Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Internal Enemies at 900 Front: Larry Beil Tries to Swoop in on Dan Ashley at ABC7

HE ONCE TRIED to move in on Mark Ibanez' gig at KTVU --when Mark was the #1 sports anchor--now, Larry Beil smelling blood and oppurtunity, is honing in on the top post at ABC7, (KGO)--Dan Ashley's role at Circle7.

And everyone at KGO knows it.

Now you do too.

Which only makes matters worse. And the staff at 900 Front are now even more FURIOUS!

Ashley is working without a new deal at KGO, not starving mind you, but still, not very happy at SF ABC/Disney.

The Mouse House isn't very loyal.

Beil and Ashley have never been close buds, don't let pictures fool you.

This push by Larry won't help matters.


  1. Perhaps Beil hasn't yet learned to pick his battles carefully. If he loses his best option will likely be to get out of town. Kind of a lot to put on the line.

  2. Beil seems to me to be better suited to a Fox environment. He's kinda got that "I know everything" attitude.

  3. Larry Beil doesn't appreciate that he just just a forever 2nd tier news personality. He should be happy with what he's got.

  4. Ashley is getting paid more than most people make in their lifetimes, in an industry that's sinking by the bow and will probably not be around in anything more than a volunteer form in ten years. He should STFU, sign a damn contract and go off and play his guitar somewhere, preferably where no one but the coyotes can hear him.

    1. @10:21AM
      So says the Disney shill...

    2. I'm hardly a Disney shill. I don't like the company and don't buy or use any of their products. The issue would be the same whether Dan was being paid by Disney or Lloyds of London. I do like the way you just jump to conclusions without any evidence, though. There's a man looking for supporters like you. He has canary yellow hair and orange skin, and hopefully will soon be wearing an orange jumpsuit.

  5. Why know contract yet with Ashley? Ash wants a mill, mouse 500k?

  6. I support Larry if one day replace Dan Ashley than watching and station promoting Reggie Aqui as main evening news anchor. Ming will use ways to get him only possibly doing solo, Ama will scream, Dion will run cannot stand Reggie. And, Zach should be the morning main anchor with Reggie and Drew making them the buddies anchor team

  7. Beil needs to take ego and leave San Francisco. Volunteer in Maui for the under privileged. Nope, he is a jerk!

  8. Dear Larry - If you don't play nice Dan is not going to let you play in his band.

  9. How does a character straight out of a Simpson's episode expect to inherit a mainstream anchor chair in the Bay Area? Oops, that's right, it's the Bay Area.

  10. Never liked Larry Beil, wished he'd stayed back east, true backstabber

  11. Larry is only decent at sports nothing more.

  12. Why does changing this font on the comments make it seem like everyone is yelling? Anyhoo...Good luck Dan. Definitely the coolest anchor of the 'Building A Better Bay Area' backlot. He's in a rock band for chrissake. A band that people pay to see!! lol

    And yes, Larry Beil will always be second fiddle. What I like about Beil is that he knows that. For some people self-awareness is a lost art. His colleagues both in sports and news crack on him all the time.

    Not my favorite news anchor but I like a man who can take a joke. And understands he's often the butt of one without 'crying to his mama in the real world' - Paramoure. (Dan should cover that song at the ABC 7 farewell party with his band. lol)

  13. Frankly I don't think anyone at KGO TV cares anymore. The few people that were there that remember the late '80s and early 90s are waiting around to finish out their retirement. The on-air staff may look bright and shiny but that's only because the Consultants demanded it that way take one look at the lighting rig with all 112 lights including 15 specials just to make sure Dan Ashley's Hair is perfect tells you that they're desperate no matter what. The fact that it's all ran by Parker Vision, I glorified television playlist. At one time it took at least eight people to do the news now I think we're down to four and that includes three behind the anchor desk. Television news in the Bay Area certainly hasn't been in its heyday since the early 2000s. Now it's not even a shadow of his former self. Between computer automation mindless Talent and talent that's too scared to do anything that they'll lose their job the idea of investigative journalism and cutting-edge Reporting has lent its way to let's all use cell phone backpacks and just literally phone it in. One case in point Channel 4 Kron, the opening night of the new Chase Center. Jason Dumas was sent to cover the event. The reporter field coordinator sent him there on Friday with a cell phone pack to make sure that they had a good picture and signal. It was fine. Then he tried to use the same system come Friday night 4:00. Went 20,000 people had shown up to all use their cell phones. It never once occurred to the field coordinator at Channel 4 to use the in-house microwave system that there was no way you could use a cell phone backpack went 20,000 people are on their cell phones we were not able to get a usable signal out of Chase Center until well past 11:00 p.m. When the Crowds had dispersed and the sites hit cooled down. And then it was only a marginally usable image running at 30 frames a second. Channel 4 is going to be the next station to go off the air or be running nothing but paid programming 24/7. With only two reporters, and the Fiasco that was KRON-ON sucking up over 5 million dollars, with three different video automation systems provided by a Grass Valley and Crispin that were never used. Eventually a new tech Video Toaster became the main source for KRON-ON.

  14. Larry Beil is a decent sports anchor, but I have yet to see him report a live news story in the field. Reading a teleprompter does not make him an anchor. Karina Nova is an anchor. Dion Lim is an anchor. Larry Beil is not an anchor with authority.

  15. Speaking of Larry Beil….we can’t forget the Prima Donna anchor (name may or may not rhyme with Leon Dim) who more than once has complained to HR that the hallway adjacent to the second floor men’s restroom reeks after Larry Beil takes care of his business. She gossiped about courtesy flushes with other co-workers and went so far as to suggest HR remind Beil of the importance of them.

    1. Sounds like Leon Dim thinks her shit doesn’t stink.

    2. @ 9:43 & 12:34 Ok, Empress Ming Sze

    3. This isn’t some earth shattering news. Anyone who’s ever worked around Larry knows he tears it up and has no qualms about it.

  16. It’s time for Dan Ashley to retire from tv. He has a very pleasant voice but he’s hard to look at. If he isn’t ready to leave journalism just yet, perhaps he could follow Eric Thomas over to radio.
