Thursday, August 3, 2023

KTVU High Heat; Eikel Seattle Bound; GM Hartel Probably Moving On Too

IT TOOK ALMOST TWO YEARS...but it finally prevailed.

The vast majority of KTVU personnel had NO CONFIDENCE in both ND, Amber Eikel and GM, Mellynda Hartel.

Now, Eikel is gone and out of Oakland to Seattle. The Firm decided it was time to go and chose to move AE to the Northwest. A mutual parting --Fox brass knew KTVU peeps were fed up with Eikel.

Hartel, the GM, will be a GONER, any day now.

At KTVU? They'd party!

Her rep at KTVU is almost as bad as Eikel's. There's a general feeling of disgust nd resentment. Hello! Anyone home at The Frm?

Hartel is seen as aloof at KTVU. She's hardly seen at the office. Rank and file staff at KTVU are miffed at here status. You would think a GM at a major market FOX O.O would be at work and not aloof. Hartell is not your usual GM.

There's a lot of traffic at KTVU these days and it's not so good.

And it's going to get worse before it gets better.


  1. There is no shortage of bad managers so it won't be any trouble to get replacements. The Fox people are probably lining up headshots in a room right now deciding who would look the best in their new role. Yeah, they're all just play acting at their jobs. But some of them do look good, if you like the Fox aesthetic. Not to my taste.

  2. Where's Sal to update us on all that KTVU traffic?

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  3. Just what we need … Eikel ruining KCPQ. It was a great station until Fox got their hands on it and is now dying a slow, painful, Foxified death.

    1. That is the Fox way.
      Destroy the best news station in each market… Watch out Seattle.

    2. According to QZVX, the person Eikel's replacing in Seattle is going to Fox's Chicago station. It's just a game of musical chairs and the viewers and employees are the ones without chairs when the music stops.

  4. My God, that woman looks like a Stepford wife...or classic Fox News VP material. I'll bet her qualifications are.........numerous.

  5. Eikel looks like she was in a Blacked video.

    Ron Jeremy

  6. Crazy ass liberal white woman in a position of authority with no accountability. What could go wrong? Slap the white cuck that hired her in the first place.WP are F'd in the head.

  7. People dumping on these woman, I guess, are justified in doing so. I am assuming all the people who are posting here know these women personally. But I never have subscribed to the belief that dumping on someone who recently lost their job is a good thing.
