Friday, May 12, 2023

Andre Senior is Angry at KTVU; Sal Castaneda Not Wanted at PIX; Reed Cowan Gets Love from Black Rock; Goodrich, Ashley and Haener Lead Money Wars; Audrey Asistio Wants More $ from NBC/Bay Area; Heather Holmes/Alex Savidge KTVU Love Boat Moment; Tisha Powell Cirlce7 Impending Move; Friday Wash

FRIDAY WASH...This Old Town

It's all over KTVU: Andre Senior is quite ticked off that he was PASSED OVER for the 10 PM anchor gig --how much so? Senior told everyone under the sun that he'd get get the job that was ultimately given to Mike Mibach.

Meanwhile, Mibach is still an uninspiring mess and KTVU's ratings at 10 PM are continuing to drop. The suits are sticking with MM because they have NO other options.

*KPIX doesn't want Sal Castaneda. And it has little to do with money. The feeling at 855 Battery is Castaneda will sign an extension at KTVU even though industry wags tell me Sal will be lucky to get a re-up that doesn't involve a slight pay cut.


It's a cold world in the TV News biz.

*If PIX is wise, th ey outta lock up Reed Cowan--CBS, according to my Black Rock spies, are prepared to offer Cowan a MASSIVE deal to anchor CBS platforms in NY. Cowan's Bay Area presense at PIX has made a mark and Gotham is impressed.

So am I.

*Sure, Juliette Goodrich's $400K annual salary is nice, especially in today's cheapie world but Goodrich trails Julie Haener, ($500K) and Dan Ashley's $640K yearly haul.

Ashley is still working under his old deal and Julie H is gonna leave and split for Danvile any day now.

*Speaking of money, Audrey Asistio wants a lot more MOOHLAH! A lot. Her Q rating is off the chart and she's become quite a fixture at NBC Bay Area in San Jose.

Jessica Aguirre is worried. She shouild be.

*Heather Holmes was in such a good mood the other day, she invited good bud, Alex Savidge for a quickie coffee at the neighborhood deli up the streey --only the coffee was later ditched and a few glasses of merlot replaced the mochas--and after a couple of glasses? Well, dang, love is exciting and new, baby!

*If Louisiana native and TV News anchor, Tisha Powell wants to read the telepropter at Circle7, she's got the gig.

I endorse the impending move.


  1. ***Speaking of money, Audrey Asistio wants a lot more MOOHLAH! A lot. Her Q rating is off the chart and she's become quite a fixture at NBC Bay Area in San Jose.

    This reminds me alot of Norm Macdonald doing Weekend Update on SNL with his constant jokes about Demi Moore and her giant fake breasts. Use your imagination.

  2. Heather could have been lead anchor a decade ago if she had followed the Darya Folsom program for career advancement.

    1. Tell me more about that Darya program for career advancement. She's still stuck doing mornings. Some advancement...

    2. Stuck? She's had steady employment for well over a decade while others are continuously let go. Enhancement and sleeping with the boss=job security.

  3. Asistio is a nothingburger. There's no there there, All she does is wear tight outfits and talk way too loud...the LA TV playbook. Aguirre could run journalistic circles around her with one eye closed. The one who should be worried is Wang. The two are essentially interchangeable cogs.

    1. Something about the upper part of her body is like 5 times the size it was in her old cheerleading photos. I just can't quite put my finger on it tho.

    2. She was out 2 weeks ago with what she described on Insta as a chest cold

  4. Saw something odd during the noon news today: A promo for the 10 O'clock News done by Christina Rendon and (I think) Greg went by very fast and I was only half paying attention, but I thought it odd that those two were advertising the Ten when they're not normally associated with it.

    1. Greg Lee is surprisingly good. He's proving that he's more than a political reporter.

  5. Glad to read HH and AS are getting along - they might be the few who are not feuding and finger pointing. That’ll come later when one of them gets cold hard Ca$h…
    I am of the persuasion that Heather needs more exposure

    1. Sounds like more than just getting along to me! Well, maybe Rich is stirring things up based on a glass or 2 of Merlot.

  6. Is Posemary Orozco still posting eight trillion photos of herself each week?

    1. No. It’s down to 5 trillion.

    2. She's a former fashion model with a line of clothes to sell. What's wrong with her posting pictures?

  7. Overpaid parrots. Get Kaitlyn Collins from CNN. Maybe get the full hour and a half instead of 69 minutes of bust a gut laughter!

  8. I think you mean Audrey’s Double Q rating.

  9. Sal Castaneda has all the charisma of a did he get on TV any way?
    He looks like a pencil pusher at some large accounting firm

    1. He has a creepy look like someone who goes to the gym only to look at girls.

    2. For the longest time Sal was widely regarded as a creep. He was known for having a “thing” for women half his age.
      While I’m not sure if he’s a changed man, you know the saying, once a creepy guy, always a creepy guy.

    3. He's OK for radio, but he looks creepy as the 3rd person on the 9am news. For awhile, they didn't have a spotlight on him, so he was in the dark along with Gasia and Andre. When the camera was on him, he would have that creepy face like he was caught watching porn on that laptop in front of him.

  10. Audrey ASSistio is a one trick pony.

    Correction, two trick pony.

    1. Don’t mock Audrey ASSistio…Raj Mathai will get upset!

  11. Alex gets to see those Heather legs everyday. And get paid too. Great life.

    1. So I am not the only one who is impressed with Heather and Alex when they are doing the stand-up thing. You hear that the camera puts pounds on you but she is fit looking and has a model body in spite of that. Julie is beautiful too but she does not seem like she has an athlete's figure like Heather does.

  12. audrey asistio needs a raise so she can keep up with her plastic
    surgery bills

  13. Completely agree with you 5:22. I can't stand Sal, especially with his "I digress" and annoying banter with Steve, etc. He isn't funny and definitely doesn't deserve what he "earns". Always has to stuff his face when food is involved during a segment.

  14. I was warned my first job not to "get my meat where I got my bread." I was used to school, where you were free to chat up any woman who caught your eye, without getting either you or her in trouble with the higher ups. If things didn't work out, it was easy enough to avoid your ex. But those anchors are not fresh grads.

  15. Why the hate for Sal? I certainly would not try to police another man's sexuality. A lot of men are interested in younger women and vice versa. Clint Eastwood met KSBW anchor Dina Ruiz -- who I watched OTA at that time -- when he was 62 and she was 27. Was Eastwood a creep? Thank goodness he lived long enough to see their kid graduate.

    1. Hey Sal, enjoy your Sunday! And remember, today is Mother's Day, so don't let your wife catch your eyes wander as that curvy 20-something bounces by!

    2. It's not so much the age thing, as it's the perverted smirk that Sal regularly displays.

    3. Sorry, Sal, try again. Your attempt to (anonymously) normalize geriatric men pursuing women nearly 40 years their junior fell flat, about as flat as your personality.

  16. I worked at ktvu for many years, up until a couple years. Two things can both be true, and that’s certainly the case when it comes to Sal.
    Yes, he has a reputation for being a creep (or pervert, depending on who you ask). It seemed like he earned that reputation based on his fondness for flirting with girls in their 20’s and for continuing to aggressively flirt and chase women even after he tied the knot and had a family.
    But, I will also say that in the last few years I was there he definitely seemed to have outgrown that behavior or at least found a way to conceal it.

    1. Sal just seems like a straight up pervert, but Bill Martin seems like a flirt, especially with Julie Haener.

  17. It'd be interesting to know what other anchors think of Audrey Asistio. She burst onto the scene with her fake boobs, plastic surgery, and excessive number of full body walking shots. TV is a visual medium, and to teach to their own, but that probably immediately made her colleagues skeptical and distrusting of her.

    One person whose thoughts on Asistio we already know: Raj "The Indian Walter Cronkite" Mathai.

    1. Mathai wouldn’t even be worthy of wiping Cronkite’s ass or sniffing his jock.

      Cronkite would turn in his grave if he knew Mathai puts himself on his level.

  18. When I worked at ktvu we often called Sal Castaneda, “SC.” Most of us were referring to “skirt chaser” when we called him SC.

    1. Sal “The Skirt Chaser” Castaneda sounds about right lol

  19. Maybe Friday’s KCBS broadcast was lacking because many in the business were attending Mark Pape’s funeral. I’m guessing you didn’t attend since you would have posted something that made it all about you. There’s
    a Go Fund Me page that is still up to help his family defray his final costs. Maybe if you want to redeem your lack of acknowledging Pape’s passing, you could contact the Go Fund Me page’s organizer and post the link below so Pape’s family can pay his unexpected funeral costs. .

  20. I don’t particularly like Audrey, Sal, Bill, Alex, or Heather but it sure is funny seeing the losers on here trash talk them. Why bother? Do you actually think they see this stuff?

  21. Why do people come on here and trash these TV people? Do you actually think any of them read this?

  22. Audrey is hot. I am Latino. Have you seen the news anchors on Latin news? It is about time an American news channel catches up.
