Tuesday, August 1, 2023

"Building Better Bay Area" BS Takes Its Toll at ABC7; KRON Skittish; Raj Mathai on Janelle Wang, NBC Bay Area Lovebirds: Simply Irresistible!


The vast majority of staff at ABC7 (KGO) are plain FED UP! They have been for years. With Disney/ABC trying to UNLOAD its O/O stations, morale is at its worst!

And a good deal more ANGER? Try the BS PCmush known as "Building a Better Bay Area" CRAP--Disney's PR blitz that has taken over its O and O's--a blitz that has now WREAKED HAVOC at 900 FrONt: At KGO, the VOLUME of ANGER is LOUD!

"We've been dealing with a lot of crap here for ages--Disney's shit, low pay, staff reduction, and we've had to endure the BBBay shit--now, everyone is just pissed off," a senior staffer told me.

Something to watch at KGO, and that's a potential HOT SPOT!


September/Fall uncertainty and the future CW deal with Nexstar; you say "on edge?" I say, you're being kind.

*THE SECRET lovebirds at NBC Bay Area make little effort to HIDE their affection now--they routinely are at every station function.

Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang are SIMPLY INFATUATED with each other!

San Jose, we have a problem!, or do we?

Raj, it's simply, what?


  1. Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang , a power couple, NOT!

  2. The Raj/Wang connection is bizarre on its face except they had a lot in common. They went to the same Elementary school for a time. They grew up a few miles from each other and didn't know it. They worked across the street from each other in High School and didn't know it. They interned together at the same San Diego outlet and didn't know it. All these connections and they had never met. Until Wang came to KNTV.

    I'm no fan of Wang going back to her KGO days and Raj's smug on-air demeanor rubs me all wrong but, to be fair, there's zero evidence of off-air sparks. There's a lot of evidence of two individuals who share common bonds.

  3. Are either spouse of Raj and Janelle going to go scorched earth and put all the implosion of their marriages details out for public consumption? Or did their spouses signed NDAs? I remember a commercial that had Raj and his wife and kids in it. Going back 5 ir 6 years ago? MY how times change.

  4. Was the big fire on Octavia Street this morning "Building a Better Bay Area?"

    1. @12:15 Neighborhood Groups and neighbors complained to powers that be at silly hall about site being not secured and homeless building fires in the site but fell on deaf ears, chalk another city policy failure in SF

  5. If Disney is going to unload KGO/ABC7, they could care less if the staff is "pissed off" about BBBay. They didn't care about morale at ESPN. Still don't. Just ask Mark Jackson!

  6. So do you have an alternative suggestion to replace Building a Better Bay Area? Since you're such an expert in these things. C'mon. Richie, SHARE your ideas! Or is it just easier to complain?????

    1. Calm down, Pam; he's talking about KGO, not KTVU...and you.

    2. Is it really that bad? At least it's an attempt to make positive change. Crime is running rampant, stores are closing, homeless test the nerve of everyone trying to walk down the street without stepping on human feces and used needles. You can't leave a empty can of Pepsi in your car without worrying if your car will.be broken in to. This is at least an attempt to make it better. Not the cure...that's up to our politicians. What is wrong with showcasing these problems and search for a solution. What's the alternative, not giving a shit about the Bay Area?

    3. Richie will take credit if there's a change. Book it.

    4. Why does there have to be some cheerleading, sales pitch, propagandistic slogan at all? How about just trying to do a good job at reporting the news in a fair, honest, balanced, nonpartisan, accurate way? That’s what I’d like to see. Whenever I see that dopey “Building a Better Bay Area…” appear I have to resist the desire to throw food at the TV.

    5. Why does there have to be an "alternate" for 'Building a Better Bay Area'? It's tacky and pretentious. Just make it go away.

    6. @5:35:
      *Saying* BaBBA is not the same thing as attempting to make the Bay Area 'better'. "Finding solutions"? What solutions? It's just pandering. A toothless slogan. So embarrassing that it makes me switch channels every single time I hear it.

  7. Same old ABC7 rerun comments that have been going on for years with nothing new happening. Stick a fork in this one and move on.

  8. Anchors forever, and ever do appearances at events.. That does not mean they are lovers. It's awfully strange for the author of this blog to always be sure that if a male and female talk to each other in the workplace or in a social setting, that they are sexual partners. It's so silly.

  9. "Raj Mathai on Janelle Wang"....I see what you did there.

  10. There’s a lot of hate on Raj for some reason. I believe the reason is very dark. It has nothing to do with his anchoring and everything to do with his skin color. I thought the bay is a beacon of progressiveness and acceptance,

    1. Where's your evidence that the "hate" for Raj is skin color whereas what is said about Frank Somerville, Darya Folsom, Kristen Sze, Sara Donchey, Julie Haener, et al is something else?

    2. I agree with you. What I don’t like about Raj has nothing to do with race, but he does annoy me. First, because he often has a way of making dumb jokes about serious matters. There’s a time and place for everything. He wants to laugh at everything it seems. Second, not only Raj, but many of the anchors, especially Raj and Liz, CONSTANTLY talk about how much longer it will be until the weekend. So much, and so often that I am convinced they hate their jobs. All they can think about it is the weekend. Guess what? I bet plenty of people would like to have a shot their jobs and wouldn’t complain about it—they might even do a better job, too.

    3. Agreed, 3:08, they are tedious.

    4. @1:21pm don't be ridiculous. Using race to avoid criticism is so predictable these days. Just stop! Not everything has to do with skin color, no need to hide behind it if you don't like what someone has to say about your performance.

    5. Raj’s failing is the lack of a good tailor. Raj, go to Wilkes Bashford and suit up. The skimpy Kohl’s little boys section is the wrong place to find a wardrobe.

  11. I like to watch both, Raj and Janelle, but I do sense they both feel as if they are a little better than the rest of us.

  12. coldhandswarmheartAugust 1, 2023 at 3:39 PM

    KRON blackout hasn't affected us at all! No one we know watches. Not missed...

    1. I don't watch KRON but, I do miss Dan Abrams' show on NewsNation (Nexstar also)

  13. So people of the opposite sex can’t be friends? A bunch of Mike Spence’s on this blog. Good grief people.

  14. KRON is imploding under Jim Rose. Ratings are crashing. Many folks in news are upset with him behind the scenes for how he is managing everything. And now there is talk of EEOC and Labor Board complaints.

    1. Jim Rose cannot handle what is coming his way!
      A CW transition thatwill kill ratings and revenue, a loss of the GSM, a LSM forced layoff, and a sales team members looking to jump ship will kill revenue growth and put Jim’s tenure in jeapordy. Jim’s non involvement with news, his many HR missteps , and his arrogant management style will add to his problems.
      Jim Rose and the other Nexstar dim wit Matt Rosenfeld should be out soon.

  15. 1:21 No, the problem is idiots like you who inject a persons "color" into everything. You sound like a progressive for sure!
