Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Cumulus Killed Bay Area Radio; KGO Mostly; KRON Disarray In Full Mojo; Rose and Paleksky MIA; Liz Cook/KPIX Dour Straits Blames The Blogger; For Her Eyes Only; Jon Miller Again Wears SF Giants' Cap; Wednesday 415 Media Deli


Louise at Molinari Deli in North Beach told me a whole bunch of salespeople from one of the TV stations showed up and ordered lots of pastrami sandwiches. Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Me the cynic of course speculates most of the sammies included mayo.

*Yeah, clinical depressiona is a bummer but I still scribble.

*MAKE NO MISTAKE, as Bob Gowa said on the comments here, Cumulus KILLED Bay Area radio. Talk radio specifically.

A good company could have tweaked KGO and shore up its defenses. A good company could have maintained some of KGO's better assets. A good outfit could have retrofitted KGO and solidified its news and talk features; hired solid hosts with local chops and political gravitas: say, John Rothmann, Joe Eskenazi, Angela Alioto, people like that.

Cumulus didn't get it done. Of course they didn't. I've said as much for over a decade.

*Fact: Jim Gabbert could have bought KGO for pennies on the dollar. He balked. He could have been a Bay Area hero--instead he chose to spend the sunset era of his life going nowhere fast.

*KRON's inner misery continues with NO END in sight with ZERO leadership and a new turn for the worst--even the young dudes and dudettes are sending out resumes faster than a speeding bullet.

KRON could really be something in this area--a solid news outfit with a key group of enthusiastic reporters and crispy anchors who not only read but ask questions too. They could set a new tone and and offer up new insight and robust news presentation. They have the people and work force. They have the acumen.

BUT they lack the WILL and action. Common sense too, that rerquires LEADERSHIP.

Paging Jim Rose and Josh Palefsky. The GM and ND are MIA.

*Seriously, Liz Cook, tone down your RIPPING ME in the KPIX newsroom. You have taken the cheap route, Lizzo.

I'm not your enemy, I'm your friend. Sure, I said years ago you were lousy and not that good, I said you weren't ready for prime time but I slowly warmed to you, Lizzo.

You have improved and are quite capable. Too bad PIX couldn't pair you with a decent co-anchor.

I'm NOT your problem, Countress Cook,

But get this, you need hope and inspiration Liz? I'm here, for you and your eyes only.


*ONCE AGAIN, Jon Miller dons a Giants cap.

Where's your professionalism, Miller? Or have you just quit pretending to be an honest purveyor and joined the booster club? For god'sake Jonno, be a decent man and do your job!


  1. Liz Cook is smoking hot

    1. OMG yes! Knew her in college (I think, for a couple of minutes anyway)

    2. She's like fine wine - better with age.

    3. Attractive - yes, but Liz is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
      On Monday's noon news, she went to break telling viewers to
      stay tuned for a tribute to VEEDA Blue. Idiot.....

  2. If KGO was more balanced, it may have worked with the ratings. All the talk show hosts leaned one way only, there was no balance. The news people like Brett co-hosting were just as bad. Sorry but please, just read the news and give me traffic updates. Your opinions on politics are the same as a celebrity or an athlete telling me how to think.
    Armstrong & Getty - agree or disagree was the balance. Unfortunately, Nikki Medoro was considered a better host or was it because she worked cheap. Gone are the days when people like the late Pete Wilson, knew how to balance between a newsman and a talk show host.
    Who even listens to 810 anymore.

    1. Brett isn't a liberal.In any event, he never infuses his reporting with his personal political views, ever. When KGO was great, it had all sorts of voices from many perspectives. Pete Wilson tried to do commentary and journalism in the same day. You can do both, but not simultaneously. His points of view were always constipated by his fear of tainting the illusion of objectivity he groomed on televisioin.

    2. I turn on 810 every once in awhile when KNBR has a Giants game on and The Game is boring.

      Nikki was must turn off radio. Her and Chimp did alot of damage to that station.

    3. Talk radio has been imbalanced for decades. Fat cats and the corporations they hide behind bought up station after station following the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 under their 'saint' Ronald Reagan.(barf) That action has slowly helped corrupt this nation with blowhards like Rush Limbaugh (rest in p*ss), Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro and others who spread their bile across the heartland on station after station in order to further divide America.

      In their world...Immigrants are the problem...Minorities are the problem...Gay folks are the problem...Women are the problem...Everyone is the problem except for the real problem which is staring them right back at in the mirror. Feckless greed mongers who think the almighty dollar makes them king and who don't want to cede anything to anyone they consider less than them. The art of projection is real. So miss me with that 'balance' crap.

      KGO was a refreshing alternative to all that KSFO type b.s. which has had a deleterious effect in dividing this country in ways never seen before (Jan. 6). Right up there with FOX News. And created a lot of non-critical thinking idiots who parrot their talking points like minor birds in the process.

      There is no balance between those fighting for a better life for all Americans vs. would be authoritarian fascists who want to manipulate minds and control everything and everyone. And in that sense I miss KGO talk radio. One lone station speaking out amidst a room full of blowhard elephants on the other dials.

    4. I don't see how KGO beong more balanced would have made a difference. Yes it was liberal, even more so after Ronn and Gene Burns were no longer on. However, KGO were the only liberal voice in a liberal area. There are plenty of conservative and extreme right wing options in this area and. Sacramento as well. KSFO, 860 and 650 and 1530 in Sacramento.

    5. "Air America" was a totally liberal talk radio network...
      It died for lack of listeners.

      Did you forget that?

    6. Oh look, an indoctrinated Berkeley grad (2:25).

    7. @2:25 sad existence. I would argue pound for pound your sainted late nigh hosts (Stewart, Colbert, Letterman to a degree near the end), Kimmel and Seth have done far more damage to this country than any of the crap you just typed in that paragraph. You want divisiveness? You want us vs them? You want unbelievable amounts of snark that rile people up to the point that they do illegal acts? Turn on your sainted heroes.

    8. @4:04 HA! More projection. You prove my point. They want divisiveness. They want us vs. them...And all the rest. Divide and conquer. Tale as old as time.

      Meanwhile some of us want to live in a world that is inclusive of everybody. Where the scales aren't tipped in the favor of the wealthy and well connected. Where women have authority over their own bodies. A country without fake drummed up issues that revolve around banning books, drag queens and CRT. Meantime the number one killer of kids in America today: GUNS!! (Crickets...or useless 'thoughts & prayers'.)

      Assault weapons on our streets. A mass shooting every other day! Feeling unsafe everywhere! These are the issues these people on the right (with a platform that pays them well) help foment through the modern airwaves of America. And then hide their hands in the aftermath when the repercussions of all that divisive talk hit home. And quite frankly, its beyond repulsive.

      So yes...I'll take Jon Stewart, Colbert, Letterman over the alternative on the right (Tucker, Rogan, etc.) any day. Some of whom have decided they no longer need the white sheet to spread their hatred and divisiveness. Changing demographics got 'em shaking in their cowardly boots. It's an unspeakable evil because they know exactly what they're getting paid handsomely to do. Foment division. I don't foresee it ending well. But that's what they want in the long run. Civil War 2.0. And that my friend is the real sad existence.

      "Someday...Someday when we are wiser
      When the world's older
      When we have learned
      I pray someday we may yet live to live and let live

      Someday life will be fairer
      Need will be rarer
      And greed will not pay
      God speed this bright millennium on its way
      And let it come someday..." - The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

    9. The above ^^ was written in the spirit of KGO's own inimitable Ray Taliaferro (RIP). lol I miss his late-night missives. He was bombastic at times but often on point.

    10. Air America were not entertaining. Tom Hartman, Bill Press do good liberal talk shows. Pat Thurston and John Rothmann had quite a few follower's. I'm talking about local hosts. Why is it so important for some conservatives to try to squash liberal talk radio, when there 24 hours conservative talk on several stations? Are you afraid of diversity of opinions.

  3. It be interesting to see how KRON TV handles their 7 days a week 8 and 9pm Nightly newscasts when eventually Nexstar awards KRON the CW affiliation in the fall unless Nexstar makes the decision (not KRON) to put the CW on late night tape delay which actually might be a good idea...

    1. Darya will have to update the resume (go to an even larger cup size).

    2. Jon is wearing a cap while the implants take root bro.

  4. With Angela's voice? I'll pass.

  5. All you ever, relentlessly say about Liz Cook is dissing her parentage, because her dad is a tv. exec.

  6. Uh….Miller IS the #1 guy. No longer network. He SHOULD wear a Giants cap

    1. Oh misinformed person: When Vin Scully stopped working for NBC, he didn't wear a Dodgers cap or a Dodgers polo or a Dodgers tie. He was class. But I guess these days, class and being proper has gone out the window. Let's root root root for the home team. Let's take poetic license and remove those anti-John Fisher signs in a highlight video.

    2. Even the great HOF Broadcaster BILL KING wore a Raiders shirt. Broadcasters are paid by the team, and no doubt do a lot of PR work for them. Miller is a Hall of Famer. Neither he nor Bill King have to prove their bona fides - they were anointed by their peers. Both Miller and King are/were bay area treasures.

  7. Sorry about the clinical depression. Half of the state suffers from it as well seeing what the party in charge has done over the last 25 years. RIP SF.

  8. "The Mercury News sues San Jose over Pink Poodle strip club scandal involving firefighters
    Lawsuit compels city to hand over investigatory records related to October incident at the Pink Poodle"

    Now imagine if the Chronicle actually took a little civic responsibility and sued the city of SF over *checks notes* everything going back to when Feinstein was Mayor. Imagine the corruption related to Feinstein-Pelosi-Kamala-Gav-Brown-Breed that *potentially* could be uncovered. That small Marin reporter that Rothmann has had on did a good job by herself uncovering all of the crap. Imagine what the Chronicle could do.

    1. Let’s not forget da Mayor Willie! SF has been going downhill for decades, but it is reaching new lows every day. The folks getting paid to do X are just mailing it in. When the lunatics get free reign(rein?) the mirage of a civil society evaporates. Maybe Sheriff Hongisto had it right by bustin’ a few heads and shaking things up. Too bad he could not handle the Free press, and their fantastic roast of him.
      We need to ship the kooks to Texas and Florida where they’ll fit right in.

    2. So true 2:33. Amen 3:15.

  9. So what do you think KRON-CW4 will look like?

  10. "With a friend like you..." —Liz Cook

  11. “ONCE AGAIN, Jon Miller dons a Giants cap.“

    For the earlier Laker games at Chase, KRON’s Sara Stinson did all her live hits outside of Thrive City in full Warriors attire…all the while saying ‘WE’ when referencing the team vs. ‘THEY.’

    1. There's something about Sara that I can get behind. YES

    2. Full Warrior attire...clearly embarrassing...but sadly it's the new reality of 'journalism'.

    3. @4:08pm He said "get behind". Huh huh! Huh huh! Yeah yeah!

  12. Rich, Liz is great, always has been. You want to critique someone awful at KPIX, take a look at this guy:

    Reminds me of the sort of reporting you'd see at Public Access Channel 99.

    1. KPIX hired 3 field reporters recently. Lauren Toms (June of last year) and as of 2023, Kelsi Thorud & Jose Martinez.

      Lauren Toms is great, very personable and has a great delivery of the news. She should anchor one time; we’ve also seen her in studio.

      Kelsi Thorud is almost like the female version of Paul Heggen, while she seems nice, she lacks the energy compared to most anchors on set. I’ve seen her in the studio both anchoring and talking with anchors primetime and she is boring. Jose Martinez isn’t too bad but I guess it’s the energy and personality he lacks.

      Liz is great, enough said. She is beautiful but at least she dresses nicely.

  13. Rich, what exactly do you not like about Liz? I always thought she was one of the best Bay Area anchors. She speaks clearly, has proper amount of empathy, works well with anyone she's paired with, and she's beautiful. If I was to nitpick, I'd say her laugh is a bit jarring, but I could live with it. IMO, she deserves a prime time anchor spot.

  14. Angela Alioto is not a talk show host, and Gene Burns & Owens were aging. Dr. Bill could have tried 5-nights-a-week. I stopped listening to Rothman when he went too far Progressive. I was never sold on Shawn Nix, and Christine Craft waa too wacky liberal. Interestingly, when he was reigned in, I liked Karel.

    Owens could have broadcast from LA obe week a quarter, and Rothman could have gone to DC at times. Oh well. Another era.

  15. I’ve followed this blog for a long time, and Rich was critical of Liz Cook…when she first started!! However, in the last year or two, he’s praised her about how she’s grown and improved, and it seems he’s become a fan. Not sure what she’s mad about, but his opinion in regards to her has changed and it’s been positive!! Maybe she’s mad about his opinions of her co-workers or about KPIX, but the guy hasn’t said anything bad about her.

  16. Enough with the cap already! Miller is an employee of the Giants. He wears hats while working radio. So what? At least he isn't pretending to be something he's not expected to be on Giants broadcasts.

    1. Rich fails to call out the A's TV broadcast -- now we have two dudes wearing caps on TV since Glen Kuiper got suspended.

      And I'd be remiss if I didn't point out the A's Cast video feed often shows Uncle Towny with a screen full of A's gear and occasionally wearing A's branded shirts.

      Where's the outrage, Rich? Or is it the A's are so bad, you're not watching?

  17. Jim Gabbert passing on purchasing KGO proves once again the sharpness of his business acumen. He knows terrestrial radio is dead...or dying at best. Why sink any money into it? I sure as hell wouldn't. The future lies in on-demand broadcasting now. I've watched my two kids grow up (they're now in their mid-20s)...and took note of their media habits. They (and their friends) never watched "TV shows"--it was then...and is even more now"...on demand...or online. Only old people (their words) watch TV. I'm an old guy--and I totally agree.

    1. 7:31 AM .. please clarify what you mean by "on demand" radio? Any current examples? It seems to me most of Bay Area audience would enjoy the option to turn on the radio on their kitchen countertop and listen to some interesting programming. Not any more? Or are you saying while that be true, there's not enough profit potential from that sort of programming?

    2. On demand broadcasting is called podcasts.

  18. Liz Cook is an airhead.

  19. Rich, how come Fresno can support a locally hosted news-talk Radio station (kmj am 580), but San Francisco can’t?

  20. Can't really blame James Gabbert for KGO's demise. He knew that to make a small fortune in broadcasting, start with a large one.
    Pastrami with mayo? That's so wrong it ain't kosher!

  21. Jim Gabbert knew that KGO was about to become a worthless asset. Automakers are about to drop the AM band off the radios in their vehicles because it doesn't work in EV's anyway. As sad as it makes me as truly old broadcater who cut his teeth on the band, AM is dead.

  22. You'd best back off of Liz, that girl is a Goddess. Smart, funny, and smoking hot, her husband is a lucky guy.

  23. The criticism of Jon Miller wearing a Giants baseball hat while broadcasting Giants games continues to be petty and ridiculous. So what if he wears a hat? Does it also matter what kind of watch he wears or what color his socks are?
