Monday, August 30, 2021

The Extended Dennis O'Donnell Mystery Continues; KPIX Still Silent; Cover-Up at 855 Battery And Beyond; Friends Contribute to BS Meter; Lies, Lies, Lies; Chronicle/Merc Asleep at Wheel

ABOUT A MONTH AGO TODAY, roughly late July, I was schmoozing with a prominent KPIX air personality; it was an innocent discussion mostly about nothing. Then in the late stages of the chit-chat, the person said the talk at the station was "where is Dennis O'Donnell?" --O'Donnell, the PIX Sports anchor had been away (at the time) for more tahn two weeks and was not back at the desk. The individual said quite forcefully, "that's not like Dennis."

Before that innocent text session, I wasn't even mildly aware of O'Donnell's situation. I don't watch PIX's newscasts (unless I have to) and thought to myself maybe he simply extended his vacation and was gearing up for 49ers games--the pre-season package of exhibitions that PIX has the rights to and for which O'Donnel covers; he does the pre and post game shows and interviews from the field. Later, I would find out O'Donnell not only missed ALL the 49ers' contests but his anchor duties at PIX's 855 Battery studios. He is still ABSENT as of today (Monday).

Even then, I wasn't interested. I had been working on numerous stories and really thought the DOD status would resolve itself and he'd (Dennis) be back. Besides which, nobody was really concerned about his whereabouts, especially viewers because while O'Donnell is a fixture in Bay Area TV News, he's hardly an iconic figure. But major personality? Yes. And so, as his situation has not changed and his status never really been explained, even quietly, I began to wonder aloud myself, like the PIX person told me, "where's Dennis?"

I agreed.

So I began to make calls and e-mail people. Nobody seemed to know (or really care); one day, I reached out (e-mail) to O'Donnell's bud and PIX's weekend sports anchor, Vern Glenn. I asked Glenn about Dennis. Specifically, I asked Glenn if he knew where Dennis was and if he knew, but didn't want to talk, that's cool, I get it. And if he simply didn't know, also, fine, could he just say so. "I just want the truth," I told Glenn, who proceedly to tell me, "Oh, he's on vacation, that's all." I then told Glenn, I didn't believe that because he never misses 49ers games and his own friends at PIX were all concerned. Glenn insisted it was vacation, nothing else.

That was three weeks ago. And still, no Dennis O'Donnell, not at the last 49ers game (vs. Raiders) and not at the sports desk. And everyone at PIX, even those initially curious and concerned, suddenly TIGHT-LIPPED and showing utter indiffernce. It's bizarre. It's crazy. It's unusual. And it stinks to high heaven. And when it reaches the level to where his own co-workers are suddenly lying for him and covering up, then it's really even bigger than it first appeared.

It's now apparent O'Donnell has some sort of serious health issue. He's taken a LOA (leave) but PIX refuses to say anything. They have to honor his privacy rights but viewers are left out in the dark because he's not even acknowledged at PIX anymore. Do his fellow anchors say his status? Like even "Dennis is away from the desk."? No. He's been gone well over a month. Has the Chronicle or Merc said a word? Written anything about his MIA status? Not a word. Nothing.

I said here a week ago that I (415 Media) would be covering this all because it's a legitimate news story. That although Dennis O'Donnell has a right to privacy, he's also a public person and therefore, is subject to scrutiny because of his status. It's not always cheery and it could be un-pleasant but it is newsworthy and those of us that believe in that edict will carry on even if the Chronicle is brain dead.

I will be on this story as those of you that come her expect that. As you should.


  1. Thank you for staying on this, Rich. I'd really like to know if Dennis is okay. I worked with him at both KRON and KPIX for over 20 years. As of a few days ago, my former colleagues say they have no information either. I'm not sure if that's a true statement from any of them, or them toeing the company line. I guess we'll know when we know. Or not.

    1. Peter Felch at KCBSAugust 30, 2021 at 8:18 PM

      I second Ms Editor. Thank You, Rich, for doing what you do. We appreciate it.

  2. Why is it so urgent for us to know all the details of Dennis O'Donnell's personal health problems. He's a TV guy, nothing more.

  3. A cloud of silence could also surround a circumstance that involves something criminal. People don't say anything because it can be hard to guess how things will play out.

    1. Something criminal? How do you come up with that?

  4. I've got to agree with 12:32. When a local TV personality is dying of a terminal disease, the station milks it as much as it can and turns it into a tear-jerking drama. Remember how Channel 2 handled Faith Fancher's illness and death? So I suspect something else is going on with Dennis.

    1. That's a rather sick comment. Faith's passing was handled with all the dignity you could muster for someone who went long before her time. They didn't "milk" anything. I was there when it happened.

    2. Did they "milk" VDLC's illness(es). No, they did not, and were quiet about it until she posted with an explanation. To accuse them of "milking" their employees' health is both disingenuous and evil.

  5. I'd like to ask RL and all readers if they had noticed any speech slurring during any of his sportscasts in 2021. Pray that it isn't ALS or MS or vocal degenerative disease.

    1. I noticed he was slurring his words over the last few months. But otherwise he looked OK.

    2. I've noticed O'Donnell's speech impairments and occasional odd comments and actions, dating back over 2 years. In spite of said troubles, his on-air tone has usually remained positive/cheerful.

      Lots of possible causative factors: Neurologic/Neuroimmune (including precursory Dementia-related and/or Autoimmune Disorders), Toxicological, Periodontal/Endodontal, other forms of chronic pain, etc..

      Hope Dennis is OK, and wishing him the best.

  6. Maybe DO'D eloped with VDLC???

    I know your main source inn the grey building is quite adept at keeping a tight lid on affairs...especially her own.

  7. Thank you for doing the Lords work here and keeping the people informed about Dennis’ whereabouts. The entire Bay Area would fall apart without this information. That was sarcasm.

  8. He was in on the mike Schumann jacket theft. They're in hiding together

  9. Godspeed if he is ill.

  10. I did wonder why all those random newspeople were doing the sports, but it was like when the weather guy moved to Chicago -- it took me a while to notice. O'Donnell was professional, not particularly memorable.

  11. Please leave Dennis alone, if he is ill.
