Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Radio Daze in Bay Area; Tom Tolbert Questionable "Joke" Falls Flat Post Giants Game on KNBR; KCBS's Eric Thomas Bizarre Giggled Interview with St. Louis Radio Reporter on Tornado Tragedy

Wednesday was not a very good day for terrestrial Bay Area radio.

The static was particularly egregious on KNBR --where a questionable joke in uber-bad taste occured on the "Tolbert/Copes" Show.

Earlier in the day, KCBS morning drive anchor, Eric Thomas, added to the list of radio turmoil with a personal case of dimbulb-itus.

First off, after the Giants game on KNBR (they lost to the Chicago White Sox), host Tom Tolbert, talking to co-host, Adam (Copes) Copeland, spoke about the Giants' propensity of striking out, (they have over sixty strikeouts in their first five games) --then Tolbert tried/reached for a joke:

"The Giants have more k's than a 'Ku Klux Klan rally." --Nervous laughter from Copeland, who is Black.

In addition to not being funny, Tolbert's line was way over the top and bound to rile the Giants' organoization and KNBR, (Cumulus alike)--We'll await the reacton as I'm guessing they'll be some pushback on this.

*On KCBS, another foopah --although this one was thoroughly bizarre and clueless--by Eric Thomas, who was anchoring solo.

After a few minutes in the 8 AM hour, Thomas was interviewing a news reporter from KMOX in St. Louis--the topic dealt with the tragic tornadoes in the suburbs that killed at least five people and devastated the area overnight.

After asking about the casualty list, Thomas inexplicably went giddy: "I'm from St. Louis --in fact, I used to work at KMOX," he chortled. The reporter from the St. Louis was equally giggly: "We know, Eric!"


Am I missing something here?


Thomas went further asking if "baseball weather" was due back in time for Wednesday's Cardinals game --to which the braindead KMOX reporter said, "well, it'll be chilly but they'll play."

Never mind the fact a serious tornado wreaked havoc on the area and Thomas is heard giggling and telling folks, with complicity from the KMOX reporter, when baseball weather would be coming back.


You can't make this up.


  1. I feel your pain, Rich; tolbert misses and needs the great late Ralph Barbieri, what are the chances that rotten joke gets him fired?

  2. I missed that golden moment, but hearing the handoff with FP's shift start with a story about sharting in the outfield made me turn it off.

    There is balance between bro-ing down and some form of higher thought and expression, and both shows struggle to find it.

  3. You heard it here first; midgets sucks! will go nowhere this season, Bruce Bochchy is baseball's Bill Walsh

    1. You must be a Dodgers fan.

    2. Duh, midgets are 0 fer 2 so far........I'ma A's fan....

  4. Just heard the interview by Eric Thomas with KMOX reporter from St. Louis. I thought it was a warm, friendly conversation. Eric handled it professionally as usual. I knew Eric. He lived and worked in St. Louis for many years and says his wife was in the area when the tornado hit small town nearby. The KMOX reporter and Eric seem to reflect on how life is trying to get back to normal with better weather and baseball game. There was no giggling, no jokes. Eric was very cordial. He is one of the best.

  5. In the words of Willard and Dibs, Tom Tolbert, "what are you doing"?

    I'm sure Tolbert will have some sort of apology for this, but not sure if that statement will put his KNBR and Warriors gig in jeopardy.

  6. Well, there actually are such rallies unfortunately still these days and he is certainly not condoning them. Hope they don’t fire Tolbert under the incorrect notion he is racist. He just went off the cuff with a not thought out joke that he probably did not realize at that moment gave notoriety to this group he actually detests. He is better at and careful with his usual overly thought out sports’ ramblings given his career in basketball. Not to mention the over or under to take on whoever/whatever or his favorite IPAs. Everyone who knows him will back him up on his character I am sure including Copes. Tolbert certainly does not need the job I realize. Surprised he did not apologize yet (is that the case?) though. There may have been such racists where I believe Tolbert grew up in Lakewood near Compton but he definitely is not one of them.

  7. Tom Tolbert acts like a frat boy and cranky old fart at the same time.

  8. When I RARELY listen to local AM radio I have no problem with Eric Thomas. Don't get the constant rag.

  9. New kid on the block for Eric Thomas this morning.

  10. Wait so making fun of the KKK is racist? Sure bro

    1. Not making fun of them. Pointing out their prevalence.

  11. Tolbert is sophomoric every day. This guy is 50+ yet acts like a 12-year-old. So dumb.

    1. Tolbert is unlistenable as well as Copeland, Papa, Lund, Smurph and Smack.

  12. I'm not sure what is up with Pat Thurston but she has a heck of a time reading the news. Maybe she is just tired from all the different hours she does.

  13. I keep praying to the Radio Gods that KNBR blow up the ship and hire some talented radio folk. My prayers have gone unanswered for so long that I did what any functioning adult would do - I eliminated KNBR from my presets. Yeah I miss some Giants games by doing so, but I believe the Giants should have leaned on KNBR to step up their game long ago. Ditto the Niners. I’ve had Parrots who were smarter than Murph n Mac.
