Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Exclusive: Somerville Beset With Personal Issues; KTVU Anchor Still Haunted; Buds Worry of Relapse

HAS FRANK SOMERVILLE had a relapse? No, at least not on my radar. If he has, it's only he that knows. But there's several issues affecting the KTVU anchor.

The people at KTVU, including those that aren't necessarily in his corner, are worried he may be on the verge of yet another personal crisis. A drama that certainly caused his meltdown on camera; the Sunday night before Memorial Day when the world saw him slur his words, look and sound uncomfortable and expose his night full of mistaken sleeping pills (according to him) and a few too many beers.

Somerville, under the cover of August darkness and without any promos or fanfare, returned to KTVU; his disposition has seen a more reserved man. He isn't talking about what happened; Fox bosses have told him to keep his mouth shut and simply read the teleprompter. But his performance has heated up speculation that he's once again suffering from deep depression and his on-air persona is back to its nervous stage. He looks uneasy and he's gripped a pen way too tight. His face looks beaten and his shoulders have a noticeable droop when he's doing a stand-up at the top of newscast.

Somerville is still dealing with a nasty divorce; a break-up fueled by his penchant for dating prominent younger women that were not his wife. He had to sell his Oakland Hills home. His contract is up in March 2022 and it's all but certain, even if he were to keep clean, KTVU/Fox won't retain him. Only because KTVU has no one presently to REPLACE him probably was key to his return. But that's all temporary. And it's that aspect, one of many that currently HAUNTS him and his friends and associates worried.


  1. Oh, so now "a few too many beers" is in the equation?

  2. So many men cheat. So many men regret it. It's something I'll never understand. I could never live with myself if I cheated, and I'm not half as sanctimonious as Frank.

  3. Everyone deals with personal issues. Rich, do you know if he has friends or any kind of support to help him navigate all of this? I don't know him and not a huge fan but he is a person who sounds like he needs support besides outpatient therapy?

    1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSSeptember 1, 2021 at 10:11 PM

      Frank is a Friend of Bill. He’s ok, Rich.

  4. In other news Vicki Liviakis had the headlights on full display last night. I had to take a triple take. A few rewinds and fast forwards. Full on brights! Now that's how you bring in viewers!

    1. I noticed that! I don't remember much about the news they talked about though.

  5. Not bad tonight. Held his mud. H.H. Dressed like Morticia Adams tonight. If she turned sideways with her tongue out, she would look a zipper!

    Eat something woman! Scrawniest Texan I have ever seen.

  6. He's looked okay to me. He has to read the news and be "on" for more than one newscast. Age affects people differently. He's not all that old, but he looks aged. He's trying.

    1. IF a woman on TV looked that puffy and old, you'd be calling for her execution.

  7. Any news on Greg Papa? He’s been hinting on his show a couple times recently of a podcast and or new cohost? He’s teased it a little bit and of course Lund wasn’t happy and was actually surprised when papa brought up him liking to change cohosts. Would love to know if papa has anything new coming

  8. Yet another victim of California Family Court.

    1. On the contrary, California is a community property state, 50/50 for assets created during pendency of marriage. The wife doesn't lose those rights when her hubby, beset by late middle age crisis decides to be a drunken, pill popping cheat.

  9. What is wrong with KTVU's microphones. They have so many mike malfunctions in the studio—I'm talking the clip-on mikes the anchors wear. Bill's mike, Frank's mike, Heather's mike...a week doesn't go by that they don't cut out with static or loss of signal. Where do they buy their equipment, Walmart?
