Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Mass Unease at KNBR: The Sports Titanic


Morale? Putrid.

A SINKING SHIP? You betcha.

The alleged "sports leader" is rudderless. And NO ONE is minding the store.

Talk about The Titanic!


  1. Dump that shit
    & bring back KFOG 104.5
    World class rock.

  2. From what I've heard from a certain producer who does the Giants games everyone is uneasy and pink slips are coming soon for both on air "talent" (are they really talented?) and office staff. No more free tickets to Giants and Niner games. Smurph & Smack will be gone soon, so will Jon Lund supposedly since his best buddy is no longer PD. Copes and his annoying laugh = gone, Tolbert too! They will keep FP for Sportsphone since he does do Giants games as well. It's going to be Bloody Sunday soon. Allegedly...

    1. Say it ain’t so Will the Thrill. FP survives The Titanic (aka The Sports Leader)? Papa still there solo to do the Caboose Pistol and other such segments? The same nighttime guys who probably don’t make much but will babble on? As the end of Tolbert & Copes’ shows conclude with Tolbert's signature sign off done by former Maverick’s star Dirk Nowitzki, at a Maverick’s game monster dunk, “oh my God, shut it down, let’s go home!” Tolbert should take the over on the firings, including his. No way Steve Moskowitz, West Coast Medical and Kars for Kids advertisements can cover his salary.

    2. Time will tell if you are right, but this doesn't make much sense for a variety of reasons. They don't have a PD at the moment and I would think they would give the new PD the chance to decide what changes to make or not make. And if they made all the changes you mention at once, there wouldn't be much of a station left. All that's left from what you describe is Papa and FP. That's a lot of programming to fill. I also doubt Papa would be ok with this since he loves working with Lund. Additionally, I cannot imagine the Giants and 49ers being on board with essentially gutting the station, and if they aren't happy, KNBR is toast.

    3. Supposed they are going to have more syndicated from CBS Sports Radio or Fox Sports radio. That'll save a lot of money. I just hope they don't bring back JT the Schtick. Fake Raiders fan who should not be on the air anymore. Time!!!!!

    4. Lee i missed the Barry Bonds HR record Hammer was the source?

  3. who cares? Sports is stupid. Waste of time getting excited about how somebody dribbles a ball or runs a base. It's all corrupted by big money and gambling anyway. Who gives a shit?

    1. Apparently you do since you took the time out to comment on it...

    2. We need Gabe Kapler to comment relentlessly on social issues while taking a knee. Clown show. Many people stopped watching. MLB attendance is up 9+% per team this year and the Giants were even, no gain really. Gee, I wonder why?

    3. Everette--you sound like those sissy-boy glee club/debate team gusy back in high school that my jock friends and I used to stuff into trash cans and gym lockers.

    4. Gave up listening to Bay Area sports talk radio four years ago. Nowadays, I get my all-day (I listen to it at work/on my desktop) radio sports talk fill from independently-produced products by Dan Patrick, Jim Rome, Dan Le Batard, Cowherd....and ESPN radio (which is about to unveil a new lineup). I switch between hosts/shows depending on my mood...or whichever guest is teased as "coming up next"

    5. 11:43 AM, cut from all sports teams he tried out for apparently, therefore sports are "stupid"

    6. @3:16 Agreed, I've said this Giant's skipper is a loser, more concern about "woke issues" than wanting to win it all, a real jerk, probably best buddies with kaperdink

  4. The fact few people comment on KNBR says it all about indifference toward the sinking station.

  5. Sports talk radio used to be about fielding takes, answering questions, and interacting with the audience.

    Today, most fans know more than the host and have a podcast that is a far more compelling to listen to than a commerical-riddled clown show.

    1. It's really gone downhill since they stopped taking callers. I don't really listen in the evenings (when FP apparently takes callers) but will listen on and off before/during most work days. The callers added a randomness to the equation that made it much more interesting/interactive entertainment source. Who knew what Steve from Millbrae would check in with! You gotta listen to find out!!

    2. Stopped listening in '21 when every host suddenly started masquerading as epidemiologists thinking they were experts in Covid & vaccines, while shaming anyone against mandates as KKK members. Buncha F-ing clowns.

  6. Murph and Papa might be salvageable, but they need real partners who will call them on their BS, specifically Murph's effeminate fanboy tendencies and Papa's ego/smarmy old guy at the club routine. Everyone else needs to go, including Amy Lawrence - there is something really wrong with her. Of course, KNBR will also need to prepare for Copes' inevitable lawsuit.

    1. Amy Lawrence is nationally syndicated on CBS so she isn't really the fault of anyone but CBS

    2. No wonder she's on after 10pm. I'd rather listen to Coast to Coast AM then listen to Amy and her lack of sports knowledge. Also when she's out proverbial sports know-it-all Rich Herrera fills in for her. Why is he even still on the air? He sucked when he was on KNBR and he goes to a national radio show? Madness!

  7. Papa's hair dye job is hilarious. His face is old and does not match his hair. Papa thought Trey Lance had talent when it was obvious he was a bust.

    1. I remember almost all of the supposed professional sports experts fell for the 49ers front office nonsense about how great Lance was going to be and it was time to dump Jimmy G. Seems like very few fans believed that.

  8. Did you ever notice how KNBR has the SAME callers?

  9. They excrement being foisted on sports fans by KNBR seems to never end. I gave up listening.
    While I don’t claim to be anything but average, I know that I could write a better script for a sports show than any and all of KNBR’s “talent”.
    “Good Lord !” When will we be rid of the babbling riff-raff on the 50,000 watt flame thrower? Not soon enough.

  10. It’s all about podcasts now.

  11. I left after KNBR got rid of Bruno. What? 5 or 6 years ago? Haven’t been back since. Murph and Mac are insufferable.

    1. Bruno is a good follow on Twitter.

    2. You read my mind. Best 30 min in sports radio was he and Uncle Gary. "You gots to get down!"

  12. FP on the radio right now, “I like to pick mh nose and pull out a big booger”. Wed @ 6:10pm
    He is going on and on about picking his nose.
    What a gd’d Idiot !!!

    Please please please FIRE this sick bass-turd

    1. I was just listening to this insanity on my way home from work. How on earth does that relate to sports?? He even mentioned something to the effect of "what better way to get fired than have an opening segment talking about boogers".

    2. Dude trolls Momo's or the bars in the Marina for 20 something women after home games when he's not on Sportsphone. 56 year old creeper who enjoys picking his nose. WTF?

    3. At least FP takes callers, I'll give him that.

    4. @1:21 AM nose picking isn't a sports topic, but it's such a guy's topic. Who's the bigger creeper? FP or Sal Castaneda?

    5. I was in disbelief when he started that crap about picking his nose. I turned off KNBR for the rest of the week.

  13. KNBR bends the knee to the woke mob.

    1. Woke mob? I see you fell for that narrative.

    2. While most intellectually honest adults know "woke" as a pejorative to describe Regressive Authoritarian Leftists and their insincere ideologies, these same ppl pretend that they didn't hijack and endorse the term to bring attention to any perceived slight purportedly caused by "white devils".

      I'm a mixed race man born in Africa, raised Dem, and while I'm no Repub, I sprinted from the D party once it was used as a signal by corporations and race-hustlers

  14. Once Radnich left it all went down hill. Yes, he could be a little over the top at times, but he had a style that is hard to match these days. BYE BYE!

    1. Raddy's act got old like him. He thought he was cool talking about how he was into hip hop. Just another white dude trying to be cool. Lieberman loved taking shots at Gary that was personal. I didn't care if he was out cutting around but Lieberman couldn't resist. Nothing personal from me the act just got old, no authenticity

    2. I miss Johnny the Gout Man.

  15. If this is true and if KNBR is looking to possibly let go of on air talent, they should look into bringing back Damon Bruce. He's killing it on Youtube right now with his channel, and even though he's expressed being happy doing his weekday show on Youtube as well as other content that he's putting out on his channel, if KNBR is looking to make changes, bringing in Damon Bruce might be something they may have to consider.

  16. I think KNBR should keep Greg Papa, Copeland, and maybe Tolbert.

    Murph and Mac, as I've mentioned before, even though they are an institution, their show is not the same. Their show never evolved, and it feels like they peaked around 2010, when the Giants won their first World Series in SF. Murph and Mac do the same bits and segments they did all the way back in 2008, 2009. Bonta and Shasky are beating them in the ratings. Murph and Mac had their run. Might be time for KNBR to make a change to their morning show.

    1. M&M aren't very insightful - just a lot of pandering to guests.

  17. Greg Papa, it's complicated. You want him there for his vast knowledge of sports, and of course, he's the Niners radio play-by-play guy, so letting go of Greg Papa would be an unpopular but monumental move, even though yeah, it would save KNBR money to maybe bring in/bring back a Damon Bruce or a Larry Krueger, and/or possibly poach Bonta and Shasky from 95.7. Greg Papa helps provide stability to KNBR though. If it was up to me, I would keep Greg Papa on KNBR.

    John Lund might be expendable, but as mentioned in earlier comments, Greg Papa likes working with John Lund so, if Greg Papa stays, Lund in all likelihood probably stays too. I don't see KNBR making a change to the 10-2 timeslot.

    1. 10-2pm slot is keeping KNBR alive. Papa knows his football and for the remainder of the year, it is his time to shine.

  18. Tolbert and Copes, I like Adam Copeland despite him receiving a lot of flack on here. I honestly don't understand the dislike on here for Copes. Copes is a good dude and interacts with some of the commenters on the KNBR Youtube chat. Copes and Tolbert have good chemistry. Copes is already going up the ranks at KNBR, and it would be a blow to KNBR if Copes was gone. I think Copes can be one of the on air hosts KNBR can build if KNBR decides to make big changes to their weekday lineup in the future.

    Tolbert, just like Greg Papa, it's complicated. Tolbert may have lost his fastball a bit, but overall he stays on top of the regular Bay Area sports topics. Sometimes it does feel like Tolbert might not need the radio show anymore though when you listen to him. I'm sure Tolbert is paid and probably doesn't need to do the radio show anymore, even though it is a nice treat to hear him call Warrior home games on 95.7.

    Tolbert like Murph and Mac has been a mainstay on KNBR and Tolbert, Murph, and Mac are 3 of the last links to KNBR's hey day where KNBR was the only Bay Area sports station and was the main Bay Area sports station when 95.7 was starting out as a Bay Area sports station, but I can understand if KNBR may be looking to possibly make a decision on Murph and Mac or even Tolbert.


    1. Otis III you must not have a job to write 5 comments. Get a life!!

    2. Sorry Otis III I DISAGREE on most of your recent posts.

      KNBR - get rid of
      Murph n Mac
      Tolbert n Copes
      FP Nosepicker Santangelo

      All of these self absorbed blowhards who have a lot to say about anything BUT sports need to get to the end of a long unemployment line. Human Trash at best. And Damon Bruce, double yuck.
      And with certainty I predict the entire line up will get raises and long term contracts.

    3. Leave Otis alone, he is the only one I read other then Rich!! He has good takes.

    4. Otis…. You make good points except for Copes…. He has ruined the show with Tolbert and he is completely unlistenable…. He does not have good knowledge, his interviews are terrible and his laugh is unbearable…. That used to be my Favorite KNBR show and I don’t listen anymore… Would Luv to see Tolbert with a new partner…

      I do think that Papa and Tolbert would be the ones to remain and probably Brian Murphy…. We will see what happens….

    5. @joc- I do have a full-time job. Why are you so concerned that I made 5 comments in here? It's all good man. LOL

    6. @Neal- Thanks Neal, I appreciate your support man, and thanks for having my back!

    7. People keep commenting on Copes laughing all the time. Strangely, I don't notice it that much. I think he teams up well with Tolbert and the show as a whole isn't bad, but if he doesn't survive the rumored cuts, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

    8. @Otis III - you do you. Don't let people's comments bring you down. Like everyone else here, you have the right to post your opinions. Some I agree with and some I don't, but you do bring some cogent opinions to the table. Everyone just needs to be respectful of each other's opinions.

  19. Not a Ratto fan, but he is a breath of fresh air when subbing for crappy Copes.

    1. Agree!… Never been a big fan of Ratto but I actually listened to the show again with him on there subbing for Copes and it was much better….

    2. He's just sarcasm after sarcasm, and sometimes non-sports sarcasm. It was very awkward with coach Shanahan today.

  20. KNBR used to be a respectable station until Cumulus bought them. Every station that is purchased by that bloodless company goes to the dogs because the folks who run Cumulus are illiterate when it comes to the radio biz. It took them only 4 years to turn a Bay Area legacy station, (KGO Radio,) into one if the worst major market broadcast operations in the country.
    “Public service? Who needs it! Who cares about local news anyway, right? Let’s have syndicated shows on sports gambling! Then we won’t have to pay any in-air people or keep producers around. Brilliant strategy Cumulus.

  21. I guess it’s better to be asleep than woke. Is it any wonder then the Trumpers who come on here are such brainless twits!

    1. San Wokecisco is the gift that keeps on giving. Every time a national media outlet reporting on crime in SF is robbed in SF a Republican gets its wings.

  22. To show you how bad KNBR is; Larry Baer insisted that some minor league broadcaster named Joe Ritzo and FP Santangelo, ( one of Barry Bond’s self absorbed steroid buddies,) to fill in whenever Phegm and Miller are “ on assignment.” Both these guys are as unlistenable as the A’s TV broadcasters who now have a career minor league announcer, (some clown named Johnny Doskow,) and the continuously annoying Dallas Braden doing their TV. Baer obviously doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the Giants’ radio broadcasts while John Fisher hired a triple A announcer to broadcast for his lame duck triple a team. What a joke!

  23. Does anyone know what happened to Ron Barr and his Sports Byline USA show? He was huge in the EA Sports games for a few years there.

    1. His show is not even aired in SF where he originates for years. That shows the demand for it

  24. The only person remotely interesting,funny, and genuine is Tolbert and Ratto when he fills in . Copeland is awful and Papa is fingernails across the chalkboard.
