Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Calamity Known as KCBS Ignores Calamity on Richmond-San Rafael Bridge; Traffic Misery Infects 740 AM/106.9 FM (Again)

FOR THE BETTER PART of almost TWENTY HOURS, the Richmiond-San Rafael Bridge was SHut Down.

The shutdown began on Friday and caused a MAJOR traffic calamity that affected THOUSANDS of Bay Area commuters--the fact the closing took place on a Friday only made matters worse.

Talk about worse? Let's talk KCBS.

Once again, the DAILY EMBARRASSMENT that is KCBS was ASLEEP at the wheel. Non-engaging, non responsive, DYSFUNCTIONAL KCBS officially DID NOT report on the bridge shutdown, not a once.

KCBS and their brain-dead wonders relegated this matter to its traffic anchors and put the onus on them. ALL DAY and NIGHT, no less! A major news event that wreaked havoc was essentially IGNORED by the so-called "Bay Area's "all-news" leader.


KCBS traffic anchors chose to utilize the all familiar "police activity" It's part of the KCBS play book.

After all, this is SOP on KCBS.

Imagine this: to go a full almost 24 hours and go silent on a major news story and IGNORE IT, treat it as more a nuisance and not as the NEWS STORY IT WAS!

All in the fake theory that you don't want to incite a troubled person? BS! And lazy BS to boot. What a complete crock!

Could you imagine this taking place in LA? NY, Philly, Chicago? NO, because it would never happen!

Here's a random thought: could KCBS and its bonehead news planners called the CHP and did a brief phoner; a top-hour news interview that addressed the matter and informed its listeners as to what-the-hell was going on? Oh, no, that would have been too exhausting and required heavy lifting.

Again, KCBS is a JOKE of a news operation. It has ZERO cred and is ILL-SUITED to cover any news event, let alone a major one like the bridge shutdown.

But with INCOMPETENT people in charge and a news director whose never reported a story in the field, what do you expect.


  1. Now do MSNBC, CNN, Fox, etc. Whenever there's a big event (especially at night) they keep their talking heads on TV blabbering away without any note of what's happening.

    1. "Breaking News" presently isn't the way as we know it, they all suck, remember in the old days when something really important local TV would "break" in on what's really going on NOW

    2. @1:36 CNN was my go to everything breaking and was very comprehensive, now it's a shadow of its former great self, never held any water for MSNBC

  2. To add traffic insult to traffic injury I-80 in Contra Costa County will be closed this weekend. Does KCBS know? Link:

  3. Maybe KCBS can do a "In Depth" review on this bridge situation. Once again this mornings "In Depth" was rerun news segments. What a crock!

  4. Rich, tell us how you REALLY feel.

  5. I've given up on KCBS a while ago, used to have reliable KCBS in the past for traffic and breaking news and KGO as secondary but no longer reliable, try checking WAZE before you go or input 511 into your auto phone system, it's interactive and you can tell it what freeway you what info on and it's computerized, trust me, you'll like it

  6. Did they say Eastbound lanes on the bridge were closed? I don’t need a reason why. Let me know and I’ll take 37 or go through SF. No biggie.

  7. Rich, you need more bran in your diet.

  8. Zombie news. Treat it as such.

  9. Yesterday’s Weather and Tomorrow’s Traffic brought to you by Kars4Kids and Moskowitz Cubed. “Take it away Stan Burford!!”

  10. How can they ?
    Those KCBS editors are busy with 5 day old news !
    And 10,000 reports of Tony Bennett.
    Asleep at the wheel !
    The national news covered Tony Bennet
    No need for 10,000 reports on local coverage .TIME WASTERS

    1. KCBS is combo of feminist woke domestic news and neocon foreign news.

    2. Perhaps you hadn't noticed , but Mr. Bennett's most famous tune, globally, was about San Francisco.

    3. 3:56 pm: KCBS “neocon”? They are nothing more than a Progressive Democrat mouthpiece. They are no longer a news operation. I’ve written to them (before I gave up on them) suggesting they change their call letters to KDNC.

  11. Also KCBS ignored the arsonist who set multiple fires on the Altamont Pass between Livermore & Tracy during the height of commute traffic yesterday. What a terrible, no good day for traffic in the Bay Area. Do better!

  12. I've been in NYC and Chicago with similar situations. WCBS and WBBM, even in the "old glory" days handled them just like KCBS did yesterday. The focus needs to be on how to get around, not when the person off their meds will jump.

  13. KCBS sucks. It seems like it's run by the editors of the SF Chronicle. They couldn't cover a kid's birthday party without tripping over themselves. If the sky is falling one day, don't listen to KCBS. They'll be running replays of interviews with Dr. Peter Chin Hong, the vaccine pusher.

    1. Maybe their advertisers...
      ....those tax attorneys can chime in
      "Get ur shit together" KCBS or do not patronize the advertisements.

  14. KCBS too busy reporting on abortion in the DeepSouth and the need for subsidies to Ukraine, to have time to fully cover Bay Area.

    1. Oh brother. Another woke, woke, woke is everywhere post.

  15. What is the taboo about radio news not informing us that someone is holding up traffic contemplating suicide? I feel for the person’s anguish but there should be consequences like community service for them after counseling/therapy. I suppose I sound heartless which I am not. The tv newscasts do mention the situation at least along with the requisite suicide hotline afterwards. Must be a broadcast tv media news law I guess as they say that after such instances as I hear this all the time.

  16. The CHP PIO must have released something they could have calmly and sensitively read every hour and then moved on...

  17. So why are you all still listening to KCBS if they are this bad? I'll take your word for it that the network is trash but so is the rest of AM news.

  18. KCBS please stop playing that Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's,
    Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's, Reese's Commercial. I thought Kars for Kids was bad...

  19. Apart from the inept reporting, or non-reporting of KCBS, what about the situation itself? How many hours and hours and hours were people trapped on the bridge? When do the rights and needs of all those people stuck in traffic deserve attention? None of them matter? Couldn’t the situation be dealt with without entirely shutting the bridge down indefinitely? One person has a mental crisis, so thousands of others must suffer needlessly? Did any of those people have a medical emergency? Were there consequences to others who were not on the bridge because those who were couldn’t get to where they were going? People’s kids, for example? And if you’re stuck there for hours, what about other, ahem, needs? A call of nature, perhaps? (And I don’t just mean number one.)

  20. Lets get technical about KCBS-- See Youtube as follows.
    "KCBS 740 AM San Francisco Transmitter Tour Part 1"
    As Sgt Joe Friday would say, "just the facts, ma'am"
