Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Oh God, Just Shut Up


Steve Moskowitz: You're an overbearing, nauseatibg schmuck with all the serenity of a Milpitas Arbys--GO AWAY! And SHUT UP!

*Everything KCBS

*: Shut up. Go away, KCBS Your content is a WASTE of TIME. The radio station is filled with bread crumbs and melba toast. useless and detrimental to one's health. God, what a travesty--SHUT UP!

*Jessica Burch: My God, what a waster of time. And the speed-talking? Dear lord, Take a hike, fast!

*KNBR Morning Show; Smurph and Crap: LOUD, obnoxious frat boys with all the creativity of a diseased yak.

*Andrew Baggarly: Jerk meets jerk and allows jerk to spew out NOTHING. Who is this guy? Never mind.

*Eric Thomas: makes Bret Burkhart sound like Cronkite.

*JUST SHUT UP: Armstrong and Getty, Sacramento morons that are boring, crude, and banal.

*Greg Papa and John Lund: the Buffalo bore and the imbecile ass, aka: radio gypsy. Papa is just plain football geek, gibberish with the WORST TD call in USA ; Lund continues to mumble and kiss Papa's ass. Just go away now!

*Darren Peck: SHUT UP! A complete and total SCHMUCK!

*Shane Guiness the overnight KCBS anchor who sounds as if he was recruited from the Berkeley YMCA. Thank you very much.

*Kars4Kids ads: worse than termites: GO AWAY and STFU!

*Speaking of termites: Joe Starkey ads. Joe, I love ya but the termite ads have run their course. Obnoxious and overbearing? Yes and YIKES!

*STFU! Reeces, reeces, reeces, REECES, ....

*Adam Copeland: The KNBR giggle man who giggles 24-7, like a bad tooth ache that won't go away. Shut up!

Here's to you, Copes.


  1. Joe Starkey doesn't decide how long his successfully voiced ads run...the marketplace does.. Don't blame him. Similarly, shoudn't you be thanking Steve Moskowitz for keeping radio on the air at all?

  2. I watch Jessica Burch EVERY morning and I have never heard her talk "too fast," which you continually mention ad nauseum. Can you imagine someone telling a broadcaster who has just a very small, finite window to get out the news to "slow down, slow down"? It's NEWS FFS, breaking news, even if it's just the weather. This isn't 1955 when attention spans were longer. I haven't noticed JB talk any slower or faster than anyone else on local news, so maybe you should have your hearing checked. Or maybe I'm just dazzled by her great look, calm demeanor, and poise.

    1. Listen to JB on KCBS and you'll get what Rich is talking about.

    2. I have listened to her on KCBS. Agreed she is a little too fast but somehow I can understand her and her delivery is good.

      Maybe KPIX should tell Jessica Burch on the radio to slow it down a bit.

    3. I love Jessica Burch, what a woman!

  3. To the person who coined KGO-7's useless "Building A Better Bay Area" - Shut up and get out of the business!

  4. -- Shut up. Go away, KCBS Your content is a WASTE of TIME. The radio station is filled with bread crumbs and melba toast. aseless and detrimental to one's health. God, what a travesty--SHUT UP!

    That reminds me of that very popular scene from the classic movie Pee-wee's Big Adventure:

    "Paging Nikki Medoro. Nikki Medoro, you have a telephone call."

  5. Rich you hit so many nails on the head you could have built a house.

  6. I disagree with you on Darrin Peck. Every time I watch him I learn something. He and Paulson are the best in the Bay Area. Bill Martin used to be it, and I still learn from him, but Peck and Paulson are at the top

    1. Wife and I refer to Darin Peck and 'goodguy Darin Peck'. I hated him at first, but he's no shmuck, he knows his stuff, maybe his delivery is a little too folksy, but he's informative and cared enough about a viewer comment to finally fix the weather map to put Rohnert Park in the proper location, not that that's really much of a 'win' for the rest of the world!

    2. @1:29 When we lived in the Central Valley we missed him when he went to Seattle King 5 from Fox 40, really enjoy watching him @ KPIX 5, very accurate and professional

    3. My dad also found Darren Peck more engaging than Paul Heggen. I like them both but Peck made Monday night’s forecast at 11 engaging to Donchey and the viewers especially mentioning about average temps

    4. Darren's OK, but why make the weather guys make that cringeworthy walk to the weather board - just have them start off at the weather board.

    5. Thumbs up on DP! He's the best weather pointer in the Bay Area.
      BTW, How can a diseased Yak be creative? Makes no sense.

    6. He just has a different style of forecasting. Yeah that is the problem with the new setup. In fact the worst was with Brian Hackney when Peck was filling in the same morning in April..he was like “come with me, I’m going to show you the all important weekend forecast”…I was a little creeped out.

  7. What is the problem with Jessica Burch? I think she has improved tremendously and speaks clearly and calmly. Also appears quite humble on air.

    Darren Peck - He is good and engaging but he is a jerk. Lately I have seen his personality improve quite a bit with the anchors. Things he is missing - Climate Prediction outlooks & anything on air quality. At least he dresses nicely compared to Heggen & I do like when he fills in for Heggen but I am glad they did NOT make him the Chief Meteorologist and kept him on weekends and fill-ins

    Paul Heggen - I like his weather style and he is humble, just badly dressed on Fridays.

    KPIX could eventually cut its weekend morning news altogether with all the cost cutting. I think back in the 2010’s on, weekends never even had news in the mornings and just the evenings only. Especially now with Darren Peck no longer working double-shifts on weekends and just working weekend evenings.

    Even KRON, KTVU, KGO, and KNTV have decent morning news. The weather staff on KPIX is also short staffed if you exclude Hackney.

    1. You seem to care an awful lot about what dudes wear


    2. 2:09, I wholeheartedly agree! Yes, no attitude, no condescension, no stumbling, and no frivolity. Yes, "quite humble," as you say.

    3. I think when Burch first arrived, folks like Len on the air described her as humble. She seems to get along and relates well with Liz & Ryan esp at noon.

      That made me see the comparison of the humility on air while still giving the forecast and getting to the point.

      Peck may sound like he’s condescending but in a different way is engaging. Maybe he doesn’t seem to be as humble but I’ve seen cases on air where he acts like he can be a little condescending. Hackney is good but maybe as folks mention condescending off the air.

  8. Face it the LT has improved. We may not want to admit it but she has gotten better over the last yr.

    1. @11:28 Couldn't agree with you more, by the way, what a Woman!

  9. We need a John Rothmann/Steve Moskovitz reunion
    And John's over the top melodramatic Cal Mart ads would be to perfect to replace Joe "I've got bedbugs,moths and dead raccoons in my chimney" Starkey

  10. Kars4Kids is rated “F” by charity watch. And now they’ll “take land, stocks-bonds, and Diamonds”. About 2% actually goes to children. Really.

  11. Papa and Lund is good during football season, and the daily caboose pistol is funny, even though it's not sports.

  12. tfw when you realize the ad council adverts about not eating sand, 2nd hand smoke, burritos in Albuquerque, the three wolves and the "rad" zoomer kid orphans is infinitely better than kars4kids, US Bank crazy woman and Heineken Silver

  13. All I gotta say…how you gonna rip on Burch and praise LaMonica Peters. I know you think she’s good, but beggin ya…she flat out does lazy reporting and uses the same tone of voice for ALL her stories. Happy stories. Sad stories. Boring ass stories. No skill. Channel changa.

  14. Burch is cute as hell. Peck wants to give a class in meteorology every broadcast and he really is not that accurate! Just give the weather! No need to ask questions. Rich is spot on.

  15. Very surprising that KCBS couldn't take advantage of KGO's demise. Change your business model of all news all day - bring in some talkback shows in between - allow audience interactions. Traffic news - my phone Google GPS gives me better traffic updates in real time.

  16. What about Big Lou? "Over 50, maybe a bit porky . . ." Hey! I resemble that remark!

  17. Bay Area Radio and TV is pathetic for their size of listeners. I think Sacramento news (kcra, etc is way better.). Original Mornings on 2 were good. Bay TV was good for awhile. I loved the video of Dan Noyes being chased around the plaza by some crazy dude. Props to Betty Ann Bruno. May she RIP. KTVU had a lot of good reporters. Slowly fazed out and declined from 2010-2022. KRON was good with the budget they had to live with. Vicki and Pam were good. Daria, hard to take seriously with Aaron there. Always heard Dennis was a dick. Elaine was one of the best. Always loved the thursday ski report with pete giddings. Also an A-Hole behind the scene. Whoosh then came Terrilyn Joe with the hair and What happened to webvan?

  18. Darren Peck was off last Sunday at 11PM, yet Burch showed up on Monday like usual. That is untypical (if that does happen, he will show up early Monday morning filling in - that was the case with Mary Lee back in her days). Also Peck was off Monday/Tuesday at noon/3PM. He’s also off today.

    I know lot of people don’t like his condescending behavior or giving a class in meteorology. I don’t either which is why I prefer Burch, Lee kr Heggen - more than their calm attitude they get right to the point explaining the details in a short & crisp manner. But let me tell you, I hope Darren is okay…the reason I say this is because if he is off, Brian Hackney will at the first newscast say that “Darren is off”, which he did not mention.

    I hope it’s not something else - Hopefully he is not leaving the station (yet) or got fired because of Peck’s demeanor and behavior.

    Rich, I know you can’t stand him but do you have any info on if anything happened to him?

    I get he like everyone needs time off but remember he is a WEEKEND meteorologist, who can enjoy Mon-Fri off.

    1. Adding on to my point, while I'm not attempting to speculate too much about this, I think in the past, this happened to Lawrence Karnow, who was a weekend meteorologist at KPIX 10+ years ago, then promoted to weekday morning meteorologist (at one point was first the Chief Meteorologist) and out of nowhere, got fired (well now is successfully working at KRON as the Chief Meteorologist). No goodbyes, nothing, just because of cost cutting.

      The other thing I'm wondering is how much KPIX is cost cutting - Pre-recorded weather casts on the weekend morning news, expanding their news lineups.

      One example is coming up Sep 1, KPIX+ on CW44/Cable 12 is gonna have the Primetime Edition. Is this possible that they are going to start shuffling anchors more into the primetime. Examples that I think come to mind that I saw on the promo were Devin Fehely, who is a fantastic anchor with everything an anchor should really do. I wonder if they will also hire more weather folks for different timeslots (i.e. KTVU has a lot of news, but they have meteorologists come at different times).

      Because it's Sunday, I'm gonna assume with the way it's been going that Peck will not be coming today either (but in the past for any Saturday he took off he came back Sunday). On another note, if he comes back next weekend, that would be good. But I'm also looking at tomorrow/Tuesday mainly at 3PM to know.

    2. Okay Darren Peck is back - it was evident at 4:18PM on KCBS & on KPIX. Hopefully he’s there at 11 tonight
