Thursday, May 11, 2023

KNBR: The Profoundly Excessive Cackle Factory Leader

KNBR, the alleged all-sports talk radio station in the Bay Area, really isn't.

Well, sports-talk that is.

More like a laugh factory. A certified audio home for excessive laughter by the hosts because KNBR doesn't take listener calls, for the most part.

KNBR hardly talks sports. Even if it did, nobody cares. The proof is in the pudding.

Where KNBR goes to its bread and butter? The giggles, cackles, hyena laughs every day uttered by its assorted hosts who have turned to mass cackles as a programming guide. No matter the time of day, tune in and you'll hear the laugh factory in full force.

The frat boys in thr morning are good for a thousand laughs an hour--even when attempting to be serious, there is laughs a plenty.

Midday from 10-2 PM, there's Papa and Lund--Greg Papa makes a joke and his lap dog, John Lund, laughs at Papa's jokes, even when it's not funny. He has to, I guess, you gotta feed the family.

Thene there's the clubhouse leader from 2- 6 PM, master cackler, Adam Copes Copeland:

Copie Copes is out of control. He laughs at his own jokes; he laughs even when there's nothing to laugh at; he laughs when there's an internview taking place. It's to a point now when Copie doesn't laugh, you get alarmed.

Maybe it's a nervous habit, I don't know but it's reached epidemic status. Or maybe Copes has been told by the boss, sure, go ahead and laugh, you ain't got nothing to say anyway.

HOLD ON, this just in from KNBR:


  1. KNBR is the furthest thing from being a sports radio station. Enough said. Excuse me, I want to listen to SiriusXM.

  2. Sports radio is the same sewer as right wing talk radio.

    1. Sure you'll like Limbaugh, Savage, Pags, Levine, Hannity, Carlson, O'Reilly

  3. KNBR makes me uncomfortable when: 1) The two men in their fifties start singing songs every morning about 20 something year old males. 2) When John Lund - who you can tell has a problem - gets so excited talking about alcohol. 3) 50-something FP turns everything into a story about his baseball career.

  4. Dont listen anymore as station is a joke

  5. Adam Copeland has his job because of who his dad is, the color of his skin (he's the only African American at KNBR since they deep sixed Rod Brooks) and that he's Tolbert's lap dog. Why and how do KNBR pay Papa, Lund, Tolbert, Copes, Smurph & Smack, FP, etc. Their days have to be number with the price of Cumulus Radio stock closing at $2.95 today and ad revenue is lacking since no is listening.

  6. Memo to KNBR owners, leadership and advertisers - Long time listner here. When Brian Copeland is on, I turn off KNBR. I somtimes will check back in. If Tom T is on and vocused on sports, I will stick around. Copes talks way, way to fast. It is almost impossible to hear what he saying. He laughs at everything he and the quests say. KNBR has to be one of the worst sports talk stations in the nation. I would rather listen to vinatge replays of Ralph Barbieri and Pete Franklin, than this mess called KNBR Sports talk. Copes has to go,

    1. I would turn him off too!

    2. I agree nearly 100%. I don’t just turn off Copes/Dilbert/SurfnSlack, I pretty much avoid them all.
      In the vernacular of Radnich, “Nobody Cares !” The entire KNBR crew needs to go, not a single one of them are witty, talented, or smart. I cannot believe these clowns are continuing to be paid.

  7. Where was this cackle outrage when Pat Thurston, Nikki and Christine were holding down the fort at KGO?

    1. That's pretty funny to suggest that I "held down the fort" at KGO. The last time I did a show for them was in early 2016 I wasn't part of it's sad descent into oblivion, In any event it was fun to be a small part of KGO in its heyday. I am not now, nor have I ever been either a "cackler", or a "giggler"

    2. yes, kraft. I do not remember you as a cackler. But, you DID have that annoying wheezie exhale which you ditched, thank god

  8. Look at any company. Flunkies laughing at the bosses jokes. Ala Ed McMahon.

  9. And the epidemic of inserting "drops" which throws off what you're trying to hear, then Copie boy yuck yucks it all the more in response making the whole mess a wasteland of useless nonsense. Tolbert should be ashamed he allows it. He needs to take the lead and shape the show and not put up with juvenile idiots. Wait a minute...

    1. And they now have this weird practice of saying there’s some breaking news/statement and insert a drop. Pretty lame. I’ll drop in (never before 10 AM to music trivia /Baer State Radio) to catch an interview or beat reporter I like. But any of the two dopes spitballing and doing dumb things? Pass.

  10. Gotta love how the word "erectile-dysfunction" is 100% taboo and treated as one of Carlin's 7 dirty words at KNBR whenever they run their daily parade of Mr Softee commercials. Its always spoken by the initials "E.D."

  11. They’re all idiots who pander to the Giants, don’t know much about sports and secretly are terrified of their listeners.

  12. Spot on! When it comes to KNBR, I'm really hoping that they just bring in national Sports talk shows. Bright, knowledgeable, entertaining, mature , adult conversations and information about sports. What a concept!

  13. I tuned out of KNBR and The Game years ago....and instead listen to ESPN radio, Dan Patrick, Dan Le Batard, or Jim Rome--depending on my mood. They cover sports nationally...not just focusing on the Giants/A's/Stanford/Cal/Warriors/Sharks, etc.

  14. "JR Sports Brief" in evening is pretty good. National CBS from in Contra Costa north we get it on KTHK 1140 from Sacto .

    1. JR Sports Brief is a really good show, especially during football season. Intelligent and insightful takes. Callers are from all over the country and pound the drum for their teams which is expected on a national call in show. Check it out!

    2. As opposed to JR Wins aka WagerPro promos and airtime on KNBR!

    3. @11:41- Yeah, JR's show is pretty good. Just sucks that we only get an hour of it here in the Bay Area on KNBR on non-Giants game nights because of FP's show. No offense to FP, but I'd rather listen to JR.

  15. I mostly listen to the National Shows. I just can't listen to Giants' happy talk for nine months. Just wake me up in October and tell me how they did.

    1. They will be below .500 most likely but the happy talk you missed will still be there for the next season of no-star talent thanks to incompetent owners and management.

  16. Sports is idiotic childish nonsense. Who cares who wins? Who cares who dribbled the ball better? Nonsense.

  17. Let’s see, in the bay area we have Cal, Stanford, SJSU, St Mary’s, Santa Clara college sports, Golden Gate Fields, Sharks, Earthquakes, A’s, Giants, Niners, SailGp, Sears Point Raceway, Laguna Seca, SF and SCruz sailboat races, Sport fishing river/lake/bay/ocean, and several minor league teams. For some odd reason the idiots at KNBR can only dwell on some Giant’s Mendoza-liner, and the lack of hustle by a Warrior bench warmer.
    They would rather talk about their meals over the weekend, fantasy sport leagues (subadult male Pokèmon), the latest beer, crappy rock and roll, their girlfriend’s need of brunch, or the “action” in a Wallet Creek B&G.
    Pathetic. This isn’t sports talk, it is just fools babbling.
    Yet these knuckleheads can’t say a peep about actual sports that surround us. WHEN will we get some knowledgeable Sports experts who can keep the focus on sports, and keep their stupid opinions left unsaid?
    My guess is snowballs will fly through Hell before we hear some intelligence on KNBR.

  18. Ya I am an old guy, 70, who started listening to sports talk back when Hank Greenwald hosted for a couple of hours in the evening. While I still listen to 680, I spend most of my time on 1050. The ESPN hosts come across in a true sports tone, not high school gym locker nonsense
    Not saying 680 hosts, except P Mac, don’t know sports but sports talk seems to be a fill in, when they run out fart “jokes”, Grateful Dead memories, or who I got hammered with peaking in the girls locker room, or let’s see how we can get subtle penis references in our dialog
    Yes Greg, we all impressed that your great friend with Craw and love it when you talk various offensive and defensive plays by name, that few know what your referring too, after all it is your show. We are just hear to be amazed. Your constant talking over 16 yr old, co host JLund makes for great listening. Ralph Barbeari we be so proud. Does John’s fake laugh keep you secure? I’m not saying that both these guy’s aren’t knowledge sports guys, but their show feels much more dedicated to juvenile “jokes” and stroking GP’s massive ego than 4 hours of sports talk. And please leave your political opinions to yourself. Not judging right or wrong, I didn’t turn to this station for your political thoughts.
    The morning show is unbearable Paully M is the perfect bobble head for his co host.
    I love sports and I love listening and learning from the hosts and guests, but what goes on 680 and 95.7 doesn’t offer true sports talk anymore, to much garbage.
    At this point, thank goodness for 1050, not perfect, but for me, a far better sports station

  19. 8.37pm Homerun! Thank you!

  20. Copeland makes me sick. I never listen to this smarmy hack

  21. Copeland talks too fast yet says nothing of substance.

  22. Sad to see how Cumulus destroyed KGO after downsizing KNBR..Bad company run by schmucks who have no idea what a microphone is. The fact that dim witted corporate tool Lee Hammer was running the station for years tells you all you need to know,
