Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Veteran KCBS Reporter Mike Colgan in Bad Shape after Serious Fall

Mike Colgan, a longtime Bay Area veteran reporter--he had a long run at KCBS before retirement--is in bad shape following a serious fall in early March.

Colgan is paralyzed and facing a tough battle and mounting medical costs.

There's a goFundme link to help out Mr. Colgan.

Before his long tenure at KCBS, I remember Mike as one of the first news people at the old KFRC, where he worked with the likes of Vicki Liviakis and Ken Bastida.

I wish him well and a speedy recovery.

*photo: KPIX


  1. Just go to and search for Rally for Mike Colgan.. If you are now, or have ever been a real reporter like Mike, you'll feel good about helping this veteran recover. He is feeling some return of sensation in one arm, a good sign. He broke his neck by tripping forward on a walk when his hands were in his pockets, so that he could not brace his fall. This could happen to any of us. Colleagues will feel better after donating.

  2. Wish him the best. So sorry that he is having a tough time...

  3. Thanks for letting us know about Mike. I'd like to contribute to his speedy recovery. Please post the link?

  4. Joe Rogan had a podcast about aging with David Sinclair in which he talked about developing stronger muscles so as we age we are not susceptible to falls. I thought it was a great pointer. Here’s hoping Colganncan recover. It must’ve been a horrific fall for him to be paralyzed.

    1. Why would you listen to anything from that shithole Rogan?

    2. His guest David Sinclair is a highly respected Harvard researcher on aging. He had great information

  5. I also wish Mike Colgan a speedy recovery.

    Thank you Jennifer Hodges for organizing gofundme fundraiser.

  6. Use any means to contribute EXCEPT GO FUND ME !! GFM takes 8% off the top. Screw that. Get a real address and send him a check.
    Any company that makes money off others’ suffering should not be allowed to handle money.
    Best wishes to Mr Colgan! 🙏

    1. Medi-Cal covers all the medical expenses at his age...
      Any other expenses should be covered by his retirement and personal holdings. So what is the fundraiser for again?

    2. huh? First of all, He doesn't live in California. You are clueless, 8:22 about the costs of recovering from breaking one's neck .

    3. You thought you were being helpful, 3:15?

    4. 8:22 - Hope you have a serious accident someday. You'll learn what a jackass you just were. Apparently you have little experience in the real world.

  7. Mr. Mike Colgan, you are a class act, last of the yesteryears great reporters and anchors; May you heal and God Bless

  8. Hello 8:22 Smug Dumbass. Yes, Medicare and insurance will cover Mr Colgan’s immediate expenses. However, being the idiot that you are, you’re obviously clueless regarding the expenses a patient like Mr Colgan would face. Do you really think his wife, who I’m guessing is also in her 70’s, Will be able to provide him with the ‘round the clock care he’ll need? The fact that you think ANYONE in radio could have saved enough money to pay for the out of pocket expenses that will be required reveals breathtaking ignorance…and cruelty. Have a nice day you POS.

  9. 8 22 Mike C retired to Arizona, as I recall. I don't know how forthcoming they are with care for the paralyzed compared to California.
