Thursday, April 6, 2023

KGO-TV Bye-Bye For Senior Exec, Randall Yip, Courtesy Disney Buyout Offer; Dion Lim Deal from ABC Still on Table; Little Info on Tech Exec Status Night of Murder; Where's SF Media?; Except Matier; Somerville/KRON Doesn't Get Huge Ratings; KTVU Prevails; Thursday Coffee


A senior KGO EP took a buyout option that ABC/Disney offered--it's a good thing too because had Randall Yip declined, he'd have been Circle7's first, major layoff victim of the Disney purge.

They held a goodbye party for YIP last week inside 900 Front.

Disney is going all-out streaming and is in the midst of cutting 7000 jobs across its vast network of TV stations and its O and O's including KGO-TV.

Oh, and ESPN too.

*In their massive attempt to get out word about the obvious murder of that high-tech exec, (which they did) the Bay Area media failed to have asked what was he doing out at 2: 30 in the morning in an area that doesn't have many clubs in its vicinity.

Only Phil Matier on his KCBS report asked the question.

*If Dion Lim wants to go to NY --maybe LA--and become an ABC News "Now" anchor, she has an offer on the table. The cuts apparently don't apply to her.

*Mike Colgan was part of the KCBS golden era when people like Bob Melrose, Barbara Taylor, Al Hart, and Stan Bunger ruled the day.

Melrose would sniff out stories en fuego, including incidents on the Bay Bridge. He didn't need to hear there was "police activity." Ditto Colgan in the Southbay.

*Update on Frank Somerville: dead air.

*KRON placed a premium ad special to commercial buyers for its interview with Frank and had disappointing results. While they had good numbers for the Tuesday (last week) night query, the overall numbers were not so good and KTVU won the night.

*Matt Bigler was a welcome JOLT of energy todau, this morn, on KCBS as he substituted for Eric Thomas. If you have mild brain activity you would have discovered that immediately.

*Waste of Time personified: Adam Copeland on KNBR, giggle, giggle.


  1. Is the local media doing much investigating on how the tech guy’s murder happened? Have they asked local folks who have security cameras? I haven’t seen any shoe-leather reporting.

    1. Probably too early. The police may know more than they're telling. They often do it that way.

      As for Matier raising the question why was the guy out at 2 in the morning in the first place, while that *is* odd, it's perfectly within one's right to be out at that hour. To automatically question it implies illegal behavior afoot (ie, drugs), which is something like questioning why a rape victim was wearing a short skirt if she didn't want to get raped.

    2. It is a fair question to ask, but as an exec at a startup trying to ship something he easily could have been working late into the night and leaving the office at 2:30 in the morning. Probably was for the past week too, for all we know. And one night, someone mugged him and killed him.

  2. Nothing good ever happens after midnight. Too bad.

  3. Yes! Matt Bigler is a PERFECT early-morning anchor....pleasant voice, appropriate segs....just very "present" and listenable....which of course means he won't likely be on at that time again! LOL....

  4. It's nice to see SF get its due in the national media and on social media the past few days. Shithole cesspool. Many are not waking up to it and seeing what decades of a certain kind of leadership have done to that once great city.

    1. Wait..... I thought everyone in SF was "awoke"? Or "waked-up" or..... I can't keep up.

    2. This, unfortunately is what it takes for the word to get out to the tourists. Only when the dollars dry up will anything serious get done

    3. 1:12 More like asleep at the wheel if not asleep due to drugs.

    4. I used to be "woke"...
      But then I woke-up!

    5. Homicide Rate Comparison:
      St. Louis 66.5
      Detroit 47.9
      Philadelphia 34.8
      Milwaukee 33.9
      Atlanta 32.0
      Chicago 29.8
      Oakland 28.4
      Minneapolis 21.6
      Houston 21.0
      Washington D.C. 16.3
      Miami 10.7
      Los Angeles 10.3
      Austin 8.2
      San Francisco 6.9

      Thanks to ABC 7 and LeAnn Melendez for reporting the actual FACTS regarding homicide statistics in major metropolitan cities. Good and fair analysis last night. Oh, and look who's at the bottom of that pile. Good old 'libtard' laden San Francisco. Go figure But don't let facts get in the way of your finger pointing and scapegoating.

      While robberies, car break-ins and theft and open air-drug usage are indeed major issues SF...That can also be extrapolated out these issues being on the rise across the board as well. And the pandemic wasn't helpful in regards to ANY OF THIS.

      People always want to paint the liberal cities as evil and lawless while failing to look in their own backyard and recognizing this is a a reflection of the current state of the human condition. A lot of desperation and sad situations that have built up for decades.

      Look, what happened to Bob Lee was awful. And I hope whoever did this is caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Meantime, there is also no harm in asking the question why someone was out alone at 2:30 am on a Tuesday. He would seem like a prime candidate for all these self-driving cars that have taken over the city after midnight to take him directly to his doorstep. (Though I won't be getting into one anytime soon.) Also rumors of this possibly being a targeted incident. We just don't know. But fair questions, nonetheless.

      These are troubled times. A lot of questions need to be asked. Journalists used to be able to do that. Some still do (Phil Matier). Sadly, we probably won't know the answers in this case for awhile. But having a fair and rational discussion about crime and taking meaningful steps to mitigate and solve these issues seems much more rational than continually playing the blame game while building yet more prisons and locking everybody up. Look where that has gotten us.

      Been woke since 1973. Long before the term was coopted by the right recently for political purposes. You have to be woke just to navigate life in a country built on lies, deception, corruption and greed. Issues which are currently coming back to bite America right in its keester.

    6. 4:45 - You don't even indicate what those numbers *mean.* How are we supposed to conclude anything from them? Or does just throwing around statistics you don't understand or know how were compiled make you feel so gooood?

      "Been woke since 1973. Long before the term was coopted by the right recently for political purposes."

      Um, here's some facts (sorry!):

      From Wikipedia: "The term emerged in the 2010s and, increasingly, it also meant not only racial consciousness but also that of gender as well as other discriminated identities, originally in the American context. During the 2014 Ferguson protests, the phrase was popularized by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists seeking to raise awareness about police shootings of African Americans. After seeing use on Black Twitter, the term woke was increasingly used by white people, often to signal their support for BLM."

      There are plenty of other links that explain how woke was NOT "coopted by the right." Try this thing called Google.

    7. The right have taken the term 'woke' and turned it on its head. I understand full well how Google works. I suggest you start by looking up Christopher Rufo. And if you actually READ the articles you'll understand exactly what's going on and what is at the crux of all this madness going on in the good old United States Of Ameri___a.

      Let the sideshow begin. Distract, Deceive. Divide. Changing demographics got some of y'all in your predictable feelings. I'll continue to stay woke. Because we see you. Oh, and if you wanna know what the crime stats mean, Google ABC 7 (it's free) and look up LeAnn Melendez' story on it. Good reporter willing to look past the hysteria and present the FACTS.

      Peace out.

    8. @5:41 'The earliest known examples of 'wokeness' as a concept dates back to the early 20th century. In 1923, a collection of aphorisms and ideas by the Jamaican philosopher and social activist Marcus Garvey included the term as a call to global black citizens to become more socially and politically conscious.

      A few years later, the phrase “stay woke” turned up as part of a spoken afterword in the 1938 song 'Scottsboro Boys', a protest song by blues musician Lead Belly. The song describes the 1931 saga of a group of nine black teenagers in Scottsboro, Arkansas, who were accused of raping two white women.

      Lead Belly says at the end of the recording of the song he’d met with the Scottsboro defendants’ lawyer, who introduced him to the men themselves. “I made this little song about down there,” Lead Belly says. “So I advise everybody, be a little careful when they go along through there - Best stay woke, keep their eyes open.

      Lead Belly uses “stay woke” in explicit association with Black Americans’ need to be aware of racially motivated threats and the potential dangers of white America. Lead Belly’s usage has largely stayed the common, consistent one ever since.' - (courtesy GOOGLE).

      Goes back a little bit further than 2010 my friend. This is the history Ron Desantis and others don't want children to learn about. In fact his term is 'Florida is where woke goes to die'. Couldn't sum up the consciousness of a certain segment of America any clearer. And if that doesn't spell it out just look at what took place with the two state representatives in Nashville, TN today. Despicable.

      America you are sick. And only by fully coming to grips with your true history and having a desire to change will you ever be healed. The kids who are protesting these days are crying out because they know on many levels this generation has failed them. And now the mess is left for them to clean up. Let us all check the Doomsday Clock. Hopefully it's not too late.

    9. Doesn’t matter the mumbo jumbo stats thrown up. SF is a cesspool of lawlessness and more wokeness will completely destroy it. #Truth

    10. 10:00 I am "Woke"...and liberal...effing PROUD of it.
      I'd rather be Woke/liberal...than "asleep"...and racist.

    11. Try to stop somebody who’s smashing in your car window in SF and you might end up another kind of crime statistic.

    12. > Thanks to ABC 7 and LeAnn Melendez for
      > reporting the actual FACTS regarding
      > homicide statistics in major metropolitan
      > cities. Good and fair analysis last night.

      It is, if you want stats for 2019, which is the year those numbers were for. Everyone knows SF and Oakland numbers are through the roof since then. Everyone except you.

  5. coldhandswarmheartApril 6, 2023 at 10:02 AM

    Chag kasher v'semeach Rich!

  6. KCBS Matt Bigler morning was awesome. I'd hire him for the AM! Now just find him a sidekick and we'll be all set.

  7. I’ve long believed that Matt Bigler is the perfect choice for morning drive. Pairing him with Holly Quan would join the two anchors that are most familiar with what it takes to run the morning newscast, since both were frequent fill-ins when Stan and Susan were still around.

  8. Just the typical goings-on in the disgusting cesspool that is San Francisco. It'll be no surprise when it turns out to be some scumbag who's been arrested a dozen plus times and punished for none of them. Bonus Bay Area points if it's an illegal who's been deported multiple times.

  9. Plus, when you add in the fact that he supposedly said how SF was deteriorating .... something's definitely not adding up. And why was the Camry's lights flashing if they weren't going to help?

    1. Oh, wow, Sherlock, yes, something doesn't add up. And there was a gunman on the grassy knoll, too.

  10. And at the end of the party at KGO...
    They all yelled...
    Yip,Yip , Hooray!

  11. Matt Bigler anchored from 5-5:30am with Susan Leigh Taylor for as long as I can remember, so he's more than qualified to handle it himself. I wonder if he's happier being a field reporter, though.

  12. If Dion Lim goes anywhere it will be back East. Her parents are in CT and she’ll need them to help out after she has the baby.

    Not prime time anchor material in my opinion but she can do some gingerbread field reporting.

    1. "Her parents are in CT and she’ll need them to help out after she has the baby."

      You know this how?

  13. Rich, you are right about “Copes”, the master of inane banter. I nicknamed him “Chatty Kathy”, the mindless doll that blabs ad nauseum.
    Between him and Tolbert, “nothing to listen to hear folks, move along to another station!”

  14. @5:37 Something called Instagram.

  15. How is traffic person on kcbc between 4-6pm not know where accidents are? It was embarassing to listen to hear her correct herself when she made repeated mistakes. Guess no access to CHP map for them?

  16. Looks like you nailed it, Rich. KTVU now has the news anchors doing sports. Have they let the whole sports department go?

  17. Once again, there are 223,000 employees of Disney Worldwide. That includes parks. It's not just the broadcast divisions that will be affected. Do a bit of research.Or start a panic, because, yes, we all need THAT. Did you mention that the person in your will be starting another job elsewhere? Nope. Your "source" must be slipping. Happy Paasover.

  18. Day two of Matt Bigler on KCBS AM. We are on a roll.

  19. A quick look at the State of California's list of companies that have filed layoff notices DOESN'T SHOW DISNEY. Companies have to give 60 days notice, it's the law. Why do think all these people shit canned by Musk when the took over at Twitter are suing? This list is easily accessible to anyone. But hey, let's create a panic instead of relying on the facts.

    You need to get a better source.

  20. Senior EXEC!?!?!! You know nothing, hahahaha
