contract for something as vile as this. Why are some men like this? I guess he figured the rules don't apply to him because he's super talented at playing a child's game. Just got your wake-up call Wander. Enjoy the prison leagues if proven true.

    But alas this topic is indeed probably too hot to handle. The Giants pre-game crew gave it a 30 second mention. But nothing else lest one of the broadcasters say something like 'you're a moron Wander' and get Glen Kuiper'ed.

    1. Did you you see Randy Arozarena's latina wife at the all star game she couldn't have been more than 15

    2. This is a Giants broadcast / telecast. Why would they spend an extraordinary amount of time addressing issues of another team. There's enough content out in Internet land. Go find it yourself.

  7. Larry Baer is a nob. That is all.

    1. Larry also beats his wife. He should be in jail.

    2. What Larry Baer did regarding his wife a few years ago was regrettable, but it could hardly be characterized as a beating.

    3. Since that wife thing, I find it difficult to tolerate Baer. He's one of the icky things that the Giants allow around them these days. Santangelo is another. But hey, I am a second chance proponent, even if it causes me some discomfort. I don't have to be there.

    4. @8:21 No worries , with sf da Brooke Jenkins not much will happen, see pamela price alameda's da

  8. When the Giants consistently have a spring training lineup, there's really nothing else to talk about.

  9. the constant batboy thing before they finally talked giants today ,insane

  10. Anon 1:50 is right. Why such a hate on for the Giants and their broadcast team, especially you, Rich. I have heard MLB broadcasts in 5 MLB cities and 7 teams. The group here has nothing to apologize for. They do an excellent job
    It is a game, entertainment! The Giants have a shot at the playoffs and that’s great.
    If you don’t like it switch station or turn it off.

  11. yes mr lieberman, you wondered if anyone notced the cobnstant batboy,as if they really think its interesting.it was so obvious as to be like maybe we are in time warp and those guys dont know it.meteor showers.

  12. Bad game. Fun story. Love the broadcast team of Kruk, Kipe, flemm, Jon.

  13. Agreed it was a lame gimmick that they gave way too much oxygen to. The constant replays of Fleming doing “bro hugs” and “bro handshakes” with players in the dugout was embarrassing.

    1. Fleming is the biggest dork on the planet. The thought of him doing bro handshakes with pro athletes is the definition of cringe.

  14. I’ve enjoyed a free subscription to MLB.tv this year - trust me, the alternatives to the Giants’ broadcast crew are garbage. There’s a reason why Awful Announcing ranked Kruk, Kuip, etc #1 this year and in the top five for the annual rankings every year. Lon Simmons isn’t walking through that door. This is sports media in 2023.

  15. Giants are playing well, though far behind the Dodgers as usual, and unlike the Dodgers they have no stars worth paying to see. I'm sure Larry Baer likes these stupid little PR gimmicks like Flemming playing bat boy for a few innings.

  16. Rich: You hate the Giants announcers. We get it. Move on...

  17. KCBS Sports every half hour with a taped segment of this...wtf

  18. The product on the field dictates shenanigans in the radio booth
    Giants batting? WORST in the league.
    Kapler 2024 Manager of the Year, Korean League. Thanks Gabe !!

  19. So they deviated from the constant ice cream covered baby in the stands shot..Shocking@

  20. Giants are a smoke and mirrors team based on constant turnover of roster. Once the league catches up to new players, the team goes into a tailspin. Bochy's Rangers will go farther into the playoffs than these Gigantes.

  21. Fleming is a finalist along with Brian Murphy of KNBR for the Giants Brown Tongue Award, which is given to the most pathetic Giants kissass flunky.

  22. The shots at Joe Ritzo aren't registering here. He's smart, delivers the game well and his biggest liability is that it's tough to grow a big personality when you are fill-in with a crew that wins awards.

    1. I agree. It's FP that people should be criticizing.
