Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Exclusive: KTVU Senior Staff "No Confidence" in GM and ND (Hartel/Eikel); "Core 4" Among Critics; "Lack of Experience and Direction" Center of Storm

THE RANK AND FILE KTVU STAFF--the ones that still exist pre "The Firm" Days and whose membership include the "Core4" (Somerville, Ibanez, Haener and Martin) all have instituded a "NO CONFIDENCE" edict at the station's News Director and GM. (Amber Eikel and Mellynda Hartel)

Eikel, the embattled ND, receives the brunt of the criticism and the GM, Hartel, for her general MIA status. A KTVU source about Hartel: "No one has ever seen her. Literally, nobody knows who the hell she is!."

There's been no formal procedure enacted; that would be nearly impossible to institute but the overwhelming feeling among senior staff; on-air anchors, reporters, writers, producers, is an amazing DIS-CONNECT between those who make the station work and those (management) who, say the staff, are first and foremost, INEXPERIENCED, out of touch, out of mind, out of sight. The entire FOX2 personnel are not on board with this sentiment, but the greater MAJORITY are and has made their DISPLEASURE public now, with several contacts telling 415 MEDIA of their NO CONFIDENCE.

KTVU's ratings, minus a few early evening time slots, is still TOPS in the Bay Area. Their storied "10 o'Clock News" remains the most-watched newscast in the Bay Area. But there's a caveat: viewership continues to decline and many insiders feel KTVU is about to LOSE major market share. It continues to lead the pack even though it has a laundry list of internal problems and staff DISARRAY. We haven't even mentioned the ongoing Frank Somerville drama.

The general consensus at KTVU among veteran personnel is that the station lacks "overall leadership" and that any momentum, any retension of the still-succssful numbers is a mere coincidence. A source tells me: "There is no confidence in them (Eikel/Hartel)--'they have NO EXPERIENCE; they have no respect and they have no leadership. We (staff) carry on despite them, not beecause of them."

The negative morale has been a constant at KTVU for months now and continues to simmer with no relief in sight. A FOX internal team from LA is aware of the morale issue(s) but so far, nothing official is on the docket to either talk to the naysayers or even acknowledge the unease. The Firm seems to believe (and they really do) that as long as the numbers remain firm and steady, then there's nothing to bitch about.

Good reasonng, for now. The future? Stay tuned.


  1. Hire Christine Craft, it's like having "salt peter" on a ship/sub for sailors!

  2. Did Frank Somerville have a stroke or something? He's still slurring and has a hard time pronouncing his words. Maybe ol' Franky needs to hang it up now.

    1. Maybe he just keeps biting his tongue every time he wants to tell us where he went and how he is ... or not!

    2. I was also wondering about stroke as a possibility for Somerville. I could take or leave Somerville, btw. To me, he's just ok. Alex Savidge or Andre Senior would be fine with me for a male anchor.

      Otherwise, I'm good with Haener, Holmes, and if Rendon returns from maternity leave. I also like Rasmus but don't see her on-the-air much.

    3. According to Rich, Frank wanted to talk about what happened to him but management said it was VERBOTEN! So he is not allowed to discuss it with anyone, even fellow staffers and people in his personal life.

      Interesting that a news organization adopts the tactics of the gestapo, but there you have it.

  3. When will Frankie boy do a story on climate change being caused by all that hair spray he's using.

    Mark Ibanez still can't come into the office while still making 300k, but he can do a 5 minute segments with a short sleeve clubbing shirt.

  4. My question is how can Heather Holmes use this to her advantage?

  5. They don't even have the brains to promote Kyla to the prime time slot, Mark to weekend mornings, and ship Rosemary back to Sacramento. That's a no-brainer.
