Wednesday, May 10, 2023

In Memory of my mother, Ms. Anne Landau Lieberman --415 Media Wednesday Video Finale

I LOST her five years ago and I still hurt.

She raised me and cared for me...against all odds.

I miss her laugh, her smile, her Brooklyn crankiness and explanations.

RIP, Ms. Anne Landau Lieberman.

This song, "Avinu Malkeinu", sung by Barbara Streisand, was one of mom's favorite.


  1. Take heart you will be reunited, God Bless Her

  2. I agree Rich, but please be stronger until then

  3. The hurt never heals. Just don't let the memories fade.

  4. Always keep the good memories dear to the heart. I do. I have a feeling your mum is proud of you.

  5. Rich, if you did not miss her, if you did not feel the emptiness in your heart, I would worry about you.
    As time moves along, the pain will subside and when you think of her, you will smile in reverie.
    Mom may be gone, but forever in our heart.
    Happy Mothers’ Day to all women who played the role of Mother, we are forever indebted to you for your love, kindness and graciousness. 🙏

    1. For some of us, the healing takes a very long time. Lost my mum over 40 years ago and I still miss her very much. I got a feeling it will be a long time for Rich too.

  6. RIP, I hope she's resting comfortably knowing that her son was one of the sharpest guys walking around SF back in the day.
