Thursday, September 2, 2021

Security Breach at KGO-TV Parking Garage; Cibrowski Memo; Papa's Ego Saves Lund (Fake) Embellishment on KNBR; KCBS Broadcast from Tahoe Fire (Yawn)

THAT BREACH OF SECURITY caused quite a STIR at KGO-TV's Embarcadero studio early Tuesday Morning; some van scurried into the 900 Front ABC7 parking garage and broke a few car windows. Nobody was assaulted and nothing was stolen but the ABC7 GM, the Big Cibrowski's internal memo to staff (one page) reacted as if all hell broke loose. It didn't. On the other hand, at least Cibrowski has a pulse. He hasn't done a thing since becoming the boss over a year ago. Except to administer petitions.

Tom Cibrowski (pictured): building a better Bay Area and making sure his office was stacked with Ikea furniture and Sweedish meatballs.

*KCBS sent Holly Quan and a pack of reporters to South Lake Tahoe, ostensibly, to cover the big fire only Quan could have been broadcasting from the break room--Quan (and KCBS) made several references about "our LIVE team coverage from the fire" only there was NO actualities. And the only real sound was pissed-off Jeffrey Schaub talking on-air about him having to move to another hotel room because his old room was not available. Excuse me while I continue my giggles.

*Greg Papa, while spending more than the thirty minutes telling Bay Area listeners (on KNBR)about his day down at 49ers' headquarters in Santa Clara, (TOUCHDOWNNNN EGO!) did fulfill a purpose: he HID his imbecile, juvenile co-captain, Johnnie Lund, from Lund's gruesome personal account of the 49ers' Dwight Clark tribute dinner from Tuesday night. Lund spoke glowingly and fondly about the players and coaches from the 1980's, as if he (lund) were right there, only one huge problem: LUND was NOT THERE in the Bay Area at the time. Never. Loose lips sink ships. Lund, the little kid with the mid-50's deal and face lift to boot, plays with the truth too. What a shock.

*The "foodie chap" on KPIX describing life in the Central Valley living on River Island, yeah, I'm sure every Irish dream would cancel out Dublin and the country side. "No, let's do Lathrop!"

*On the other hand, the Foodie Chap didn't dissapear from PIX, the only one of late, not MIA.

*Quan was really broadcasting from Tahoe, I believe her but she could have saved the company lots of money by reporting from the Embarcadero Togo's.

*No Megan Goldsby at Tahoe? Attention, KCBS: security ALERT at the "fire desk."

*Peter Finch: breaking his own world record of saying the word, "degrees" --as in, "it's 57 DEGREES in Foster City."

*Good news though for KCBS: Eric Thomas was able to read his copy straight and got a promotion from ND (Jennifer seelig)--he gets to anchor the 10-3 PM news. Rebecca Corral is away, which is highly unusual.


  1. How about some information on what happened to Locast?

  2. Since there's a gate to the KGO parking garage and there's supposed to be security monitoring at all times, I wonder how that happened.

  3. River Island? Really? Don't the homeless set up their camps by rivers? hmmm ...

  4. Instead of "Building a Better Bay Area" Tom should build a "Better Head of Hair".

  5. I hear Sze handed the van driver a petition and they left quietly

  6. greg papa and damon bruce fight it out all the time for the most over inflated opinion of themselves and its still a tie
